Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
We tested the efficacy of factor VIII expression using AAV vectors to achieve gene therapy for hemophilia A. As the length of factor VIII gene exceeds the packaging capacity of AAV, we constructed vectors using essential parts of factor VIII gene, combined with short, liver-specific promoter. Expression of factor VIII were achieved both in vitro and in vivo (mouse) experiments. On the other hand, the efficiency of vector production was much lower than the regular sized vectors. Further investigation is required to optimize the vector structure, mainly testing shorter promoter elements to improve the vector production rate.
All 2015 2014 2013
All Journal Article (7 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 7 results, Open Access: 2 results) Presentation (8 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results, Invited: 1 results) Book (5 results)
Cell Reports
Volume: 13 Pages: 1989-99
Int J Oncol
Volume: 47 Pages: 2057-63
Gene Ther
Volume: 22 Pages: 209-15
Neurosci Res
Volume: 93 Pages: 144-57
J. Med. Virol.
Volume: 86 Issue: 11 Pages: 1990-1997
Hum. Gene Ther.
Volume: 25 Issue: 11 Pages: 977-987
Cancer Science
Volume: 105 Issue: 1 Pages: 72-80