Publicly Offered Research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
The project contributes to understand complex atomic arrangements as found in quasicrystals using x-ray holography. This will establish a new way to visualize the intricate structures with a direct and element-selective approach and support existing models with complementary experimental data.
This project contributed to the understanding of complex atomic arrangements of hypermaterials using atomic-resolution X-ray holography. This method circumvents the phase problem of traditional crystallography, thus providing unique 3-dimensional structure information in a direct manner (i.e. without the need for an a priori model or data refinement). It represents new way to visualize intricate aperiodic structures with an element-selective approach and to support existing models with complementary experimental data (in addition to e.g. superspace crystallography approaches).The experiments using large-scale synchrotron facilities were performed for several decagonal and icosahedral quasi-crystalline systems. The data could be interpreted as 3-dimensional local pair distribution functions in the range of about 2 nm around a specific element. These features represent distinct advantages in contrast to comparable methods aimed at local structure characterization like X-ray absorption spectroscopy. It could also be demonstrated that the 3D data also indicate distinct structural features, for example the connectivity between the icosahedral clusters, which are difficult to determine by traditional crystallographic and spectroscopic approaches.Furthermore, a new detecting system was introduced, which uses a 2-dimensional area detector. With this system, a wide variety of target elements is now feasible for measurement.
All 2022 2021 2020 Other
All Int'l Joint Research (4 results) Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results, Open Access: 1 results) Presentation (14 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 4 results, Invited: 1 results)
Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 342-349