[Publications] C.Kinoshita: "A Study of Electron-Irradiation-Induced Amorphization and Swelling of Graphite through Electron Microscopy" Proc.of the Japan Academy Ser.B.65. 182-186 (1989)
[Publications] K.Nakai: "Irradiation-Induced Spinodal Decomposition in Alloys" Journal of Nuclear Materials. 169. 116-125 (1989)
[Publications] C.Kinoshita: "Characteristics of Microstructural Evolution of Radiation Damage in Ceramics under Fusion Environment" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] K.Nakai: "Irradiation-Induced Spinodal Decomposition and Its Process in Fe-Mo Alloys" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Asai: "Inducement Process and Mechanism of Spinodal Decomposition in Electron-Irraddiated Au-Ni Alloys" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] A.Matsunaga: "Radiation-Induced Amorphization and Swelling in Ceramics" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] H.Abe: "Accumulation Process of Cascades in Ceramics under Ion and/or Electron Irradiation" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Satoh: "Kinetic Study of Defect Clusters in MgO-Al_2O_3 System under Electron-and/or Ion-Irradiation" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] K.Fukumoto: "Structure and Kinetics of Cascade in Copper under Ion and/or Electron Irradiation" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] C.Kinoshita: "Atomic Transport and Dislocation Loop Kinetics in Ceramics under Electron Irradiation" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (1990)
[Publications] 仲井清眞: "透過電顕法によるグラファイトの照射誘起非晶質化の研究" (1990)
[Publications] C.Kinoshita: "High Voltage Electron Microscope on Line with 30 keV Ion Source and Its Application to Studies on the Displacement Cascade" Proc.the 2nd Int.Symp.on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research. (1990)
[Publications] S.Matsumura: "Study of Temperature Factors in Cubic Crystals by High-Voltage Electron Diffraction" J.Electron Microsc.Technique. 12. 262-271 (1989)
[Publications] T.Okuyama: "Higher Order Laue Zone Patterns in Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction and Estimations of Local Lattice Dimensions in α-and α_2-phases of a Cu-20 at% Alloy" J.Iron and Steel Institute of Japan(ISIJ International). 29. 191-197 (1989)
[Publications] 友清芳二: "高次ラウエゾーンパターンの出現と局所的格子定数測定" 電子顕微鏡. 24. 90-97 (1989)
[Publications] T.Okuyama: "Dynamical Diffraction Effects on Higher-Order Laue Zone Lines in CBED Patterns of Semiconductors" Ultramicroscopy. 31. 309-318 (1989)
[Publications] S.Matsumura: "Strain Contrast of Coherent Precipitates in Bright-field Images Under Zone Axis Incidence" Phil.Mag.(1990)
[Publications] K.Tanimura: "Lattice Relaxation of Highly Excited Self-Trapped Excitons in CaF_2" Phys.Rev.B. 40. 1282-1287 (1989)
[Publications] C.Itoh: "Threshold Energy for Photogeneration of Self-Trapped Excitons in SiO_2" Phys.Rev.B. 39. 11183-11186 (1989)
[Publications] N.Itoh: "Effects of Photo-excitation of Self-Trapped Excitons in Insulators" Optical Engineering. 28. 1034-1038 (1989)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto: "Laser-induced Sputtering of Ga Atoms from Clean and Laser-Damaged GaP(III)Surfaces" Radiation Effects in Defects and Solids. 109. 213-217 (1989)
[Publications] K.Tanimura: "Relaxation of Excitons Perturbed by Self-Trapped in RbI:Evidence for Exciton Fusion in Inorganic Solids with Strong Electron-Lattice Coupling" Phys.Rev.Let.(1990)
[Publications] A.Shluger: "Models of Electronic defects and Self-Trapped Excitons in Li_2O" Journal Phys.C. (1990)
[Publications] A.Shluger: "Self-Trapped Excitons and Interstitial-Vacancy Paris in Oxides" Phil.Mag.(1990)
[Publications] M.Doyama: "Non-Destructuve Testing of Silicon Single Crystals by Positron Annihilation" Positron Annihilation(8th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation,Gent,1988)(World Scientific,Singapore). 699-701 (1989)
[Publications] H.Numata: "Positron Annihilation in Alloy Semiconductors and GaAs" Positron Annihilation(8th Int.Cong.on Positron Annihilation,Gent,1988)(World Scientific,Singapore). 717-718 (1989)
[Publications] S.Ishibashi: "Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy on High-Tc Superconductor Aba_2Cu_3O_7ー(A=Y,Eu)" Positron Annihilation(8th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation,Gent,1988)(World Scientific,Singapore). 925-927 (1989)
[Publications] M.Matsui: "Positron Annihilation in High Tc Ba-Y-Cu-O" Positron Annihilation(8th Int.Cong.on Positron Annihilation,Gent,1988)(World Scientific,Singapore). 928-930 (1989)
[Publications] M.Doyama: "Positron Annihilation in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O High Tc Superconductors" Positron Annihilation(8th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation,Gent,1988)(World Scientific,Singapore). 931-932 (1989)
[Publications] M.Doyama: "Computer Simulation of the Deformation of Small Crystals" Materials Science Forum. 37. 77-86 (1989)
