[Publications] G.E.Armah,S.Nishikawa,C.Kondo and K.Tomita.: "The synthesis,cloning and expression of a repeating segment of the circumsporozoite surface protein of Plasmodium falciparum." Nucleic Acids Res.,Symposium Series,. 19. 165-169 (1988)
[Publications] 冨田 研一: "蛋白質工学:X線による蛋白質の高次構造解析" 実験医学. 6. 488-493 (1988)
[Publications] G.E.Armah,S.Nishikawa,S.Miki,Y.Omata,T.Nakabayashi and K.Tomita.: "Conformation and immunogenicity of engineered repeating segment of the circumsporozoite surface protein of Plasmodium falciparum." Mol.Biochem.Parasitol.,. 38. 135-140 (1990)
[Publications] M.I.Ramos,Y.Omata,M.Igarashi and T.Nakabayashi: "Common Plasmodium falciparum antigen detected in in vitro culture supernatant." Ann.Trop.Med.Parasitol.,. 82. 393-395 (1988)
[Publications] M.I.Ramos,Y.Omata,M.Igarashi and T.Nakabayashi: "Plasmodium falciparum: characterization of a 33ーkDa soluble antigen." Experimental Parasitology,. 68. 297-307 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Omata,H.Oikawa,M.Kanda,K.Mikazuki,T.Nakabayashi and N.Suzuki.: "Experimental feline toxoplasmosis : Humoral immune responses of cats inoculated orally with Toxoplasma gondii cysts and oocysts." Jap.J.Vet.Sci.,. 52. 865-867 (1990)
[Publications] G.Boulot,V.Guillon,R.A.Mariuzza,R.J.PolJak,M.M.Riottot and D.Tello.: "Crystallization of antibody fragments and their complexes with antigen." Journal of Crystal Growth,. 90. 213-221 (1988)
[Publications] P.M.Alzari,M.B.Lascombe,and R.J.Poljak.: "Threeーdimensional structure of antibodies." Annual Reviews of Immunology. 6. 555-580 (1988)
[Publications] G.A.Bentley,P.M.Alzari,A.G.Amit,G.Boulot,V.G.Chittarra,T.Fischmann,R.J.Poljak and D.Tello.: "Studies of structure and structure and specificity of some antigenantibody complexes." Phil.Trans.Royal Soc.London,. B323. 487-494 (1989)
[Publications] G.A.Bentley,T.N.Bhat,G.Boulet,T.Fischmann,J.Navaza and R.J.Poljak.: "Immunochemical and crystallographic studies of antibody D1,3 in its free,antigenーliganded and idiotopeーbound states." Cold Spring Harbor Symposium,Quant.Biol.,. 54. 239-245 (1990)
[Publications] T.N.Bhat,G.A.Bentley,T.O.Fischmann,G,Boulet and R.J.Poljak.: "Small rearrangements in structure of Fv and Fab fragments of antibody D1,3 on antigen binding." Nature,. 347. 483-485 (1990)
[Publications] G.A.Bentley,G.Boulet,M.M.Riottot and R.J.Poljak.: "Threeーdimensional structure of an idiotopeーantiーidiotope complex." Nature,. 348. 254-257 (1990)
[Publications] G.E.Armah,S.Nishikawa,C.Kondo,S.Miki,H.Nakabayashi and K.Tomita.: "in “Protein EngineeringーProtein Design in Basic Research,Medicine and Industry",p.p.69ー74.(ed.M.Ikehara)" Japan scientific Society Press/Springer Verlag(Tokyo,Berlin)., 1-355 (1991)
[Publications] 冨田 研一: "“核酸・蛋白質の構造情報"内田久雄編 共著 P.P. 87ー116." 東大出版会, 1-255 (1989)