Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
The mean percentage of FG-labeled P2X3R-positive neurons was significantly increased in TG following successive IL-1beta injections into the MM for 7 days. Successive administration of an IL-1beta receptor-antagonist into the MM attenuated the increase of P2X3-IR cells in the TG. ATP release from MM after 300-g pressure stimulation of MM was also significantly enhanced after CMM. Administration into MM of the selective P2X3,2/3 receptor antagonist A-317491 attenuated the decrement of HWT in CMM rats. A significant increase in HWT was also observed at 30 min after A-317491 (60 µg) injection in IL-1beta-injected rats. These findings suggest that P2X3R expression associated with enhanced IL-1beta expression and ATP release in MM has a possible important role in MM mechanical hyperalgesia after excessive muscular contraction.
All 2014 2013 2012 Other
All Journal Article (15 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 11 results) Presentation (7 results) Book (2 results)
Volume: 34巻2号 Pages: 233-241
J Dent Res
Volume: 92(5) Pages: 456-60
Pain Med
Volume: 14(3) Pages: 392-7
J Neurosci
Volume: 33 Issue: 18 Pages: 7667-80
Clin J Pain
Volume: 30(2) Pages: 168-73
Eur J Oral Sci
Volume: 121(2) Pages: 86-91
Cytokine. Jun
Volume: Cytokine. Jun Pages: 401-6
J Oral Sci
Volume: 55(1) Pages: 17-22
Clin Otolaryngol
Volume: 38(3) Pages: 231-6
The Quintessence
Volume: Vol.32.N0.8 Pages: 35-37
J Dent Res,
Volume: 92 Issue: 5 Pages: 456-460
Volume: 54(4) Pages: 321-7
Practice of Pain Management
Volume: 12月号Vol.3 No.4 Pages: 18-21
口腔領域からみた難治性顔面痛(解説/特集) : 神経内科
Volume: 77巻5号 Pages: 456-461
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
Volume: 114(4) Pages: 449-56