Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
In order to realize diffraction-limited focusing of hard X-rays with a size less than several hundreds of nanometers, a deformable mirror which can be bent into an aspherical shape with a depth of several micrometers and an accuracy better than a few nanometers was developed. The accuracy of the mirror surface shape was guaranteed and maintained by a feedback system with a Fizeau interferometer. Hard X-ray focusing performance of the mirror was tested at the BL29XUL of SPring-8. We confirmed that beam size was controllable in a range from micrometer to nanometer scale under diffraction-limited focusing condition.
All 2013 2012 2011
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 5 results, Open Access: 1 results) Presentation (22 results)
Optics Express
Volume: 21巻 Issue: 8 Pages: 9267-9267
Review of Scientific Instruments
Volume: 83 Issue: 5
Key Engineering Materials
Volume: 523-524 Pages: 50-53
J.Phys. : Condens.Matter
Volume: 23 Issue: 39 Pages: 394206-394206
Volume: 635 Issue: 1 Pages: S16-S18