Research Abstract |
ABB adjective has chatacteristics in its word form namely, A-is stem and BB is suffix. The suffix describes state,manner of degree of stem morpheme whi oh is normally composed ol abjective. Chinese abjective is devided into two classes: quality adj. and state adj . ABB adj belongs to state gtongtong is s state adj. tongtong not only indicates state of degree of hong but also implies spe akers aggirmative recognization of hong ABB adjective has 6 syntactic features ad followi ng: 1) it cant be negated by negative bu of mei. 2) it cant be modilied by degree adverbials. 3) it cant make repititional question such as ABB bu ABB?. 4) it cant reduplicate itseil like as ABBABB. 5) it is usually followed by particle de 6) it can be prefdicate,complement, abjective modifi er and abderbial moditier. Some adjective dont occur as A in ABB duo, shao, zao,wanyuan,jin,kuai,chi,quan,gui,zhen cant make ABB adjective,and these adjecteves are very common ones.