Research Abstract |
Rat C6 experimental glial tumor cells were cultured in 3 cm-diameter dishes( Lux ). Cell culture was performed in CO2 incubator under the condition of 3m゜C - 5 % CO2/95 % air using RPMI-1640 medium (GIBCO) supplemented with 20 % Fetal Calf Serum ( GIBCO ). He-Ne LASER beam, adjusted to TEMoo mode and converted to 10 um diameter by focus lens and millor, was irradiated pointing the monolayer surface of the cultured C6 cells (10, 30, and 60 minutes). Thus the cell traverse disturvance in each cell cycle phase, induced by He-Ne LASER irradiation was evaluated. Especially intranuclear DNA synthesis-disturvance was estimated, employing DNA specific dye ( propidium iodide ), using flow cytometer ( Cytofluorografiis, Ortho Diagnostic Co. J&J ). In the current method, He-Ne LASER irradiation was dispersed to almost 1.0 cm - diameter on the monolayer surface of the cultured cells, because of 'Railey-scattering'. Intranuclear relative DNA fluorescence was examined by flow cytometer, sampling C6
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cells experimented chronologically untill 72 hours. With the above cell kinetic methods, the ratio of cells in DNA synthetic phase ( S phase ) vs. total cells was calculated by computer(FACOM 230 38). The ratio of He-Ne LASER irradiated C6 group(He-Ne/30 min.)was:15, 17, and 20 per cent (each corresponding to 0, 24, and 48 hours). Furthermore the ratio of He-Ne irradiated C6 group(He-Ne/60 min.) was: 17, 10, and 6 per cent(each corresponding to 0, 24, and 48 hours). The ratio of Control C6 group eas: 18, 32, 25, and 28 per cent(each corresponding to 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours). The above results yielded the discussion; that the He-Ne LASER irradiation induced the S cell cycle phse traverse disturvance for C6 glial tumor cells in vitro, following C6 cell proliferation disturvance by S phase specific cell kill (p 0.05 ). Further investigation about the mode of action of He-Ne LASER induced DNA synthesis disturvance might be one of the biggest problems. And the rational establishment of physical optico-dinamics of He-Ne LASER beam in liquified media would be tightly correlated with the refinement of the total experimental system in the current study,still remained as one of the difficult problems. Less