2018 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Project Area | Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle: Toward Integrated Deep Earth Science |
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | Tohoku University |
Principal Investigator |
鈴木 昭夫 東北大学, 理学研究科, 准教授 (20281975)
Co-Investigator(Kenkyū-buntansha) |
井上 徹 広島大学, 理学研究科, 教授 (00291500)
肥後 祐司 公益財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター, 利用研究促進部門, 主幹研究員 (10423435)
舟越 賢一 一般財団法人総合科学研究機構(総合科学研究センター(総合科学研究室)及び中性子科学センター(研究開発, 中性子科学センター, 主任研究員 (30344394)
寺崎 英紀 大阪大学, 理学研究科, 准教授 (50374898)
鍵 裕之 東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科(理学部), 教授 (70233666)
栗林 貴弘 東北大学, 理学研究科, 准教授 (20302086)
山田 明寛 滋賀県立大学, 工学部, 助教 (00543167)
Project Period (FY) |
2015-06-29 – 2020-03-31
Keywords | 核-マントル / 地球内部 / 鉱物物理学 / 高圧力 / 量子ビーム |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
マグマの物性に関する研究では、地球深部で発生するSiO2濃度の低いマグマの粘度について圧力依存性を決定し、粘度が高圧力下で極小値を持つことを明らかにした。マグマの構造に関係する研究については、玄武岩ガラスについてのX線および中性子線回折実験により18 GPaまでの構造解析を行った。また、含水ナトリウム珪酸塩メルトについてのX線回折実験により 3 GPaまでの構造解析を行った。中性子線回折に関しては、世界で初めて3 GPaまでの含水ナトリウム珪酸塩メルトの回折パターンの取得に成功した。地球中心核の金属メルトに関する研究では、複数の軽元素の弾性特性への効果を調べるために、Fe-Ni-S-Si融体の音速を16 GPaの圧力条件まで測定し、その圧力依存性を明らかにした。また密度測定の圧力範囲拡張を目指して、外熱式ダイヤモンドアンビルセルを用いた液体金属の密度測定を開発・実施した。地球深部における軽元素の挙動を解明する目的で高温高圧実験を行った。窒素に関してはスティショバイトが他の下部マントル鉱物に比べてきわめて高い濃度で取り込まれることが明らかになった。地球コアに取り込まれた軽元素(特に水素と硫黄)については、原始地球の状態を見立てた系で中性子回折その場観察実験を行い、7GPa,1000Kでの鉄化合物(鉄水素化物および硫化鉄)の水素量を見積もった。また高解像度X線イメージング用カメラシステムを開発し、鉄がシリケイトから分離する様子を捉えることに成功した。地球深部鉱物の構造解析については、新規に合成された2つのAl2SiO5高圧相について、実験室、ならびに放射光を用いることで結晶構造決定に成功した。弾性波速度測定については、超高圧実験により、下部マントル条件で重要なAlを含むMgSiO3ペロブスカイト(ブリッジマナイト)の弾性的性質を、無水および含水条件下で明らかにした。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
研究メンバーそれぞれの所属機関で導入した実験システムは順調に立ち上がり、計画していた実験は順調に進んでいる。地球深部における揮発性元素の挙動など、新たな研究成果も順調に得られている。弾性波速度測定の担当者として2017年度に村上氏から交代した肥後氏およびマントル鉱物やメルトの構造解析の担当者として2018年度から分担者に加わった栗林氏および山田氏による研究も順調に進捗している。また、地球化学および地球物理に関係した領域内の計画研究各班と合同で班会議を行い、領域内の連携による研究の推進を加速することができた。マグマおよび金属メルトの構造と物性に関する研究では、放射光や中性子といった量子ビームを用いた研究が進み、圧力の増加に伴う物性変化を構造の変化と対比して議論できるようになった。弾性波速度の研究では、下部マントルの主要構成鉱物であるブリッジマナイトについて、様々な化学組成の変化による弾性波速度の影響に関する研究が進んでおり、地震波観測との比較検討に取り組みつつある。 いずれの研究でも、計画に沿って順調に地球深部の物理的性質や化学進化に関係した重要な成果が得られている。最終年度では引き続き他の計画研究各班との合同班会議を開催してお互いの研究結果を比較・検討し、領域の目指す「核-マントル相互作用と共進化」に関する議論を展開することが出来る段階に進展している.
