Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
1. We generated iPSCs from fibroblasts obtained immediately postmortem from centenarian donors who were extremely healthy until an advanced age. The series of iPSCs would be useful in neurodegeneration and longevity research and as valid super-controls for use in studies of various late-onset diseases.2. We generated transgenic mutant FUS mice under the control of thy-1 promoter who express mutant FUS protein ( C-terminal region deleted protein) particularly in the central nervous system. Motor phenotype evaluation showed no significant motor dysfunction through 50 weeks follow-up. Immunohistochemical study showed nuclear transport impairment, resulting in cytoplasmic accumulation of FUS protein. This finding is compatible with in vitro studies.
All 2014 2012
All Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results) Presentation (1 results)
Neurobiology Disease
Volume: 66 Pages: 83-91