Research Abstract |
In 1987 the authors investigated the copies of "Ishu-rotsuzo"owned by Giichi KITAO and the Ainu pictures which were possessed by Obihiro Anniversary Museum and Tokyo National Museum.The research results are summarized as follows:The picture materials of Obihiro Anniversary Museum was proved to be one of "Yezoshimakikan" (Vol.1-2),which was copied in1858(Ansei-5) by Goro ITO.The materials possessed by GIICHI KITAO consist of sheets of silk (41.5x 33.0 cm),these are kinds of pictures which were originally drawn in 1792(Kansei-2) by Hakyo KAKIZAKI and copied by Teiki KOJIMA in 1843(Tenpo-14). The authors examined the contents of the original materials which were owned Tokyo National Museum,and measured and photographed the pictures.The photohraphy was made by using 480 sheets of color-reversal films(6x 7cm) and classified by the authors.The Ainu pictures examined are classified into following nine categories.(1) "Pannyasaiseimanroku" (26x 40cm) (drawn in 1789=Ansei-Seigen,Autumn;by Okimaro
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HATANO) ,(2)"Yezo-Fuuzokusho" (folded sheets) (27.7x 20cm) (drawn by Karajo TAKENOS@hA),(3)"Kitayezochibu" (27x 17.8cm),(4)"Yezoshimakikan" (Volume 1-13,folded sheets) (27x 19.5cm) (drawn by Okimaro GATANO= Shimanojo MURAKAMI),(5) "Yezojin-Kumamatsurizu" (Kanshibon) (26.5x 347cm),(6)"Yezo-konsenzukai" (ibid.) (25cm),(7)"Yezo-bukinozu" (30cm),(8)"Yezo-shizen" (Wetsuzuri) (26.8x 18.8cm),(9)"Santanjin-narabiniOrokko jinzu" (Watsuzuri,Bokusho,black and white;24x 17cm). Especially,"Yezoshimakikan"(drawn by Okimaro HATANO=Shimanojo MURAKAMI) consists of 13 volumes which include (a)dosetsubu(part of old story),(b)reibu(part of cercmonies),(c)reibu(part of ceremonies)(part of laws in wedding and drinking liquors),(d)kyokabu(part of houses),(e)kikaibu(part of machines),(f)kumamatsuribr (part of bear festival),(g)gyorobu・chizubu(part of fishing and maps),(h)ottogyobu(part of otto-fishing), (i)shaseibu(part of sketching),(j)zatsuzubu(part of miscellaneous pictures),(k)shogaitobu(part of other islands) ,(l)karafutobu(part of Sakhalin),(m)sanyuzu. The investigation of original pictures of "Yezoshimakikan"which were most representative gene drawings by the Ainu people was very useful was very useful for the methodlogy and comparison of related materials. Less