2010 Fiscal Year Self-evaluation Report
Coordination and research support of the project "Earth Science Based on High-Pressure and High-Temperature Neutron Experiments"
[Journal Article] 大型ナノ多結晶ダイヤモンド対向アンビルを用いた高圧下パルス 中性子粉末回折実験2010
奥地拓生, 佐々木重雄, 大野祥希, 小松一生, 鍵裕之, 有馬寛, 阿部淳, 壁服部高典, 佐野亜沙美, 長壁豊隆, 内海渉, ステファヌスノ>レヨ, 伊藤崇芳, 相澤一也, 入舩徹男
Journal Title
高圧力の科学と技術 20
Pages: 175-178
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Designing PLANET : Neutron beamline for high-pressure material science at J-PARC2010
H.Arima, T.Hattori, K.Komatsu, J.Abe, W.Utsumi, H.Kagi, A.Suzuki, K.Suzuya, T.Kamiyama, M.Arai, T.Yagi
Journal Title
J. Phys. : Conf.Ser. 215
Pages: 012025-1-6
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] High Pressure Experiments with the Engineering Materials Diffractometer (BL-19) at J-PARC2010
J.Abe, T.Hattori, K.Komatsu, H.Arima, M.Arakawa, A.Sano, H.Kagi, S.Harjo, T. Ito, A.Moriai, K.Aizawa , W.Utsumi
Journal Title
J.Phys.: Conf.Ser. 215
Pages: 012023-1-6
Peer Reviewed