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
(1) 地球深部マグマについての物性測定および構造解析を進めて、地球深部の分化に関する議論を推進する(鈴木、舟越、山田) (2) 下部マントルを構成する地球深部鉱物であるブリッジマナイトなどの弾性波速度測定を、温度・圧力・化学組成を拡大してさらに推進し、地球物理観測結果と対比して地球深部の化学組成に関する考察を深める(井上・肥後)。 (3) 地球の外核は鉄やニッケルといった金属元素を主成分として、酸素、ケイ素、硫黄、水素などの軽元素を含む液体になっている。これまでに取り組んでいる金属メルトの物性測定をさらに推進し、他の計画研究と連携して外核の化学組成モデルに制約を与える(寺崎)。 (4) 揮発性元素の挙動に関係した高温高圧実験を行い、地球深部での揮発性元素の挙動に基づいて核-マントル共進化を解明する(鍵)。また、揮発性成分を含む高圧相の構造解析をさらに推進し、構造と物性の関係を解明する(栗林)。 以上に挙げた核-マントル物質の構造と物性に関する研究に取り組むと共に、班会議および計画研究各班との合同班会議を開催して、「核-マントルの相互作用と共進化」の解明に向けた共同研究を推進する。
[Journal Article] Micro-Photoelastic Evaluation of Indentation-Indued Stress in Glass2019
Asai, K., Yoshida, S., Yamada, A., Matsuoka, J., Errapart, A. and Kurkjian, C.R.
Journal Title
Materials Transactions
Volume: 60
Pages: in press
Peer Reviewed / Open Access
[Journal Article] Sound velocity of CaSiO3 perovskite suggests the presence of basaltic crust in the Earth’s lower mantle2019
Greaux, S., Irifune, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y., Arimoto, T., Liu, Z. and Yamada, A.
Journal Title
Volume: 565
Pages: 218-221
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Halogen heterogeneity in the lithosphere and evolution of mantle halogen abundances inferred from intra plate mantle xenoliths2019
Kobayashi M., Sumino H., Burgess, R., Nakai S., Iizuka T., Nagao K., Kagi H., Nakamura M., Takahashi E., Kogiso T., Ballentine C.
Journal Title
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Volume: 20
Pages: 952-973
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Development of density measurement for metals at high pressures and high temperatures using X-ray absorption imaging combined with externally heated diamond anvil cell2019
Takubo, Y., Terasaki, H., Kondo, T., Mitai, S., Kamada, S., Kikegawa, T. and Machida, A.
Journal Title
Comptes Rendus Geoscience
Volume: 351
Pages: 182-189
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Sound velocity and density of liquid Ni68S32 under pressure using ultrasonic and X-ray absorption with tomography methods2019
Terasaki, H., Nishida, K., Urakawa, S., Takubo, Y., Ku51bara, S., Shimoyama, Y., Uesugi, K., Kono, Y., Takeuchi, A., Suzuki, Y., Higo, Y. and Kondo, T.
Journal Title
Comptes Rendus Geoscience
Volume: 351
Pages: 163-170
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] In situ X-ray diffraction studies of hydrous aluminosilicate at high pressure and temperature2018
Abe, R., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Ohira, I., Tobe, H., and Suzuki, A.
Journal Title
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
Volume: 113
Pages: 106-111
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Behavior of Hydrogen in the Early Stage of Earth’s Evolution.2018
Iizuka-Oku, R., Yagi, T., Gotou, H., Okuchi, T., Hattori, T. and Sano-Furukawa, A.
