Research Abstract |
In this project, the following topics were studied. (1) The Development of compailation techniques for a parallel processor. New compilation techniques for ordinary FORTRAN programs have been proposed. The special features of these tchniques include: Partial wectorization of DO loops. Vetorization of DO loops with nested IF statements, and Partitioning of a Program into mactoblocks which can be processed in parallel. The program analyzer based on these techniques has been built, and many programs were analyzed for their paralell processability. (2) The design of an array processor The array processor which is suited for high speed execution of FORTRAN programs compiled by the above mentioned compiler has been designed, and trested for its effiency using a software simulator. The design includes: Data flow controlled processors, A hardwired control unit to syncronize execution between processors, and Multi access memoty units for data communication between processors. The design and the evaluation have completed in this period. The machine will be bulid in the dollowing year.