2017 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project Area | Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle: Toward Integrated Deep Earth Science |
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | Tohoku University |
Principal Investigator |
鈴木 昭夫 東北大学, 理学研究科, 准教授 (20281975)
Co-Investigator(Kenkyū-buntansha) |
井上 徹 広島大学, 理学研究科, 教授 (00291500)
舟越 賢一 一般財団法人総合科学研究機構(総合科学研究センター(総合科学研究室)及び中性子科学センター(研究開発, 中性子科学センター, 主任研究員 (30344394)
寺崎 英紀 大阪大学, 理学研究科, 准教授 (50374898)
肥後 祐司 公益財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター, 利用研究促進部門, 研究員 (10423435)
鍵 裕之 東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科(理学部), 教授 (70233666)
Project Period (FY) |
2015-06-29 – 2020-03-31
Keywords | 核-マントル / 地球内部 / 鉱物物理学 / 高圧力 / 量子ビーム |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
本計画研究では,特に我が国が先導的な役割を果たしてきた量子ビーム高圧実験技術を活用し,様々な地球内部物質の密度や弾性波速度などの物性測定を行う.また,高圧力下での物性変化は構造変化と密接に関係する.そこで,核-マントルを構成する物質の構造を調べ,物性変化の本質に迫る.さらに,本領域研究で掲げる到達目標を達成するため,計画研究各班と連携してマントルの化学組成と核の軽元素およびその濃度を解明し,核-マントルの不均質構造をもたらす物質を解明することを目的とする. マグマ物性については,二酸化炭素の溶解がマグマの粘度に与える影響を明らかにすることができた.また,ケイ酸塩ガラスおよびメルトの構造を高圧力下で決定し,圧力の増加に伴う構造変化をもとにマグマの物性変化に構造が与える影響を考察した.金属メルトの物性については,鉄とニッケルを主成分とし,軽元素を含む合金融体の弾性波速度をもとに,核の地震波速度構造を議論した.また,鉄に軽元素を含む化合物の弾性波速度を測定し,地球深部の不均質構造を考察した.下部マントルの揮発性元素(軽元素)については,高圧含水相の相境界と状態方程式を決定して,地球深部の水循環を議論した.また,炭酸塩鉱物の高温高圧実験を行い,地球深部での炭素循環やダイヤモンド生成機構のモデルを提唱した.さらに,下部マントル鉱物への窒素の溶解に関する高温高圧実験を行い,地球深部での窒素循環を考察した.加えて,高圧含水相の弾性波速度と状態方程式を用いて,下部マントル深部の地震波速度異常の原因を議論した.また,Alを含む無水・含水Bridgmaniteなど下部マントル鉱物の構造解析や弾性波速度測定を行い,下部マントルの水に関して考察した.これらの研究成果を基に,本領域が目指している核-マントル相互作用と共進化の議論を深めることが出来た.
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
研究メンバーそれぞれの所属機関で1年目,2年目に導入した実験システムは順調に立ち上がり,新学術領域研究3年目となるH29年度は計画していた実験に本格的に着手することが出来た.下部マントル圧力での融解実験では,マグマの化学組成が実験条件に依存して変化することを明らかにした.加えて,揮発性成分がマグマの物性および構造に与える影響を知ることが出来た.また,高圧含水相や炭酸塩の安定領域を調べることにより,マグマが生成する条件を制約し,加えて地球深部における水素と炭素の挙動を考察することが出来た.さらに,アルミニウムが地球深部含水相の安定領域に大きな影響を及ぼすことが明らかとなり,地球深部水循環を考える上で重要な成果が得られた.一方,窒素については,地球深部の鉱物への固溶を調べることに成功し,窒素循環に制約を与えることが出来るようになった.下部マントル鉱物の弾性波速度測定については,鉱物に含まれるアルミニウムや水素による弾性波速度への影響がわかり,他の計画研究で進みつつある観測および理論に基づく地震波速度構造との比較が出来るようになった.さらに,高圧含水相の弾性波速度測定結果に基づき,地球深部に観測されている地震波速度異常を考察できるようになった.これらの研究は,他の計画研究で行われている地球深部ダイナミクスの議論とも関係する.軽元素を含む鉄合金融体に関する研究では,弾性波速度などの物性測定が計画通りに行われており,核の地震波速度構造との比較から化学組成への制約が進みつつある. いずれも,計画に沿って順調に地球深部の化学進化に関係した重要な成果が得られており,今後は他の計画研究各班による研究結果と比較・検討を進めることで領域の目指す「核-マントル相互作用と共進化」に関する議論を展開することが出来る段階に進展している.
