Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
Memory T helper (Th) lymphocytes play an essential role in immunologicalmemory. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of the generation and maintenanceof memory Th cells. We focused on CD69 and examined to clarify the role of CD69 in memory Th cells.Although CD69 does not appear to be required for the development of effector Th cells, the number ofantigen-specific memory Th cells in CD69-deficient mice dramatically decreased compared to wild-typemice. CD69 plays a crucial role in the generation of memory Th cells and that the relocation of effectorTh cells to the BM is essential for generation of memory Th cells .
All 2013 2012 2011
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 5 results) Presentation (21 results) (of which Invited: 1 results) Book (1 results)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
Volume: 109 Issue: 42 Pages: 16992-16997
Nat. Immunol
Volume: 13(8) Issue: 8 Pages: 778-786
Volume: (in press) Issue: 19 Pages: 7409-7414
Volume: 53 Issue: 3 Pages: 479-486
Clin. Immunol
Volume: 139 Issue: 1 Pages: 65-74