[Publications] M.Matsui: "Magnetic Properties of Fe Clusters in Noble Alloys" Proceedings of the MRS International Meeting on Advanced Materials. 11. 301-306 (1989)
[Publications] K.Ishikawa: "Superconductivity and Magnetic Properties of YBa_2(Cu_<1-x>M_x)_3O_y,(M=Fe,Co,Ni)" Proceedings of the MRS International Meeting on Advanced Materials. 6. 347-352 (1989)
[Publications] S.Ninagawa: "Superconducting Properties and Crystal Structure of(Y_<1-x>Ce_x)Ba_2Cu_3O_y" Proceeding of the MRS International Meeting on Advanced Materials. 6. 542-545 (1989)
[Publications] M.Doi: "Mossbauer Effect of Nd_2(Fe_<1-x>)_<14>B(M=V,Mn,Pt,Ga)" Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Rare Earth Magnets,1989,Kyoto. 559-568 (1989)
[Publications] M.Matsui: "Magnetic Ordering in Superconducting YBa_2(Cu_<1-x>Fe_x)_3O_y Oxide" Journal of Nuclear Materials. 170. 211-216 (1990)
[Publications] 松井正顕: "MBE超薄膜fccーFe/Cuの磁気異方性" 日本応用磁気学会誌. (1990)
[Publications] H.Ito: "Preparation of High Tc Phase of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O by the Addition of Ca_2PbO_4" Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS'89),Tsukuba,1989. (1990)
[Publications] M.Doyama: "Magnetic Phase Diagram of YBa_2(Cu_<1-x>Fe_x)_3O_y and YBa_2(Cu_<1-x>Co_x)_3O_y" Proceedings of International Conference of MRS(MRS'89),Boston,1989. (1990)
[Publications] K.Kuroda: "Microstractural characterization of plasma-sprayed oxide ceramics" ISIJ International. 29. 234-239 (1989)
[Publications] K.Sasaki: "High aesolution electron microscopy in-situ observation of a transformation interface between tetragonal and orthorhombic phases in YBa_2Cu_3O_<7-x>" Philosophical Magazine Letters. 59. 141-147 (1989)
[Publications] K.Noda: "Electron microscopy observation of lithium aluminate irradiated with oxygen ions" JAERI TANDEM,LINIAC & V.D.G.Annual Report 1988. (1989)
[Publications] J.Dembowski: "Energy Distributions of Neutral Atoms Sputtered from Cu,V,and Nb under Different Bombardment and Ejection Augles." Nucl.Instr.Methods. B18. 464-470 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Computer Studies of Ionized Cluster Beam Deposition" Nucl.Instr.Methods. B37/38. 902-905 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Over-Cosine Distributions of Sputtered Atoms at Normal Incidence" Nucl.Instr.Methods. B42. 175-181 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Time-dependent Augular Distributions of Sputtered Atoms from Amorphous Targets" Nucl.Instr.Methods.
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Computer Studies of Ionized Cluster Beam Deposition on Carbon Substrates" Nucl.Instr.Methods.
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Time-dependent Augular Distributions of Sputtered Atoms from Amorphous Targets" Nucl.Instr.Methods.
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "A Computer study of Energy Loss Spectrum of 100 keV H^+ at a W(III)surface" Nucl.Instr.Methods.
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "Computer Simulation of Cascade Damages in Metals" Nucl.Instr.Methods(accepted).
[Publications] H.Ohno: "Electrical Properties of Silicon Nitride" Mater.Sci.Forum. 47. 215-227 (1989)
[Publications] H.Ohno: "Development of Functional Ceramics for Nuclear Fusion Devices and Their Property Measurements in Irradiated Environment" Proc.1st Japan Inter.SAMPE Symp.1622-1627 (1989)
[Publications] S.Komatsu: "Transition from thermal-to electron-impact decomposition of diborane in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of Boron films from B_2H_6+H_e" J.Appl.Phys.66. 1180-1184 (1989)
[Publications] S.Komatsu: "Growth mechanism and morphology of boron films in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition" J.Appl.Phys.(1990)
[Publications] S.Komatsu: "Growth Mechanism of Boron Films and Whiskers with the Assistance of Atomic Hydrogen in a Low Pressure B_2H_6+H_2+H_e Plasma" Proc.Jpn.Symp.Plasma Chem.,. 1. 321-326 (1988)
[Publications] T.Ishigaki: "Prssureless sintering of TiC-Al_2O_3 composites" J.Mater.Sci.,. 8. 678-680 (1989)
[Publications] A.Iwase: "Effect of 120 MeV ^<16>O Ion Irradiation at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature on Superconducting Properties of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O" Jap.J.Appl.Phys.28. 1939-1941 (1989)
[Publications] T.Iwata: "Physical Aspects of Radiation Damage in Graphite" Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Report. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yamauchi: "High Heat Flux test by High Current and Low energy Electron Beam" Fusion Engineering and Design. 9. 265-269 (1989)
[Publications] M.Fujitsuka: "High Heat Flux Damgae of the Guard Limiter in Heliotron E" J.Nucl.Mater.162ー164. 976-981 (1989)
[Publications] K.Niwase: "On the Amarphization of Neutron Irradiated Graphite" J.Nucl.Mater.170. 106-108 (1990)
[Publications] T.Shikama: "Structural Changes of Deposited Tl1-xBx Films Due to Neutron Irradiation" J.Nucl.Mater.