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
(1) 本計画研究の井上らによる高温高圧力下での熔融実験により,下部マントル環境下で発生するマグマの化学組成が分かってきた.そこで,揮発性成分を含むことで特徴付けられる地球深部マグマについて物性測定を進める(鈴木,舟越).また,マグマの構造解析をさらに推進して構造と物性の関係を理解するため,研究分担者を増員する. (2) 地球深部で発生するマグマは,酸化還元雰囲気や揮発性成分などの条件に応じて変化することが分かってきた.このため,高温高圧力下での熔融実験をさらに進め,地球深部マグマの化学組成を調べて地球内部の進化過程を解明する(井上). (3) 地球の外核は鉄やニッケルといった金属元素を主成分として,酸素,ケイ素,硫黄,水素などの軽元素を含む液体になっている.昨年度から本格的に開始された金属メルトの物性測定をさらに推進し,他の計画研究と連携して外核の化学組成モデルに制約を与える(寺崎). (4) 揮発性元素を含む地球深部物質の相平衡実験を行い,化学組成や物性を調べる(鍵).これらの実験結果を踏まえ,地球深部での揮発性元素の挙動に基づいて核-マントル共進化を解明する(鍵).また,揮発性成分を含む高圧相の構造解析をさらに推進し,構造と物性の関係を解明するため,研究分担者を増員して対応する. (5) 地震波の観測などによって得られている速度構造モデルと対比するため,高温高圧力下で核マントル物質の弾性波速度を測定する.特に計画研究の地球化学班,地球物理班,計算班と連携し,地球内部の物質科学的モデルを明らかにする(肥後). 以上に挙げた核-マントル物質の構造と物性に関する研究に取り組むと共に,班会議および計画研究各班との合同班会議を開催して,「核-マントルの相互作用と共進化」の解明に向けた共同研究を推進する.
[Journal Article] In situ X-ray diffraction studies of hydrous aluminosilicate at high pressure and temperature2018
Abe, R., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Ohira, I., Tobe, H., and Suzuki, A.
Journal Title
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
Volume: 113
Pages: 106-111
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Deformation-induced crystallographic-preferred orientation of hcp-iron: An experimental study using a deformation-DIA apparatus2018
Nishihara, Y., Ohuchi, T., Kawazoe, T., Seto, Y., Maruyama, G., Higo, Y., Funakoshi, K.-I., Tange, Y., Irifune, T.
Journal Title
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Volume: 490
Pages: 151-160
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] The stability of anhydrous phase B, Mg14Si5O24, at mantle transition zone conditions2018
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Jin, Z., Suzuki, A., and Frost, D.J.
Journal Title
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Volume: 45
Pages: 523-531
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Structure of basaltic glass under high pressure by in-situ X-ray and neutron diffraction investigations.2018
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Hattori, T., Sano-Furukawa, A., Funakoshi, K., and Suzuki, A.
Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle Toward Integrated Deep Earth Science, International Symposium and FY2017 Annual General Meeting
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Chemical reactions between Fe and H2O up to megabar pressures and implications for water storage in the Earth’s mantle and core.2018
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Ikuta, D., Kamada, S., Tsuchiya, J., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Elastic wave velocity of Fe-Si alloy at high pressure.2018
Sakamaki, T., Terasaki, H., Shibazaki, Y., Tobe, H., Shimoyama, Y., Higo, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Effect of pressure and sulfur content on sound velocity in liquid Fe-S to 20 GPa.2018
Nishida, K., Shibazaki, Y., Terasaki, H., Higo, Y., Wakabayashi, D., Funamori, N. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Understanding of low velocity anomaly in the asthenosphere inferred from elastic wave velocity measurement of partially molten rocks.2018
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Hisano, N., Higo, Y., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Stability of hydrous aluminosilicates at the transition zone and the lower mantle.2018
Abe, R., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Ohira, I., Tobe, H. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Correlation between structure and elastic wave velocity of pyrope glass at high pressure.2018
Hisano, N., Sakamaki, T., Ohashi, T., Funakoshi, K., Higo, Y., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into the lower-mantle minerals under high pressure and high temperature -Transportation and storage of nitrogen in the deep earth-2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Determination of the noble gas partition coefficients between metal-silicate melts by high-pressure, high-temperature experiments and laser-microprobe noble gas analysis2018
Kishi, S., Sumino, H., Nomura, R., Mibe, K., Jackson, C., Kuwahara, H., Tateno, S. and Kagi, H.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Hydrous bridgmanite: Water in the Earth’s lower mantle.2018
Inoue, T., Kakizawa, S., Kuribayashi, T., Nagase, T., Greaux, S., Noda, M., Higo, Y., Sakamoto, N. and Yurimoto, H.
2018 XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into the lower-mantle minerals under high pressure and high temperature -Transportation and storage of nitrogen in the deep earth-.2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
2018 XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Reaction of MgCO3 high-pressure carbonate and metallic iron in the deep lower mantle.2018
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Miyajima, N., Petitgirard, S., Hirao, N., Sakamaki, T., McCammon, C., Frost, D.J., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
56th The European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Meeting
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The sound velocity measurements of FeO at high pressure and temperature: Implications for the low velocity anomaly around the core-mantle boundary.2017
Tanaka, R., Sakamaki, T., Fuukui, H., Ohtani, E., Kamada, S., Sato, S., Tsutsui, T., Uchiyama, Y., Baron, AQR. and Suzuki, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In situ X-ray diffraction studies of hydrous aluminosilicate at high pressure and temperature.2017
Abe, R., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Ohira, I., Tobe, H. and Suzuki, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] High-pressure phase transitions of MgCO3 under the lower mantle conditions.2017
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Sakamaki, T., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Partitioning of sulfur beween basaltic magma and Fe-FeS liquid.2017
Horioka, Y., Kamada, S., Ozawa, S., Maeda, F., Satish-Kumar, M. and Suzuki, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Phase relation of Fe-FeSi system at 10 GPa: Application to the Mercury core.2017
Tobe, H., Shibazaki, Y., Sakamaki, T., Hiroi, Y., Abe, R. and Suzuki, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Single crystal synthesis of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH using multi-anvil apparatus.2017
Ohira, I., Kawazoe, T., Ishii, T., Boffa Ballalaran, T., McCammon, C., Suzuki, A. and Ohtani, E.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In situ deformation experiments on coesite using synchrotron X-ray.2017
Doi, S., Nishihara, Y., Goto, H., IIzuka, R., Suzuki, A., and Kikegawa, T.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocity of Al-bearing hydrous and anhydrous bridgmanites under high pressure2017
Inoue, T., Greaux, S., Noda, M., Kakizawa, S., Higo, Y. and Tange, Y.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] P-V-T equation of state of Al-bearing hydrous bridgmanite2017
Kakizawa, S., Inoue, T., Nishi, M., Arimoto, T., Kadobayashi, H., Tange, Y., Higo, Y., Nakano, S. and Hirai, H.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Viscosity of silicate melts at high pressure measured by in-situ falling sphere method2017
Xie, L., Yoneda, A., Yamazaki, D., Higo, Y., Andrault, D., Manthilake, G., Eglantine, B. and Nicolas, G.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Thermoelastic properties of iron-carbide melts under high pressure: implication for carbon in the lunar interior2017
Shimoyama, Y., Terasaki, H., Urakawa, S., Takubo, Y., Watanuki, T., Machida, A., Katayama, Y. and Kondo, T.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Density of Fe-FeS binary melts at high pressures2017
Urakawa, S., Terasaki, H., Takubo, Y., Shimoyama, Y., Kurokawa, F., Maki, M., Saito, R. and Machida, A.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Pressure-volume-temperature relations for hydrogen volume and content in iron hydride at high pressure and high temperature2017
Ikuta, D., Sano-Furukawa, A., Shibazaki, Y., Terasaki, H., Yuan, L., Hattori, T. and Ohtani, E.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Determination of the noble gas partition coefficients between metal-silicate melts using laser microprobe analysis2017
Kishi, S., Jackson, C., Nomura, R., Sumino, H., Mibe, K., Tateno, S. and Kagi, H.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocity and elasticity of δ-(Al, Fe)OOH to lower mantle pressures.2017
Ohira, I., Jackson, J.M, Sturhahn, W., Finkelstein, G.J., Kamada, S., Kawazoe, T., Maeda, F., Hirao, N., Nakano, S., Suzuki, A. and Ohtani, E.
