[Publications] Mimuro,M.: "Excitation energy flow in the photosynthetic pigment systems:structure and energy transfer mechanism." Bot.Mag.Tokyo,. 103. 233-253 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshimori,A.: "Theoretical study of the free energy curves as a function of Reaction coordinate of electron transfer by the cumulant expansion method" J.Chem.Phys.93. 5140-5146 (1990)
[Publications] Beppu,Y.: "Comprehensive study of molecular conformation and adialatic potential surface of allーtrans retinal by the CNDO12 method" Chem.Phys.148. 333-346 (1990)
[Publications] Saito,M.: "Monte Carlo Simulation study on solvation energy of polar solutions" Chem,Phys.Letters. 172. 169-174 (1990)
[Publications] Hatano,Y: "Theoretical Study of Dielectric Saturation in Molecular Solutions by the Monte Carlo Simulation" J.Phys,Soc.Japan. 59. 1104-1116 (1990)
[Publications] 三木 邦夫: "光合成反応中心の結晶学的研究" 日本結晶学会誌. 32. 162-169 (1990)
[Publications] 三木 邦夫: "細菌の光化学反応中心における分子配置" 細胞. 22. 301-305 (1990)
[Publications] 三木 邦夫: "膜タンパク質複合体・光合成反応中心の立体構造と光合成膜における電子伝達反応の分子機構" 膜(MEMBRANE). 15. 234-243 (1990)
[Publications] Itoh,S.and Iwaki,M.: "Full replacement of the function of the secondary electron acceptor phylloquinone (=vitamin K_1) by nonーquinone carbonyl compounds in green plant photosystem I photosynthetic reaction centers." Biochemistry,.
[Publications] Iwaki,M.and Itoh,S.: "Structure of the phylloquinoneーbinding (Q_φ) site in green plant photosystem I reaction center:The affinity of quinones and quinonoid compounds for the Q_φ site." Biochemistry,.
[Publications] Isogai,Y.,Itoh,S.and Nishimura,M.: "Location of D^+ and distribution of surface charges in photosystem II." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1017. 204-208 (1990)
[Publications] Hoshina,S.,Sakurai,R.,Kunishima,N.,Wada,K.and Itoh,S.: "Selective destruction of ironーsulfur centers by heat/ethylene glycol treatment and isolation of photosystem I core complex." Biochimica et Biophysica Acata. 1015. 61-68 (1990)
[Publications] Sonoike,K.,Hatanaka,H.,Katoh,S.and Itoh,S.: "Heatーstability of ironーsulfur centers and Pー700 in photosystem I reaction center complexes isolated from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechlcoccus elongatus." Plant & Cell Physiology,. 31. 865-870 (1990)
[Publications] Ohoka,H.,Itoh,S.,Saeki,K.,Takahashi,Y.and Matsubara,H.: "F_A/F_B protein from the spinach photosystem I complex:Isolation in a native state and some properties of the ironーsulfur clusters." Plant & Cell Physiology.32. 11-17 (1991)
[Publications] Ono,T.and Inoue,Y.: "A marked upshift in threshold temperature for the S_1ーtoーS_2 transition induced by low pH treatment of PSII." Biochim.BIophys.Acta. 1015. 373-377 (1990)
[Publications] Ono,T.and Inoue,Y.: "Abnormal redox reactions in photosynthetic O_2ーevolving centers in NaCl/EDTAーwashed PSII.A darkーstable EPR multiline signal and an unknown positive charge accumulator" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1020. 269-277 (1990)
[Publications] Ono,T.and Inoue,Y.: "Structural and functional modification of Mn cluster in Ca^<2+>ーdepleted S_1 and S_2 states:Electron paramagnetic resonance and Xーray absorption spectroscopy studies" Biochemistry.
