[Publications] A.Yoshimori: "Transfer Coefficient in Electrochemical Reactions" J.Phys.Chem.93. 3694-3702 (1989)
[Publications] A.Yoshimori: "Shapes of the Electron-Transfer Rate vs Energy Gap Relations in Polar Solutions" J.Phys.Chem.93. 8316-8323 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kakitani: "Effect of freezing out protein vibrational modes on electron transfer kinetics in bacterial reaction centers" Photosynthesis Research. 22. 187-193 (1989)
[Publications] S.Fukuhara: "Disintegration and reconstitution of PSII reaction center core complex.II.Reconstitution of QA function" J.Biol.Chem.
[Publications] Y.Kobayashi: "Cyclic electron transport around PSII reaction center through Cyt b-559." Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] A.Miyazaki: "Stoichiometry of Cyt b-559 in photosystem II reaction center complex" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 975. 142-147 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Morishima: "Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Chromophores Rigidly Compartmentalized in a Microphase Structure of Amphiphilic Polyelectrolytes in Aqueour Solution" J.Phys.Chem.93. 1643-1648 (1989)
[Publications] N.Mataga: "Picosecond Dynamics of Intramolecular Electron Transfer and Energy Transfer in Porphyrin Dimer Model Compounds" Chem.Phys.131. 473-480 (1989)
[Publications] N.Mataga: "Charge-Transfer Rates in Symmetric and Symmetry-Disturbed Derivatives of 9.9´-Bianthryl" J.Phys.Chem.93. 3383-3386 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Inoue: "Synchrotron Radiation Study of Weak Fluorescence from Neat Liquids of Simple Alkanes:Anomalous Excitation Spectra as Evidence for Wavelength-Dependent Photochemistry" J.Am.Chem.Soc.111. 5584-5586 (1989)
[Publications] H.Kobashi: "Ion-Pair Formation Competing with Internal Conversion from the Second Excited State in the Chloranil-Diphenylamine Complex" Chem.Phys.Lett.160. 261-266 (1989)
[Publications] N.Mataga: "Picosecond Laser Photolysis Studies on Dimer Model Systems in Relation to Photosynthetic Charge Separation Processes" Tetrahedron. 45. 4683-4692 (1989)
[Publications] H.Yao: "Solvation Induced Charge Separation in the Excited State of Composite Systems with Identical Halves and Picosecond Laser Photolysis Studies on 1,2-Dianthrylethanes" J.Phys.Chem.93. 7388-7394 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Sakata: "Synthesis of Completely Fixed Porphyrin-Quinone Compounds and the Mutual Orientation Effect on Electron Transfer" J.Am.Chem.Soc.111. 8979-8981 (1989)
[Publications] S.Kinoshita: "Solvent Relaxation Effect on Transient Hole-Burning Spectra of Organic Dyes" Chem.Phys.Lett.
[Publications] N.Mataga: "Femtosecond-Picosecond Laser Photolysis Studies on the Photoinduced Charge Separation and Charge Recombination of Produced Ion Pair State of Some Typical Intramolcular Exciplex Compounds in Alkanenitrile Solvents" J.Phys.Chem.
