Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)
We have developed stable lipid bilayer using droplet contact method. This method allows us to measure current signals of larger-sized nanopore proteins with the portable system. Using this system, we are able to measure a serine protease and a toxin protein with DNA aptamer using the large nanopore at the single molecule level.
All 2015 2014 2013
All Journal Article (3 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 3 results, Open Access: 1 results, Acknowledgement Compliant: 3 results) Presentation (5 results) (of which Invited: 1 results) Book (1 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (1 results)
Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: e102427-e102427
Proceedings of MicroTAS
Volume: 1 Pages: 2125-2127
Proceedings of Micro TAS 2013
Volume: 1 Pages: 1433-1435