[Publications] Miyao,M.and Inoue,Y.: "Am improved procedure for photoactivation of photosynthetic oxygen evolution:Effect of artificial electron acceptors on the photoactivation yield of NH_2OHーtreated wheat photosystem II membranes" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1056. 47-56 (1991)
[Publications] Miyao,M.and Inoue,Y.: "Enhancement by chloride ions of photoactivation of oxygen evolution in manganeseーdepleted photosystem II membranes" Biochemistry.
[Publications] Ono,T.and Inoue,Y.: "Biochemical evidence for histidine oxidation in photosystem II depleted of the Mnーcluster for O_2ーevolution" FEBS Lett.(1991)
[Publications] Ono,T.and Inoue,Y.: "A possible role of redox active histidine in photoligation of Mn into photosynthetic O_2ーevolving enzyme" Biochemistry.
[Publications] Sonoike,K.et al.: "The emission spectra of thermoluminescence from photosynthetic apparatus" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] Sonoike,K.and Inoue,Y.: "An application of twoーdimensional photoncounter to determination of emission spectra of thermoluminescence from photosynthetic systems" J.Lumines.
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Spatial arrangement of pigments and their interaction in the fucoxanthinchl a__ー/c__ー protein assembly (FCPA) isolated from the brown alga <Dictyota>___ー <dichotoma>___ー:Analysis by means of polarized spectroscopy." Biochim.Biophys.Acta,. 1015. 450-456 (1990)
[Publications] Shimada,K.et al.,: "Excitation energy flow in a photosynthetic bacterium lacking B850:Fast energy transfer from B806 to B870 in <Erythrobacter>___ー sp.strain OCh 114." Biochim.Biophys.Acta,. 1016. 266-271 (1990)
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Characteristic fluorescence components in the pigment system of the marine dinoflagellate <Protogonyaulax tamarensis>___ー and energy flow among them:Studies by means of steadyーstate and timeーresolved fluorescence spectroscopy." Biochim.Biophys.Acta,. 1016. 281-287 (1990)
[Publications] Mimuro,M.: "Excitation energy flow in the photosynthetic pigment systems:structure and energy transfer mechanism." Bot.Mag.Tokyo,. 103. 233-253 (1990)
[Publications] Miki,K.et al.,: "Crystallization and preliminary Xーray diffraction studies of Cーphycocyanin from a red alga <Porphyra tenera>___ー." J.Biochem.(Tokyo),. 108. 646-649 (1990)
[Publications] Nozawa,T.et al.,: "Magnetic circular dichroism and linear dichrosim for elucidation of electronic transitions and their orientations in a reaction center isolated from a thermophilic purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium <Chromatium>___ー <tepidum>___ー." Chem.Lett.,. 2125-2128 (1990)
[Publications] 三室 守: "アンテナ複合体における分子配置" 細胞. 22. 296-300 (1990)
[Publications] Mimuro,M.and T.Katoh: "Carotenoids in photosynthesisーAbsorption,transfer and dissipation of light energy." Pure & Appl.Chem.,. 63. 123-130 (1991)
[Publications] Uehara,K.et al.,: "Spectroscopic studies of chlorophyll a__ー aggregates formed by aqueous Dimethyl sulfoxide." Photochem.Photobiol.,.
[Publications] Frackowiak,D.et al.,: "Analysis of timeーresolved emission spectra of orientd phycobilisomes." Photochem.Photobiol.,.
[Publications] Katoh,T.et al.,: "Fluorescence properties of the allenic carotenoid fucoxanthin:Its implication for energy transfer in photosynthetic pigment systems." Photosynthesis Res.,.
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Fluorescence properties of the allenic carotenoid fucoxanthin:Analysis of the effect of keto carbonyl group by using a model compound,allーtransーβーapoー8'ーcarotenal." J.Luminescence.
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Heterogeneity of antenna components and energy transfer pathways in a green photosynthetic bacterium <Chloroflexus aurantiacus>___ー:Studies by the timeーresolved fluorescence spectra atー196℃." Biochim.Biophys.Acta 投稿中.
