Research Abstract |
1. Decay by the strong interaction : (1) Explanation of the reason why the widths of high-lying <LAMBDA> single-particle states are surprisingl narrow. (2) Analysis of the <^9Be> ( <K^-> , <phi^-> ) <^9_(LAMBDA)Be> reaction data by hypernuclear cluster model (3) Trial to apply the model to <SIGMA> hypernucleus 2. Decay by the electromagnetic interaction : (1) Establish the theoretical prediction of the "glue-like role" of <LAMBDA> particle in hypernuclei, which compress the system and should be most drastically observed in the E2 transition rates. 3. Decay by the weak interaction : (1) Study of the pi-mesonic decay which reflects sensitively nuclear (hypernuclear) structures; occupation probabilities of shells, short-range correlations, distortion and absorption of pion, ... (2) Study of the nonmesonic decay in very light hypernuclei by the and exchange model, which turns out to be unsuccessful. (3) Study and proposal of the production of polarized hypernucleus and the measurement of the angular correlation for the weak decay particles, which will greatly contribute to disclose the nonmesonic decay mechanism. 4. Summary of the fruits of this project is included in Prog. Theor. Phys. : Supplement No.81 and in the Proceedings of 1986 INS International Symposium on Hypernuclear Physics.