Publicly Offered Research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
The project will develop a new molecular materials platform using metal-dictated asymmetric assembly of spherical, planar and curved nanocarbons into unconventional high-Tc superconductors and quantum magnets. It will fuse molecular solid state chemistry and materials physics and follows two inter-related parts:(A) Asymmetric assembly of electronically active units in dynamically-flexible metal-directed extended structures of variable dimensionality.(B) Employing chemical and physical means to unveil, control and enhance electronic, conducting, and magnetic functionalities.
Research focused on asymmetrically coordinated (cationogenic and anionogenic) mixed valence molecular solids. Progress was achieved in producing magnetically frustrated spin assemblies and driving insulator-to-metal transitions by valence transitions via the application of external stimuli.[1] The electronic properties of d- and f-shell materials have drawn the bulk of research attention but although unconventional p-electron-based electronic, magnetic and conducting materials are rare, they are a fascinating topic. Among alkali oxides, the molecular sesquioxides A4O6 (A = alkali metal) are of special interest as they are rare examples of binary ionic compounds with molecular dioxygen in two different oxidation states. Our work has unveiled a complex cubic (charge-disordered) to tetragonal (charge-ordered) stability phase space as a function of temperature and pressure together with an intimate link between the lattice geometry and the absence of long-range magnetic ordering, which issuppressed because of geometric frustration.[2] Rare-earth (RE) fullerides are an intriguing family of materials in which RE electronic instabilities couple to the electronic and lattice degrees-of-freedom of the strongly-correlated C60 sublattice. We revealed that the asymmetrically-coordinated mixed-valency (Sm1-xCax)2.75C60 materials show pressure-driven reversible phase transitions accompanied by drastic increases in Sm valence and C60 oxidation state. These are coincident with huge lattice contractions and concomitant insulator-to-metal transitions.
All 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Other
All Int'l Joint Research (7 results) Journal Article (8 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 8 results, Peer Reviewed: 8 results, Open Access: 2 results) Presentation (34 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 16 results, Invited: 14 results) Book (1 results) Remarks (1 results)
Physical Review B
Volume: 107 Issue: 3 Pages: 35110-35110
Materials Today Communications
Volume: 31 Pages: 103275-103275
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Volume: 150 Pages: 109822-109822
Inorganic Chemistry
Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Pages: 1256-1264
Modern Physics Letters B
Volume: 34 Issue: 19n20 Pages: 2040056-2040056
Volume: 59 Issue: 17 Pages: 12545-12551
Materials Chemistry Frontiers
Volume: 4 Issue: 12 Pages: 3521-3528
Volume: 58 Issue: 21 Pages: 14532-14541