Research Abstract |
Comprehensive science education must cover such broad fields as natural science, social sience and anthropology simultaneously. For this purpose team teaching is often used, together with a number of multimedia teaching materials. The following goals were accomplished: (1) Information on audio-visual teaching materials to be used in schools, universityies, adult education programs, and both technical and nontechnical training programs for company employees such as 16mm short films and video tapes was collected, and a data base for 14,000 teaching materials was prepared. (2) The data base prepared in (1) was transferred to the Large Scale Computer Center of Osaka University. There, through the interuniversity network under the title of "JSR" , a nationwide information retrieval service was started. (3) Using the data base in (1) , an 1000-page catalog of teaching materials was prepared and distributed to a large number of interested organizations. (4) Development of a Knowledge base oriented IR system for audio-visual media.