Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We explored aberrant DNA methylation of lung adenocarcinoma possible to be induced by smoking with surgical specimen. Comprehensive analysis of epigenome alternation showed TRIM58 gene was hypermethylation on promotor region in cancer tissue significantly. It is tendency that hypermethylation in smoker cohort compare to non-smoker cohort. Pyrosequencing showed similar result. Real time RT-PCR showed mRNA expression is lower in cancer tissue than in normal tissue significantly. Immunostaining showed protein expression level is lower in cancer tissue than in normal tissue. We transfected TRIM58 in A549 . Cell count and MTT assay showed cell growth inhabitation in A549 transfected TRIM58. We transplanted this A549 cell line to subcutaneous in SCID mice, The growth of A549 transfected TRIM58 was inhibited significantly. TRIM58 is thoughtto be tumor suppressor gene and inactivated by DNA methylation.
All 2013
All Presentation (1 results)