The 55th European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Densification of calcium-aluminum-siilcate glass at the pressure of ~5.5 GPa.2017
Nakajima, A., Sakamaki, T., Hisano, N., Horioka, Y., Ohashi, T. and Suzuki, A.
The 55th European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Phase relation of MgCO3 high-pressure carbonate under the deep lower mantle conditions.2017
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Sakamaki, T., Miyajima, N., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
The 55th European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] X-ray diffraction and nuclear resonance scattering measurements δ-(Al, Fe)OOH at lower mantle pressures.2017
Ohira, I., Jackson, J.M, Sturhahn, W., Finkelstein, G.J., Kamada, S., Kawazoe, T., Maeda, F., Hirao, N., Nakano, S., Suzuki, A. and Ohtani, E.
IRTG Doctoral seminar
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Chemical reactions between Fe and H2O up to megabar pressures and implications for water storage in the Earth’s mantle and core.2017
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Ikuta, D., Kamada, S., Tsuchiya, J., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
IRTG Doctoral seminar
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Compressibility of MgCO3 phase II under the lowermost mantle conditions.2017
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Sakamaki, T., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocity measurements in the liquid Fe-S system up to 20 GPa using ultrasonic pulse-echo method.2017
Nishida, K., Shibazaki, Y., Tobe, H., Terasaki, H., Higo, Y., Wakabayashi, D., Funamori, N. and Suzuki, A.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Compressional behavior of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH to lower mantle pressures.2017
Ohira, I., Kamada, S., Jackson, J.M., Sturhahn, W., Finkelsten, G.J., Kawazoe, T., Maeda, F., Hirao, N., Suzuki, A. and Ohtani, E.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The stability of anhydrous phase B, Mg14Si5O24, at mantle transition zone conditions.2017
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Jin, Z., Suzuki, A. and Frost, D.J.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Thermoelastic properties of Al-bearing hydrous bridgmanite2017
Kakizawa, S., Inoue, T., Nishi, M., Arimoto, T., Kadobayashi, H., Tange, Y., Higo, Y., Nakano, S. and Hirai, H.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocities of CaSiO3 perovskite2017
Greaux, S., Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y., Arimoto, T., Liu, Z. and Yamada, A.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocity and elastic properties of liquid Fe-N-Si at high pressure2017
Terasaki, H., Maki, M., Shimoyama, Y., Nishida, K., Urakawa, S., Takubo, Y., Shibazaki, Y., Sakamaki, T., Higo, Y., Machida, A., Kondo, T. and Rivoldini, A.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
[Presentation] Pressure-volume-temperature behaviors for hydrogen content and volume in iron hydride at high pressure and high temperature2017
Ikuta, D., Ohtani, E., Sano-Furukawa, A., Shibazaki, Y., Terasaki, H., Yuan, L. and Hattori, T.
High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminor 9 (HPMPS-9)
[Presentation] Structure measurements of basaltic glass at high pressure using X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques.2017
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Hattori, T., Sano-Furukawa, A., Funakoshi, K., and Suzuki, A.
The 5th Workshop for Extreme Materials Science “Silicate Melt/Glass”
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Raman and IR spectroscopic study of hydrous pyroxenes2017
Kung, J., Li, C., Stalder, R., Inoue, T., Chuang, S., Balfan-Casanova, N. and Skogby, H.
AGU Fall Meeting 2017
Int'l Joint Research