Journal Title
Research and Development Highlights, MLF annual report 2017
Volume: 2
Pages: 14-16
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Complete agreement of the post-spinel transition with the 660-km seismic discontinuity2018
Ishii, T., Huang, R., Fei, H., Koemets, I., Liu, Z., Maeda, F., Yuan, L., Druzhbin, D., Yamamono, T., Bhat, S., Farla, R., Kawazoe, T., Tsujino, N., Lulik, E., Higo, Y., Tange, Y. and Katsura, T.
Journal Title
Scientific Reports
Volume: 8
Pages: 6358
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Stability of Al-bearing superhydrous phase B at the mantle transition zone and the uppermost lower mantle2018
Kakizawa, S., Inoue, T., Nakano, H., Kuroda, M., Sakamoto, N. and Yurimoto, H.
Journal Title
American Mineralogist
Volume: 103
Pages: 1221-1227
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Lattice parameter evolution during heating of Ti-45Al-7.5Nb-0.25/0.5C alloys under atmospheric and high pressures2018
Li, X., Dippenaar, R., Shiro, A., Shobu, T., Higo, Y., Reid, M., Suzuki, H., Akita, K., Funakoshi, K.-I. and Liss, K.-D.
Journal Title
Volume: 102
Pages: 120-131
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Thermal equation of state of MgSiO4H2 phase H determined by in situ X-ray diffraction and a multianvil apparatus2018
Nishi, M., Tsuchiya, J., Arimoto, T., Kakizawa, S., Kunimoto, T., Tange, Y., Higo, Y. and Irifune, T.
Journal Title
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Volume: 45
Pages: 995-1001
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Deformation-induced crystallographic-preferred orientation of hcp-iron: An experimental study using a deformation-DIA apparatus2018
Nishihara, Y., Ohuchi, T., Kawazoe, T., Seto, Y., Maruyama, G., Higo, Y., Funakoshi, K.-I., Tange, Y., Irifune, T.
Journal Title
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Volume: 490
Pages: 151-160
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Quenchable compressed graphite synthesized from neutron-irradiated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite in high pressure treatment at 1500°C2018
Niwase, K., Terasawa, M., Honda, S., Niibe, M., Hisakuni, T., Iwata, T., Higo, Y., Hirai, T., Shinmei, T., Ohfuji, H. and Iriune, T.
Journal Title
Journal of Applied Physics
Volume: 123
Pages: 161577
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Semi-brittle behavior of wet olivine aggregates: the role of aqueous fluid in faulting at upper mantle pressures2018
Ohuchi, T., Lei, X., Higo, Y., Tange, Y., Sakai, T. and Fujino, K.
Journal Title
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Volume: 173
Pages: 88
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] Variations of lattice constants and thermal expansion coefficients of indium at high pressure and high temperature2018
Takubo, Y., Terasaki, H., Kondo, T., Mitai, S., Kamada, S., Kikegawa, T. and Machida, A.
Journal Title
High Pressure Research
Volume: 38
Pages: 406-413
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] In-situ observation of the structural change in MgO-B2O3-SiO2 glass at high pressure and the permanent structural change2018
Yamada, A., Harada, M., Masuno, A., Yamanaka, K., Higo, Y., Yoshida, S., Ohta, T. and Matsuoka, J.
Journal Title
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Volume: 499
Pages: 25-31
Peer Reviewed
[Journal Article] The stability of anhydrous phase B, Mg14Si5O24, at mantle transition zone conditions2018
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Jin, Z., Suzuki, A., and Frost, D.J.
Journal Title
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Volume: 45
Pages: 523-531
Peer Reviewed / Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Elastic property and structure of pyrope glass at high pressure2019
Hisano, N., Sakamaki, T., Ohashi, T., Funakoshi, K., Higo, Y., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In-situ X-ray observations of the olivine-spinel transformation under shear deformation: preliminary results on the reaction-induced weakening2019
Kubo, T., Moriyama, K., Mori, Y., Imamura, M., Koizumi, S., Nishihara, Y., Suzuki, A. and Higo, Y.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sulfur and carbon isotope fractionation under mantle conditions2019
Maeda, F., Horioka, Y., Kamada, S., Aoyama, S., Ozawa, S., Satish-Kumar, M. and Suzuki, A.