[Publications] S.Itoh: "New herbicide-binding site in the photosynthetic electron-transport chain.Competitive herbicide binding at the photosystem I phylloguinone-(vitamin Kl)-binding site" FEBS Lett.250. 441-447 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Takahashi: "Silicomolybdate substitute for the function of a primary electron acceptor and stabilizes charge separatation in the photosystem II reaction center complex" FEBS Lett.255. 1333-1338 (1989)
[Publications] M.Iwaki: "Electron transfer in spinach photosystem I reaction center containing benzo-, naphtho- and anthraquinones in place of phylloquinone" FEBS Lett.256. 11-16 (1989)
[Publications] S.Hoshina: "Selective destruction of iron sulfur centers by hear/ethylene glycol treatment and isolation of photosystem I core complex" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1015. 61-68 (1990)
[Publications] S.Hoshina: "Characterization and N-terminal sequence of a 5 kDa polypeptide associated with photosystem I core complex from spinach" FEBS Lett.258. 305-308 (1989)
[Publications] S.Itoh: "Vitamin K-l(phylloquinone)restores the turnover of FeS centers in the ether-extracted spinach PS I particles" FEBS Lett.243. 47-52 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ono: "A marked upshift in threshold temperature for the S_1-to-S_2 transition induced by low pH treatment of PSII membranes" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] T.Ono: "Abnormal redox reactions in photosynthetic O_2-evolving centers in NaCl/EDTA-washed PSII.A dark-stable EPR multiline signal and a new unknown positive charge accumulator" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] M.Mitsue: "An improved procedure for photoactivation of photosynthetic oxygen evolution: Effect of 2.6-dichlorophenol indophenol on the photoactivation yield of NH_2OH-treated photosystem II membranes" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. (submitted)
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Excitation energy flow in chlorosome antennas of green photosynthetic bacteria" J.Phys.Chem.93. 7503-7509 (1989)
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Excitation energy transfer in phycobilisomes at -196゚C isolated from the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis(M-3):Evidence for the plural transfer pathways to the terminal emitters" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 973. 153-162 (1989)
[Publications] K.Shimada: "Excitation energy transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides analyzed by the time-resolved fluorescence spectrum" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 975. 72-79 (1989)
[Publications] D.Frackowiak: "Polarized time-resolved fluorescence spectra of phycobilisomes isolated from Tolypothrix tenuis embedded in poly(vinyl alcohol)" Photochem.Photobiol.50. 563-570 (1989)
[Publications] T.Katoh: "Light harvesting particles isolated from a brown alga Dictyota dichotoma: A Supramolecular assembly of fucoxanthis-chlorophyll complex" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 976. 233-240 (1989)
[Publications] S.Tokutomi: "Orientation of the chromophore transition moment in the "four-leaved shape model"for phytochrome in the red- absorbing form and its rotation induced by the phototransformation to the far-red absorbing form" FEBS Lett.255. 350-353 (1989)
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Spatial arrangement of pigments and their interaction in the fucoxanthin-chl a/c protein assembly(FCPA)isolated from the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma:Analysis by means of polarized spectroscopy" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1015. 450-456 (1990)
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Characteristic fluorescence components in the pigment system of the marine dinoflagellate Protogonyaulax tamarensis and energy flow among them: Studies by means of steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] K.Shimada: "Excitation energy flow in a photosynthetic bacterium lacking B850: Fast energy transfer from B806 to B870 in Erythrobacter sp.strain OCh 114" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Carotenoids in Photosynthesis-Absorption, transfer and dissipation of light energy" Pure Appl.Chem.
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Analysis of energy transfer mechanism in photosynthesis" Bot.Mag.Tokyo.
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Excitation energy flow in purple photosynthetic bacteria: Analysis by the timeresolved fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Molecular biology of membrane-bound complex in phototrophic bacteria(G.Drews ed.)" Plenum press.
[Publications] H.Kandori: "Mechanism of isomerization of rhodopsin studied by use of 11-cis-locked rhodopsin analogs excited with picosecond" Biochemistry. 28. 6460-6467 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Imamoto: "The effect of chloride ion on the thermal decay process of batho-intermediate of iodopsin at low temperature" Biochemistry. 28. 9412-9496 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Shichida: "Effects of chloride on chicken iodopsin to scotopsin and B-photopsin" Biochemistry.
[Publications] H.Hashimoto: "The c=c stretching Raman lines of β-caroten isomers in the S_1 state as detected by pump-probe resonance Raman" Chem.Phys.Lett.154. 321-325 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Koyama: "'H NMR spectra of the all-trans,7-cis,9-cis,13-cis and 15-cis isomers of β-carotene:Elongation of the double bond and shortening of the single bond toward the center." J.Mol.Struct.193. 185-201 (1989)
[Publications] H.Hashimoto: "Time-resolved absorption spectroscopy of the friplet state produced from the all-trans,7-cis,9-cis,13-cis and 15-cis isomers of β-carotene" Chem.Phys.Lett.162. 517-522 (1989)
[Publications] H.Hashimoto: "Raman spectra of all-trans-β-apo-8´-carotenal in the S_1 and T_1 states:A picosecond pump-and-probe technique using ML-QS pulse trains" Chem.Phys.Lett.162. 523-527 (1989)
[Publications] H.Hashimoto: "Raman spectra of all-trans-β-carotene in the S_1 and T_1 states produced by direct photoexcitation" Chem.Phys.Lett.163. 251-256 (1989)
[Publications] E.Nishizawa: "Raman spectra of chlorophyll a in the T_1 state" Chem.Phys.Lett.164. 155-160 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kouyama: "Correlation between internal motion and emission kinetics of tryptophan residues in proteins" Eur.J.Biochem.182. 517-521 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kouyama: "Turnover rate of the proton pumping cycle of bacteriorhodopsin: pH and light-intensity dependences" Biochemistry. 28. 5963-5970 (1989)
[Publications] S.Suzuki: "Independent flexible motion of submolecular domains of the Ca^<2+>,Mg^<2+>-ATPase of sarcoplasmicreticulum measured by time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of site-specifically attached probes" Biochemistry. 28. 7734-7740 (1989)
[Publications] K.Fukuda: "Effect of partial delipidation of purple membrane on the photodynamics of bacteriorhodopsin" Biochemistry.