[Publications] T.Shikama: "Induced Radioactivity of Commercial Isotropic Graphites for High Heat Flux Tiles" J.Nucl.Mater.
[Publications] K.Noda: "Irradiation Defects and Ion Conductivity of Lithium Oxide" Advances in Ceramics(American Ceramic Society). 25. 155-164 (1989)
[Publications] H.Matsui: "Quenched-in Vacancies in Single Crystalline Uranium Monocarbide(UC)" Radiation Effects and Crystalline Lattice Defects. 108. 115-124 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Onuki: "Magnetoresistance and de Haas-van Alphen Effect in UC" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 59. 229-233 (1990)
[Publications] H.Matsui: "Fission Fragment Damage of Magnetic Uranium Compounds" Journal of Radioanalysis and Nuclear Chemistry. (1990)
[Publications] H.Matsui: "Neutron Irradiation Damage in Transition Metal Carbides" Journal of Nuclear Materials. in print. (1990)
[Publications] K.Noda: "Electrical Conductivity of Lithium Oxide under Irradiation" Journal of Nuclear Materials. (1990)
[Publications] H.Matsui: "Phase Transformation in Magnetic Uranium Compounds by Fission Damage" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. (1990)
[Publications] H.Suematsu: "Dislocation-Induced Softening of MgO・2.9Al_2O_3 Single Crystals" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.72(2). 306-308 (1989)
[Publications] S.Kasahara: "ESR Observation in Neutron-Irradiated and Annealed β-SiC" J.Nucl.Mater.161. 261-264 (1989)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Effects of Sintering Aids on the Length Change of Neutron Irradiated SiC Ceramics During Annealing at High Temperature" J.Nucl.Mater.165. 247-251 (1989)
[Publications] H.Suematsu: "Decoration of Dislocation by the Precipitation of Alumina in MgO・2.9Al_2O_3 Spinel" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.72(8). 1447-1452 (1989)
[Publications] 井関孝善: "最近のセラミックス材料の開発と核融合分野への応用" 核融合研究. 62(3). 175-184 (1989)
[Publications] K.Sasaki: "Helium Release from Neutron Irradiated SiC Containing ^<10>B Isotope" J.Nucl.Mater.168. 349-351 (1989)
[Publications] T.Iseki: "Effects of Neutron Irradiated and Subsequent Annealing on Strength and Toughness of SiC Ceramics" J.Nucl.Mater.170. 95-100 (1990)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "The Influence of Thermal Vacancies on Helium Induced Volume Swelling in Silicon Carbide" J.Nucl.Mater.170. 113-116 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yano: "High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Neutron-Irradiation-Induced Dislocation in SiC" Phil.Mag.(1990)
[Publications] T.Yano: "Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated Aluminum Nitride" J.Nucl.Mater.(1990)
[Publications] K.Sasaki: "Helium Release and Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Ceramics" J.Nucl.Mater.(1990)
[Publications] T.Yano: "Step-Heating Dilatometry to Obtain The Length Change of SiC Temperature Monitor" Nucl.Technol.
[Publications] T.Matsuzawa: "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiC Fiber" Proceedings of the MRS(Materials Research Society)International Meeting on Advanced Materials. 4. 191-196 (1989)
[Publications] 岡村清人: "セラミック繊維の開発とその応用" バウンダリー. 7. 5-10 (1989)
[Publications] 岡村清人: "人工セラミック繊維とセラミックス複合材料への応用" 表面. 27. 998-1008 (1989)
[Publications] 岡村清人: "セラミック繊維の現状と将来" 工業材料. (12月別冊). 18-24 (1989)
[Publications] 木下智見: "セラミックス工学ハンドブック(分筆)反射高速電子線回析" (社)窯業協会, 5 (1989)
[Publications] 木下智見: "先端材料評価のための電子顕微鏡法(分筆)" 朝倉書店, (1990)
[Publications] 友清芳二: "先端材料評価のための電子顕微鏡技法(分筆)" 朝倉書店, (1990)
[Publications] 友清芳二: "多目的電子顕微鏡ー見る、測る、確かめるー(分筆)" 共立出版, (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yamamura: "ION BEAM ASSISTED FILM GROWTH" ELSEVIER, 52 (1989)
[Publications] 守吉佑介: "セラミックスの基礎科学" 内田老鶴圃(株), 224 (1989)
[Publications] S.Somiya: "Sintering Key Papers" Elsevir Book Comp., 600 (1990)