Joint symposium of Misasa 2019 & CMC
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Structures of hydrous sodium silicate melts under high pressure and high temperature2019
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Funakoshi, K., Muranushi, M., Shito, C., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Joint symposium of Misasa 2019 & CMC
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] High-pressure structural investigations for hydrous sodium silicate melts2019
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Funakoshi, K., Muranushi, M., Shito, C., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In-situ X-ray diffraction study on β-CrOOH at high pressure and high temperature2019
Shito, C., Okamoto, K., Sato, Y., Watanabe, R., Ohashi, T., Fuchizaki, K., Kuribayashi, T. and Suzuki, A.
CMC International School 2019
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Sound velocity of liquid Fe_Ni_S_Si under pressure2019
Terasaki, H., Yamada, I,. Kamiya, A., Tsuruoka, R., Kondo, T., Higo, Y. and Machida, A.
Joint symposium of Misasa 2019 & Core-Mantle Coevolution, Origin, Evolution & Dynamics of the Earth & Planetary Interiors
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Stability of hydrous aluminosilicates at the transition zone and the lower mantle2018
Abe, R., Shibazaki, Y., Ozawa, S., Ohira, I., Tobe, H. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In-situ Evaluation of Stress Distributions and Cracking Behavior in Silica and Soda-lime Glasses2018
Asai, K., Yoshida, S., Yamada, A., Matsuoka, J., Errapart, A. and Kurkjian, C.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into the lower-mantle minerals under high pressure and high temperature -Transportation and storage of nitrogen in the deep earth-2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
International Mineralogical Association 2018 (IMA2018)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into the lower-mantle minerals under high pressure and high temperature2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into lower-mantle minerals from high P-T experiments under cotrolled Fe-FeO buiffer2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
The 35th International Conference on Magmatism of the Earth and Related Strategic Metal Deposits
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Incorporation of nitrogen into the lower-mantle minerals under high pressure2018
Fukuyama, K., Kagi, H., Inoue, T., Shinmei, T., Kakizawa, S., Takahata, N. and Sano, Y.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Correlation between structure and elastic wave velocity of pyrope glass at high pressure2018
Hisano, N., Sakamaki, T., Ohashi, T., Funakoshi, K., Higo, Y., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The effect of pressure and temperature on sulfur partitioning between silicate magma and Fe-FeS melt: To analysis of sulfur isotope fractionation2018
Horioka, Y., Kamada, S., Ozawa, S., Maeda, F., Aoyama, S., Satish-Kumar, M., and Suzuki, A.
[Presentation] Hydrous bridgmanite: Water in the Earth’s lower mantle2018
Inoue, T., Kakizawa, S., Kuribayashi, T., Nagase, T., Gr?aux, S., Noda, M., Higo, Y., Sakamoto, N. and Yurimoto, H.
International Mineralogical Association 2018 (IMA2018)
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Existence of water in the lower mantle2018
Inoue, T., Kakizawa, S., Kuribayashi, T., Noda, M., Sakamoto, N., Yurimoto, H., Sano-Furukawa, A. and Hattori, T.
The 35th International Conference on Magmatism of the Earth and Related Strategic Metal Deposits
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Densification Distribution Measurement below Vickers Imprint in Silica Glass by a Combination between Raman Spectroscopy and HF Etching2018
Kato, Y., Rosales-Soga, G.A., Yoshida, S., Yamada, A., Matsuoka, J. and Yamazaki, H.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Stability of (Mg, Fe)CO3 high-pressure polymorph under iron-rich lower mantle conditions2018
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Miyajima, N., Petitgirard, S., Hirao, N., McCammon, C., Frost, D.J., Sakamaki, T., and Suzuki, A.