[Publications] Post,A.F.et al.,: "Light 2 directed changes in the effecitve absorption crossーsection of photosystem ll in <Synechococcus>___ー 27170 are related to modified action on the donor side of the reaction center." Biochim.Biophys.Acta 投稿中.
[Publications] Tokutomi,S.and M.Mimuro: "The model for the orientation of the chromophores in the dimeric phytochrome molecule." Photochem.Photobiol.,投稿中.
[Publications] Matsuura,K.et al.,: "Three dimensional alignment of bacteriochlorophylls c__ー and a__ー in chlorosomes from <Chloroflexus aurantiacus.>___ー" Photosynthesis Res.投稿予定.
[Publications] Uehara,K.et al.,: "Selective formation of the chlorophyll a__ー aggregate absorbing near 685nm in aqueous tetrahydrofuran." Chem.Lett.投稿予定.
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Dynamics of excited state in polyene aldehyde,allーtransーβーapoー8'ーcarotenal.A study by means of timeーresolved fluorescence spectrospcoy on plural emission bands." Chem.Phys.Lett.,投稿予定.
[Publications] 三室 守: "光合成の物理化学" バリティ-.
[Publications] 九鬼 導隆・橋本 秀樹・小山 泰: "The 2'Ag^ー state of a carotenoid bound to the chromatophore membrane of <Rhodopsendonioras>___ー <sghaeroidcs>___ー 2.4.1.as revealed by transient resonance Raman spectroscopy" Chem.Phys.Lett.165. 417-422 (1990)
[Publications] 小山 泰・高塚 一郎・金持 真理子・富本 広一・鬼頭 万里子・島村 敏夫・山下 仁平・斎木 加代子・月田 潔: "Configurations of carotenoids in the reaction center and the lightーharvesting conplex of <Rhodospirillum>___ー <rubrum>___ー.Natural selectin of carotenoid configurations by pigment protein complexes" Photochem.Photobiol.51. 119-128 (1990)
[Publications] 向井 裕美子・橋本 秀樹・小山 泰: "Dependence of the triplet potential of retinal homologs on the chain length:Resorance Raman spectroscopy and analysis of tripletーsensitized isomerization" J.Phys.Chem.94. 4042-4051 (1990)
[Publications] 橋本 秀樹・小山 泰: "The 2'Ag^ー state of a carotenoid bound to spinach choroplast as revealed by picosecond transient Raman spectroscopy" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1017. 181-186 (1990)
[Publications] 西沢 栄一・小山 泰: "The T_1 Raman spectra of bacterio chlorophyll a__ー:changes in the bond rders of the conjugated macrocycle upon triplet excitation" Chem.Phys.Lett.172. 317-322 (1990)
[Publications] 片山 詔久・橋本 秀樹・小山 泰・島村 敏夫: "Highーperformance liquid chromatography of <cis>___ーー<trans>___ー isomers of neurosporene:discrimination of <cis>___ー and <trans>___ー contigurations at the end of an open conjugated chain" J.Chromatogr.519. 221-227 (1990)
[Publications] 成瀬 充・橋本 秀樹,九鬼 導隆・小山 泰: "Triplet excitation of preconsors of spirilloxanthin bound to the chromatophoros of <Rhodospirillum>___ー <rubrum>___ー as detected by transient Raman spectroscopy" J.Mol.Struct.
[Publications] 西沢 栄一・小山 泰: "A coordinationーmarker Raman line of bacteriochlorophyll a__ー in the T_1 state" Chem.Phys.Lett.
[Publications] 橋本 秀樹・小山 泰: "The S_0 and T_1 states of isomeric canthaxanthin as compared with those of βーcarotene:Effect of terminal carbonyl groups aletected by Raman spectroscopy" Photochem.Photobiol.
[Publications] 橋本 秀樹・小山 泰,平田 善則・又賀 昇: "The S_1 and T_1 spacies of βーcarotene generated by direct photoexcitation from the allーtrans,9ーcis,13ーcis and 15ーcis isomers as revealed by picosecond transient absrption and transient Raman spectroscopies" J.Phys.Chem.
