Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
The researchers envisioned a system that would objectively register and quantify the coil insertion force in endovascular embolization for an intracranial aneurysm. Coil insertion force was measured in the clinical cases of 10 unruptured intracranial aneurysms using this sensor, and actual clinical application was investigated. The sensor consists of a hemostatic valve connected to the proximal end of a microcatheter. The sensor principle is based on an optical system. Using this, aneurysm embolizations were performed.The sensor continuously monitored the mechanical force during the coil insertions. The sensor adequately recorded the coil insertion force during the actual clinical aneurysm embolizations and that reflected the usual clinical experience.The force sensor system adequately measured coil insertion force in actual unruptured aneurysm embolization, and usefulness of clinical application of this sensor was confirmed.
All 2016 2015 2014 2013
All Journal Article (8 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 7 results, Open Access: 2 results) Presentation (11 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results) Book (2 results)
J Neurointerv Surg
Volume: 印刷中 Issue: 7 Pages: 752-755
Neurologia medico-chirurgica
Volume: 55 Issue: 2 Pages: 155-162
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis
Volume: 24 Issue: 5 Pages: 1013-1018
Interventional Neuroradiology
Volume: 19巻 Pages: 159-166
Acta neurochirurgica.
Volume: 155巻 Issue: 6 Pages: 1115-1123
Volume: 19巻 Pages: 500-505
Journal of neurointerventional surgery
Volume: May 30. Epub ahead of print
Volume: 19巻 Pages: 299-305