Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Leguminous plants fix atmospheric nitrogen gas in symbiotic association with rhizobia. In order to establish a molecular basis for legume and rhizobial symbiotic nitrogen fixation, we studied Fix- mutants of the model legume, Lotus japonicus, and tried to identify the responsible genes and reveal the function of those genes. One of Fix- mutants was shown to be defective in a member of Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor Attachment Protein Receptor (SNARE) proteins involved in vesicle trafficking, which is expressed ubiquitously in shoot, roots, and nodules and the transcripts are detected in the vascular tissues.
All 2013 2012 2011 Other
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results) Presentation (11 results)
Volume: 67 Pages: 441-446
生物の科学 遺伝
Plant Physiol.
Volume: 160 Issue: 2 Pages: 897-905
Plant and Cell Physiology
Volume: VOL.53 Issue: 1 Pages: 225-236
Volume: 46 Pages: 103-111