Publicly Offered Research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Progress has been on two fronts, following the goals as they were outlined in the original proposal. We have concentrated on a form of abstract coding for spatial alternation in hippocampal area CA1 of rats. This abstract coding provides insights into mechanisms of spatial processing that may be relevant for the spatial coding of self versus others as well. We found that hippocampal area CA1 performs a function of internal switching from external input to internal processing. This internal switching is reflected in a shift from high gamma to low gamma as well as a shift in spike timing relative to the phases of the theta oscillation. This internal switching shows within-sessions dynamics that matches with the behavioral adaptation, suggesting that the internal switching is directly involved in the control of action. We have also continued our behavioral studies with rats in an effort to design a good paradigm for neurophysiological recording on the topic of spatial coding of self versus others. We conducted three behavioral studies, using different social manipulations, particularly relating to a) inequity aversion, b) cooperation, and c) observational learning. All three of these behavioral studies provided solid evidence of complex operant behavior in the rats; however, this behavior was not convincingly influenced by social factors. The studies provided a large body of negative evidence that will be important in our understanding of the limitations of abstract coding in rats. We have written an extensive manuscript, adding a critical review of the negative evidence.
All 2014 2013 2012 Other
All Journal Article (3 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 3 results) Presentation (11 results) (of which Invited: 1 results) Remarks (1 results)
Cognivite Neurodynamics
Volume: (印刷中) Issue: 5 Pages: 363-372
Journal of Neurophysiology
Volume: (印刷中) Issue: 8 Pages: 1601-1614
Volume: 56 Pages: 237-250