Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
Brain mechanisms for the water-/salt- appetite have not been fully elucidated. We have previously reported that Nax channel expressed in glial cells in the subfornical orngans is the Na+-level sensor to control the salt intake. In this study, we found that the sensitivity of Nax channels to [Na+]o is enhanced by endothelin signaling. This mechanism underlies not only the salt appetite but also peripheral nerve regeneration. We also verified the expression of Nax in some neurons in the amygdala and cortex. The sensitivity of Nax in neuronal cells was similar to that expressed in glial cells.
All 2015 2014 2013 2012 Other
All Journal Article (4 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 4 results, Open Access: 2 results, Acknowledgement Compliant: 1 results) Presentation (7 results) (of which Invited: 4 results) Remarks (1 results)
Pflugers Arch.
Volume: 467 Issue: 3 Pages: 465-474
European Journal of Neuroscience
Volume: 39 Issue: 5 Pages: 720-729
Cell Metab
Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Pages: 507-519
Volume: 586 Issue: 21 Pages: 3805-3812