[Publications] A.Nasuda-Kouyama: "Effect of a light-induced pH gradient on purple-to-blue and purple-to-red transitions of bacteriorhodopsin" Biochemistry.
[Publications] K.Kaneko: "Gas Kinetic Approach for Electron-Ion Recombination Rate Constant in Dense Media" J.Phys.Soc.Japan. 59.
[Publications] M.Nakamura: "Spin Depolarization on a Linear Chain with Quasiperiodic Larmor Frequencies" J.Phys.Soc.Japan. 59.
[Publications] H.Sumi: "Two kinds of Excimers in α-perylens and pyrene crystals:Origin of Y and V emissions" Chemical Physics. 130. 433-449 (1989)
[Publications] H.Sumi: "Coexistence of two types of self-trapping for two-dimensional excitons" Solid State Communications. 71. 789-792 (1989)
[Publications] T.Noguti: "Structural Basis of Hierarchical Multiple Substates of a Protein.I:Introduction" PROTEINS. 5. 97-103 (1989)
[Publications] T.Noguti: "Structural Basis of Hierarchical Multiple Substates of a protein.II:Monte Carlo Simulation of Native Thermal Fluctuations and Energy Minimization" PROTEINS. 5. 104-112 (1989)
[Publications] T.Noguti: "Structural Basis of Hierarchical Multiple Substates of a Protein.III:Side Chain Local Conformations" PROTEINS. 5. 113-124 (1989)
[Publications] T.Noguti: "Structural Basis of Hierarchical Multiple Substates of a Protein.IV:Rearrangements in Atom Packing and Local Deformations" PROTEINS. 5. 125-131 (1989)
[Publications] T.Noguti: "Structural Basis of Hierarchical Multiple Substates of a Protein.V:Nonlocal Deformations" PROTEINS. 5. 132-138 (1989)
[Publications] M.Nakasako: "Arginine remarkably prolongs the life time of the M-intermediate in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle at room temperature" FEBS Lett.254. 211-214 (1989)
[Publications] S.Tokutomi: "A model for the dimeric molecular structure of phytochrome based on small-angle X-ray scattering" FEBS Lett.247. 139-142 (1989)
[Publications] 垣谷俊昭: "ロドプシンの構造と波長識別能との関連" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 136-144 (1989)
[Publications] 坂田祥光: "光合成モデル化合物による太陽エネルギ-の獲得" ペテロテック. 12. 1006-1011 (1989)
[Publications] 三木邦夫: "紅色光合成細菌の反応中心複合体の立体構造" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 726-740 (1989)
[Publications] 伊藤繁: "光合成光化学系I反応中心の構造と内部電子移動過程" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 755-767 (1989)
[Publications] 七田芳則: "光受容物質の分子構造と動態" 細胞.
[Publications] 吉沢雅幸: "超短パルスレ-ザ-による時間分解分光" 光学. 18. 477-478 (1989)
[Publications] M.Mimuro: "Excitation energy flow in purple photosynthetic bacteria:Analysis by the timeresolved fluorescence spectroscopy.In:Molecular biology of membtane-bound complex in phototrophic bacteria(G.Drews ed.)" Plenum press,
[Publications] 三木邦夫: "新基礎生化学実験法第5巻「高次構造・状態分析」(中島暉躬 他編)" 丸善, 350 (1989)
[Publications] 木下一彦: "新基礎生化学実験法第5巻「高次構造・状態分析」(中島暉躬 他編)-蛍光・蛍光偏光-" 丸善, 350 (1989)
[Publications] 神山勉: "分光技術ハンドブック「分光測定基礎技術」" 朝倉書店,