[Publications] 小山 泰: "Structures and functions of carotenoids in photosynthetic systems" J.Photochem.Photobiol.
[Publications] T.Kobayashi,M.Terauchi T.Kouyama,M.Yoshizawa,M.Taiji: "Femtosecond spectroscopy of acidified and netral bacteriorhodopsin" SPIE Proceedings of International Conference on Laser Applications to Life Science.
[Publications] M.Nakasako,M.Wada,S.Tokutomi,K.Y.Yamamoto J.Sakai,M.Kataoka,F.Tokunaga & M.Furuya: "Quatenary structure of peaphytochrome I dimer studied with small angle Xーray scattering and rotaryーshadowing electron microscopy" Photochemistry and Photobiology. 52. 3-12 (1990)
[Publications] F.Tokunaga,T.Iwasa,M.Yiyagishi and S.Kayada: "Cloning of cDNA and amino acid sequence of one of chicken cone visual pigments" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.173. 1212-1217 (1990)
[Publications] O.Hisatomi,T.Iwasa,F.Tokunaga and A.Yasui: "Isolation and Characterization of lamprey rhodopsin cDNA" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. (1991)
[Publications] Yoshitaka Fukada: "A comparative study on the chromophore binding sites of rod and redーsensitive cone visual pigments by use of synthetic retinal isomers and analogs." Biochemistry. 29. 3133-3140 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshinori Shichida: "Ultrsーfast laser spectroscopy of visual pigments." Photochem.Photobiol.52. 1179-1185 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshinori Shichida: "Effects of chloride on chicken iodopsin and its chromophore transfer reactions to scotopsin and Bーphotopsin." Biochemistry. 29. 5843-5848 (1990)
[Publications] G.R.Lopponow: "Structure of the retinal chromophore in 7,9ーdicis rhodopsin." Biochemistry. 29. 8985-8991 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshitaka Fukada: "Phosphorylation of iodopsin,chicken redーsensitive cone visual pigment." Biochemistry. 29. 10102-10106 (1990)
[Publications] Osamu Kuwata: "The primary structure of iodopsin,a chicken redーsensitive cone pigment." FEBS Lett.1. 128-132 (1990)
[Publications] Hideki Kandori: "Bathoiodopsin,a primary intermediate of iodopsin at physiological temperature." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 87. 8908-8912 (1990)
[Publications] K.Fukuda,A.NasudaーKouyama,A.Ikegami,and T.Kouyama: "Effect of partial delipidation of purple membrane on the photodynamics of bacteriorhodopsin." Biochemistry. 29. 1997-2002 (1990)
[Publications] A.NasudaーKouyama,K.Fukuda T.Iio and T.Kouyama: "Effect of a lightーinduced pH gradient on purpleーtoーblue and purpleーtoーred transitions of bacteriorhodopsin." Biochemistry. 29. 6778-6788 (1990)
[Publications] K.Uehara,K.Kawai,and T.Kouyama: "Oriented purple membrane as an ether sensor." Denki Kagaku. 58. 1132-1135 (1990)
[Publications] K.Kaneko,J.Takimoto Y.Usami,K.Kitahara: "Gas Kinetic Approach for ElectronーIon Recombination Rate Constant in Dense Media" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 59. 56-65 (1990)
[Publications] M.Nakamura,T.Yasuda K.Kitahara,M.Kohmoto: "Spin Depolarization on a Linear Chain with QuasiーPeriodic Larmor Frequencies" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 59. 826-828 (1990)
[Publications] K.Kitahara,K.Seki S.Suzuki: "On the Spatial Correlations in Nonequilibrium Systems" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 59. 2309-2331 (1990)
[Publications] M.Nakamura,K.Kitahara: "Spin Depolarization of a Quantum Particle;Fermionic Path Integral Approach" Journal of Physical Society of Japan. 60. (1991)
[Publications] K.Kitahara,K.Seki,S.Suzuki: "On the Spatial Correlations in ReactionーDiffusion Systems in Nonequilibrium Conditions" Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems (Eds.,A.Blumen,J.Klafter abd D.Haarer,World Scientific,Singapore). 403-413 (1990)
[Publications] 住 斉: "Coexistence and competition of two types of selfーtrapping for twoーdimensional excitons" Reviews of Solid State Sciences. 4. 209-221 (1990)
[Publications] 住 斉: "Theory on reaction rate in nonthermalized steady states during conformational fluctuations in viscous solvents" Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95. (1991)
[Publications] 住 斉: "Theory on laser sputtering by highーdensity valenceーelectron excitation of semiconductor surfaces" Surface Science. (1991)
[Publications] Tosiyuki Noguti: "Hydrogenーbond network within and between modules in barnase." Nature.
