Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
In this project, we examined the role of B cells in pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) using human AAA tissue culture and mouse model of AAA. We found that B cell-deficient mice (mu-MT) developed smaller AAA than wild type (WT) mice, which was associated with reduced activities of JNK and MMP-9. Administration of mouse immunoglobulins to mu-MT resulted in larger AAA with higher expression of MMP-9, indicating that the presence of immunoglobulins was required for the full formation of AAA. Furthermore, treatment of human AAA tissue in culture with human immunoglobulins significantly increased secretions of MMP-9 and IL-6, consistent with the findings in mouse AAA model. These findings indicate that B cells promote AAA through the proinflammatory effect of immunoglobulins. Elucidation of the role of B cells and immunoglobulins will provide a new insight into the AAA pathogenesis that is essential for the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
All 2014 2013
All Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results, Open Access: 1 results) Presentation (9 results)
Scientific Reports
Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 4051-4051