Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Upon immunization, B cells proliferate to form germinal centers (GC) in the lymphoid organs and differentiate into either long-lived plasma (LP) or memory B (Bmem) cells. Mechanisms for Bmem cell development remain poorly understood, partly due to the lack of an in vitro model system. Recently, we have established a culture system in which naïve B cells undergo massive expansion and isotype switching, and generate GC-like B cells termed iGB cells. The iGB cells after primary IL-4 culture differentiate into functional Bmem-like (iMB) cells in mice, whereas those after the secondary IL-21 culture differentiate into LP but not iMB cells. Thus, this system will facilitate dissection of GC-B cell differentiation programs. In conjunction with knock-out mice, we demonstrated that transcription factor Bach2 and others are required not only for Bmem development. Systematic reconstitution of these factors in iGB cells will allow us to understand the mechanism for Bmem development.
All 2014 2013 2012 Other
All Journal Article (7 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 7 results) Presentation (10 results) (of which Invited: 1 results) Book (3 results)
Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 92732-92732
PLoS One
Volume: 8(12) Issue: 12 Pages: 1-8
J Clin Invest
Volume: 123 Issue: 12 Pages: 5009-5022
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Volume: 32 Issue: 21 Pages: 4462-4471
International Immunology
Volume: 24 Issue: 11 Pages: 719-727
Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Pages: 539-550
J. Immunol
Volume: 188 Issue: 11 Pages: 5547-5560