[Publications] Kenーichi Yoshikawa: "Hydrogen Bond Network of Cytochrome P450cam:A Network Connecting the Hem Group with Helix K." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.
[Publications] Tomio Nagatuka et al.: "Disintegration and reconstitution of photosystem II reaction center core complex.II.Possible involvement of low molecular mass proteins in the functioning of O__〜A in the PS II reaction center." Biochim.Biophys.Acta. (1991)
[Publications] Satoshi Fukuhara et al.: "Proteins essential for the functioning of O__〜A in the phtosystem II complex" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.
[Publications] Takashi Shina et al.: "Time course of protein synthesis rates in <Euglena>___ー plastid during greening" Plant Physiol.
[Publications] Hiroshi Kawaguchi et al.: "Photoinduction of the psbDーpsbC gene transcription in Wheat plastid during greening." Plant Mol.Biol.
[Publications] Mimuro,M.,Shimada,K.,Tamai,N.and Yamazaki,I.: "Excitation energy flow in purple photosynthetic bacteria;Analysis by the timeーresolved fluorescence spectroscopy.In Molecular Biology of Membraneーbound Complex in Phototrophic bacteria." Plenum Press, 491 (1990)
[Publications] 垣谷 俊昭: "生物物理の最前線 日本生物物理学会編" 講談社, 302 (1990)
[Publications] 三木 邦夫他(分担執筆): "生命科学の基礎 6「生体膜の分子素子・分子機械」" 学会出版センタ-, 341 (1990)
[Publications] 三木 邦夫他(分担執筆): "新生化学実験講座 第1巻タンパク質 III.高次構造" 東京化学同人, 436 (1990)
[Publications] Iwaki,M.and Itoh,S.: "“Electron transfer in inorganic,organic and biological systems"(ed.Bolton,J.)(共著) Advances in Chemistry Series 404," American Chemical Society,(1991)
[Publications] Mimuro,M.et al.,: "Molecular Biology of MembraneーBound Complexes in Phototrophic Bacteria." Plenum Press, (1990)
[Publications] 三室 守: "分光技法ハンドブック III 応用編(南茂夫、合志陽一編集)" 朝倉図書, (1990)
[Publications] Katoh,T.and M.mimuro: "Methods in Enzymology:Carotenoids" Academic Press,
[Publications] 小山 泰: "In:“Carotenoids;Chemistry and Biology"Natural selection of carotenoid contiguration's by the reaction center and the lightーharvesting complex of photosynthetic bacteria" Plenum Press,New York Eds.N.I.Krinsky,M.M.MathewsーRoth and R.F.Taylor, 207-228 (1990)
[Publications] 神山 勉,木下 一彦: "分光技術ハンドブック" 朝倉書店, 7 (1990)
[Publications] 神山 勉,池上 明: "生命科学の基礎 6 生体膜の分子素子・分子機械" 学会出版センタ-, 18 (1990)
[Publications] Tosiyuki Noguti: "M.Ikehara,T.Oshima,K.Titani Eds,Protein Engineering pp 3ー8." Japan Scientific Societies Press, 355 (1990)