Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
To develop a novel disease severity marker for Crohn's disease and ulceritive colitis, we invesitgated the concentration of IgG type and IgM type GM-CSF autoantibody concentrations in the sera from patients with Crohn's disease(n=44), ulcerative colitis(n=45), and normal subjects(n=43). The concentration of IgG antibody was under the detection limit in most subjects, but the concentration of IgM antibody was significantly higher in Crohn's disease than those in ulcerative disease and normal subjects. No significant correlation was found between the concentration and the disease severity.
All 2012 2011
All Journal Article (17 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 17 results) Presentation (10 results) Book (6 results)
Intern Med.
Volume: 51(13) Pages: 1737-42
Volume: 188(11) Pages: 5408-5420
Am. J. Physiol.
Volume: 302(9)
Eur. Respir.J.
Volume: 39(3) Pages: 777-780
Respir Med.
Volume: 106(2) Pages: 284-293
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol.
Volume: 302(9) Issue: 9 Pages: 1959-64
J Immunol.
Volume: 188(11) Issue: 11 Pages: 5408-5420
Internal Medicine
Volume: 51 Issue: 13 Pages: 1737-1742
Results in Immunology.
Volume: 1(1) Pages: 76-87
Cancer Immunol Immunother.
Volume: 60(11) Pages: 1597-1608
Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
Volume: 184 Pages: 741-741
European Respir. J.
Volume: 37(2) Pages: 465-468
Volume: 1 Pages: 76-87
N Engl J Med.
Volume: 364 Pages: 1596-1606
Volume: 60(12) Pages: 2494-2499