Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Pennsylvania 15 communities in U.S. have experience with split-rate property taxation (SRT), which is taxed land at a higher rate than structures. It is expected that the tax would penalize land speculation and encourage urban development. However, on the other hands, it could create an incentive to build on farmlands and open spaces. How are such areas protected in Pennsylvania communities? This study conducts a field survey, e.g. in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg etc., and shows they would be protected by zoning or the strict regulation through land use planning. However, in Japan, it is well known that the private ownership have is very strong. Therefore, when SRT is introduced in Japan, it will be required to make the land use plans which make it possible to regulate socially and to conserve the ecologically sensitive areas.
All 2014 2013 2012 Other
All Journal Article (8 results) Presentation (11 results) (of which Invited: 6 results) Book (8 results)
Volume: 45(8) Pages: 36-60
MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics(Kassel University)
Volume: 45 Pages: 1-25
Volume: 44(11) Pages: 34-62
Volume: 第4号 Pages: 21-41
Volume: 72巻第5号 Pages: 73-84
京都府立大学学術報告 公共政策
Volume: 4 Pages: 21-41
Volume: 72(5) Pages: 73-84
MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics
Volume: 25 Pages: 1-26