[Presentation] Reaction of MgCO3 high-pressure carbonate and metallic iron in the deep lower mantle2018
Maeda, F., Kamada, S., Miyajima, N., Petitgirard, S., Hirao, N., Sakamaki, T., McCammon, C., Frost, D.J., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
56th The European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Meeting
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In-situ Structural Observation of Aluminosilicate Glasses at High Pressure2018
Morita, D., Yamada, A., Yoshida, S., Matsuoka, J., Sakamaki, T., Suzuki, A. and Wakabayashi, D.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Effect of pressure and sulfur content on sound velocity in liquid Fe-S to 20 GPa2018
Nishida, K., Shibazaki, Y., Terasaki, H., Higo, Y., Wakabayashi, D., Funamori, N. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Understanding of low velocity anomaly in the asthenosphere inferred from elastic wave velocity measurement of partially molten rocks2018
Ohashi, T., Sakamaki, T., Hisano, N., Higo, Y., Shibazaki, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] In-situ neutron diffraction study of the Fe-H system: implications to hydrogen in the core2018
Ohtani, E., Ikuta, D., Sano-Furukawa, A., Shibazaki, Y., Yuan, L., Terasaki, H. and Hattori, T.
International Mineralogical Association Meeting
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of SphericalIndentation in Silica Glass and Measurement of Densification Distribution by Means of Raman Spectroscopy2018
Rosales-Soga, G.A., Kato, Y., Isawa, S., Yoshida, S., Yamada, A., Matsuoka, J. and Yamazaki, H.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Elastic wave velocity of Fe-Si alloy at high pressure2018
Sakamaki, T., Terasaki, H., Shibazaki, Y., Tobe, H., Shimoyama, Y., Higo, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Effect of Average Bonding Number and the Non-Bridging Oxygen Content on the MoO3 Solubility and Chemical Durability of Borosilicate Glasses2018
Soma, R., Komatsu, K., Yamamoto, S., Yamada, A., Matsuoka, J., Oowaku, K. and Kanehira, N.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Densities of metals at high pressure using X-ray absorption method with diamond anvil cell2018
Terasaki, H., Kamada, S., Takubo, Y., Tsuruoka, R., Hirao, N., Kawaguchi, S.I. and Machida, A.
16th international symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Core composition of Mercury estimated from elastic properties of liquid Fe-Ni-alloy2018
Terasaki, H., Rivoldini, A., Shimoyama, Y., Nishida, K., Urakawa, S., Kurokawa, F., Takubo, Y., Shibazaki, Y., Sakamaki, T., Machida, S., Higo, Y. and Kondo, T.
Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Mercury's and Mars' core composition estimated from elastic properties of liquid iron alloys2018
Terasaki, H., Rivoldini, A., Shimoyama, Y., Nishida, K., Urakawa, S., Machida, A. and Higo, Y.
European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Densification of Borosilicate Glass and the structure2018
Yamada, A., Koumi, T., Ohuchi, T., Higo, Y., Yamanaka, K., Yoshida, S. and Matsuoka, J.
ICG Annual Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] The sound velocity of liquid Fe-Ni-S-Si on Mercury’s outer core conditionvelocity of liquid Fe-Ni-S-Si on Mercury’s outer core condition2018
Yamada, I., Terasaki, H., Kamiya, A., Nishida, K., Shibazaki, Y., Sakamaki, T., Higo, Y., Tange, Y. and Kondo, T.
Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] Chemical reactions between Fe and H2O up to megabar pressures and implications for water storage in the Earth’s mantle and core2018
Yuan, L., Ohtani, E., Ikuta, D., Kamada, S., Tsuchiya, J., Hirao, N., Ohishi, Y. and Suzuki, A.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018
Int'l Joint Research
[Presentation] 中性子照射HOPGの高圧高温処理による圧縮グラファイトの形成2018
惠良将輝, 市川優史, 新部正人, 寺澤倫孝, 藤井俊治郎, 本多信一, 肥後祐司, 庭瀬敬右, 岩田忠夫, 新名亨, 大藤弘明, 入舩徹男