Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Field tests were carried out at four locations of various geological settings to enhance the heat exchange rate at ground heat exchangers in ground source heat pump systems by generating artificial groundwater flow, i.e., cross flow or water injection. The field tests showed that the cross flow and the water injection of approximately 5 L/min remarkably enhance the heat exchange rates. A sensitivity study using a groundwater simulator showed that the excessive water injection rate wastes water resources and the injection rate of 1-5 L/min is ,ost cost-effective. The study also showed that the temperature of the injected water should be close to the ground temperature to improve the energy efficiency.
All 2014 2013 2012 2011
All Journal Article (37 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 26 results) Presentation (35 results) Book (2 results)
Proc. Stanford Geothermal Workshop 2014
Volume: (paper No. SGP-TR-202)
Proc. 15th International Heat Transfer Conference
Volume: なし
Proc. Stanford GeothermalWorkshop 2013
Pages: 1378-1383
Proc. Stanford Geothermal Workshop 2013
Pages: 1403-1407
Volume: Vol.47 Pages: 61-68
Volume: Vol.35 Pages: 105-110
Volume: Vol.35 Pages: 137-148
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions
Volume: Vol.37 Pages: 589-594
Volume: Vol.63 Pages: 387-399
Proc. Int. Symposium on Earth Science & Technology 2013
Pages: 262-267
Pages: 366-374
Volume: 35 Pages: 105-110
Volume: 35 Pages: 137-148
Volume: 48 Pages: 61-68
Volume: なし Pages: 1378-1383
Proc. Int. Symposium on Earth Science & Technology 2012
Volume: なし Pages: 221-225
Volume: Vol.41, No.1 Pages: 55-62
Volume: Vol.34 Pages: 37-46
Proc. InnoStock 2012
Volume: (Paper No.INNO-U-05)
Volume: (Paper No. INNO-U-63)
Proc. FEFLOW User Conference
Pages: 221-225
Pages: 273-277
Volume: Vol.34 Pages: 175-183
Volume: Vol.34 Pages: 185-197
Volume: 34 Pages: 37-46
Volume: Vol.33, No.2 Pages: 67-76
Geothermal Resources CouncilTransactions
Volume: Vol.35 Pages: 1095-1100
Volume: Vol.35 Pages: 1101-1105
Volume: Vol.33 Pages: 169-178
Proc. Int. Symposium on Earth Science & Technology 2011
Pages: 237-242
Pages: 243-246
Pages: 529-532
Volume: 33 Pages: 67-76
Volume: 35 Pages: 1095-1100
Volume: 33 Pages: 169-178