Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research (A)
Mechanism of fatigue of carbon-epoxy laminates was investigated. Tension-tension fatigue test on plain coupons of various laminates was conducted together with compressioncompression fatigue test. Both tests showed that the basic fatigue damage process is the growth of delamination initiated at the free edges of the specimens. The locations of delaminations predicted by the strain energy release rate at each interface of layers based on the finite element calculations were in good agreement with the experimental results. Thus the applicability of the fracture mechanics to the delamination of composites was verified.Tensile strength was tested on coupons at high temperature and high relative humidity. It was shown that the environmental effects of temperature and moisture play important role on the mechanical properties of carbon-epoxy composites.And square laminated panels were fatigue cycled under shear loading in post-buckling range. The fact that little reduction of strength due to fatigue was detected reveals the post-buckling repeated loading capacity of composite laminates.
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