Research Abstract |
Recently, interior lighting designs trend to increase their complexity according to the choices of various lighting systems. Conventional methods based on the integral equation have been widely used to predict the illuminance distribution, where assuming convex enclosures, perfectly diffuse reflection and symmetrical luminous intensity distribution, etc. however, in many practical interiors all of them can not necessarily be satisfied. On the contrary, the Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) has a large advantage due to the wide applicability without any limitation to the complicated lighting systems. This study deals with the application of MCS to solving the interreflected problem in various lighting designs. Main research results obtained using MCS are summarized as follows; (1) Illuminance distribution and conservation of luminous flux in empty and unempty interiors. Illuminance distributions on wall surfaces in both empty and unempty cubic interiors are calculated by MCS and conventional theoretical methods. From these results it can be concluded that simulation results of illuminance distribution without interreflection almost agree with theoretical ones, and the conservation law of luminous flux with interreflection between wall surfaces is well kept. (2) Calculation of illuminance distribution with various intensity distributions in interior having different reflectances. Many luminaries have usually asymmetrical luminous intensity distribution, furthermore, reflectances or wall surfaces are composed of Lambert's and specular properties. In order to take account of these properties, assuming that these phenomena could be Created as discrete probability events using stepwise function, illuminance distributions on wall surfaces in infinitely long interior are successfully carried out. The calculated results obtained from the discrete probability event well coincide with that for the continuous ones.