Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Epidermal barrier is crucial for survival of organisms. Homozygous gene disruption of a lipase-like protein LOG1 in mouse is associated with an abnormal water loss from skin and results in lethality at one day post-partum although the detailed mechanism is unknown. This study revealed an augmentation in water permeability and an abnormal lipid composition of stratum corneum in gene knockout mice. It was suggested that LOG1 is a novel transmembrane-type lipase which is involved in the metabolism of intercellular lipids of stratum corneum and is fundamentally important for epidermal barrier.
All 2012 2011 Other
All Journal Article (12 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 6 results) Presentation (14 results)
PLoS One
Volume: 7
J Pharmacol Sci
Volume: 119 Pages: 368-380
J Nucl Med
Volume: 53 Pages: 1253-1261
Neurochem Int
Volume: 61 Pages: 240-250
Plos one
Volume: 7(8) Issue: 8 Pages: e43050-e43050
Journal of Pharmacological Science
J Nucl Med.
Volume: 53 Issue: 8 Pages: 1253-1261
Neurochem Int.
Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 240-250
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Volume: in press
Volume: 6
Volume: 50 Pages: 443-450
Volume: 6 Issue: 8 Pages: e22967-e22967