[Publications] H.Kawarada,T.Sawaguri & H.Imai: "An Approximate Resolution of a Free Boundary Problem Appearing in the Equilibrium Plasma by Means of Conformal Mapping" Japan J.Appl.Math.6(3). 331-340 (1989)
[Publications] 一松信: "コンピュ-タと数学との関連-大学段階の実例を中心に" 数学セミナ-増刊(数学教育とコンピュ-タ). 144-148 (1989)
[Publications] Kokichi SUGIHARA and Masao IRI: "Two design principles of geometric algorithms in finiteprescision arithmetic." Applied Mathematics Letters.2. 203-206 (1989)
[Publications] Kazuo KISHIMOTO and Masao IRI: "A practical approach to the definition and measurement of "length"." Japan Journal Applied Mathematics.6. 179-207 (1989)
[Publications] Masao IRI: "Aspects of combinatorial approaches to circuits and systems." Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Circuits and Systems.1-4 (1989)
[Publications] 伊理正夫、久保田光一: "数値計算の基礎技術の最近の話題から-ノルム、丸め誤差、偏微分と高速自動微分法を中心として" 電子情報通信学会. 72. 1044-1052 (1989)
[Publications] 伊理正夫: "正実関数と数値計算" 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告. 89. 77-84 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto: "Unified convergence analysis for a class of iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations" Topics in Mathematical Anlysis(Edited by T.M.Rassias) A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of A.L.Cauchy(World Sci.). 878-900 (1989)
[Publications] X.Chen T.Yamamoto: "Convergence domains of certain iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations" Numer.Funct.Anal.and Optim. 10. 37-48 (1989)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto X.Chen: "An existence and nonexistence theorem for solutions of nonlinear systens and its application to algebraic equations" J.of Comp.and Appl.Math.(1990)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto X.Chen: "Ball-convergence theorems and error estimates for certain iterative methods for nonlinear equations" Japan J.Appl.Math.7. 131-143 (1990)
[Publications] 山本哲朗,陳小君: "有限次元非線形方程式に対する保証付き数種計算" 情報処理. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Yamamoto S.Takigawa: "Transient and large time behaviors of solutions of a size-space distribution model including chemotactic aggregation" Japan J.Appl.Math.6. 223-244 (1989)
[Publications] M.Mori,M.Natori and Zhang Guo Feng: "A finite element analysis of a free surface drainage problem of two immiscible fluids" International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 9. 569-582 (1989)
[Publications] M.Mori: "Visualization of the residual polynomials of the CG and the ICCG methods" Proceedings of the international Symposium on Numerical Analysis. 257-271 (1989)
[Publications] H.Kanayama,T.Ushijima: "On the viscous shallow-water equations III,-a finite elemet scheme" Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications. 2巻1号. 47-62 (1989)
[Publications] 牛島照夫、松木美保子、青木篤: "水の波の線形問題について" 数理解析研究所講究録. 691. 97-125 (1989)
[Publications] 牛島照夫、若松宏明: "水の波の線形固有値問題の境界要素計算" 数理解析研究所講究録. 703. 46-63 (1989)
[Publications] 松木美保子、牛島照夫、: "水の波偏差分方程式の固有問題" 数理解析研究所講究録「自由境界問題とその周辺」. 1. (1990)
[Publications] 大森克史、牛島照夫: "ラックス・ヴェンドルフ型有限要素スキ-ムの数学解析" 第3回計算力学シンポジウム報文集. 105-110 (1989)
[Publications] 名古屋靖一郎、牛島照夫: "空間一次元移流拡散スキ-ムの安定性解析" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 243-246 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nishiura,M.Mimura,H.Ikeda & H.Fujii: "Singular limit analysis of stability of traveling wave solutions in bistable reaction-diffusion systems(to appear)" SIAM J.Math Anal.
[Publications] H.Fujii,Y.Nishiura & M.Miura: "Bifurcations of raveling waves"
[Publications] H.Fujii,& M.Mimura: "Hopf bifurcations of traveling waves"
[Publications] Y.Nishiura & H.Fujii: "Instability of plangr fronts in reaction-diffusion systems"
[Publications] H.Fujii: "Instability of traveling fronts in phase field model of solidification"
[Publications] A.KOHDA and Y.SHINOHARA: "On uniform limit of quasiperiodic functions" J.Math.Tokushima Univ.23. 39-40 (1989)
[Publications] Y.SHINOHARA: "On numerically integrable solutions of ordinary differential equations" J.Math.Tokushima Univ.23. 41-44 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nishiura,M.Mimura: "Layer oscillations in reaction-diffusion systems" SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 49. 481-514 (1989)
[Publications] H.Ikeda,M.Mimura: "Wave blocking phenomena in bistable reaction-diffusion systems" SIAM Journal on applied Mathematics. 49. 515-539 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Hosono,M.Mimura: "Localized cluster solutions of nonlinear degenerate diffusion equations arising in population dynamics" SIAM Jornal on Mathematical Analysis. 20. 845-869 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ohta,M.Mimura & R.Kobayashi: "Higher dimensional localized patterns in excitable media" Physica D. 34. 115-144 (1989)
[Publications] S.Ei,M.Mimura: "Pattern formation in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion advection systems with an application to population dynamics" SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis(to appear). (1990)
[Publications] F.Kikuchi: "Weak formulations for finite element analysis of an electromagnetic eigenvalue problem" Scientific Papers of the college of Arts and Sciences,The University of Tokyo. 38. 43-67 (1989)
[Publications] F.Kikuchi: "Mixed formulations for finite element analysis of magnetostatic and electrostatic problems" Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics. 6. 209-221 (1989)
[Publications] F.Kikuchi: "On a discrete compactness property for the Nedelec finite elements" Journal of the Faculty of Science,The University of Tokyo,Sec.IA. 36. 479-490 (1989)
[Publications] T.Yamada,A.Wada,F.Kikuchi: "A 9-node mixed shell element based on the Hu-Washizu principle" Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 38. 81-91 (1990)
[Publications] 三好哲彦、藤本新平: "亀裂進展の数値計算について" 応用数学合同シンポジウム研究報告集. 46-51 (1989)
[Publications] T.Nishida,A.Matsumura: "Exterior stationary problem for the equations of motion of compressible,viscous and heat-conductive fluids" Differential Equations,Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl.Math.,ed.by Dafermis,Marcel Dekher Inc.118. 473-479 (1989)
[Publications] T.Nishida,A.Matsumura: "Periodic solutions of a viscous gas equation" Recent Topics in Nonlinear PDE IV ed.by Mimura & Nishida,Kinokuniya/North Holland. 160. 49-82 (1989)
[Publications] K.Narukawa,T.Suzuki: "Nonlinear eigenvalue problem associated to capillary surfaces" Boll.U.M.I.
[Publications] K.Nagasaki,T.Suzuki: "Radial and nonradial solutions for the nonlinear eigenvalue problem △u+λe^u=0 on annuli in R^2" J.Differential Equations.
[Publications] K.Nagasaki,T.Suzuki: "Asymptotic analysis for two-dimensional elliptic eigenvalue problems with exponentially-dominated nonlinearities" Asymptotic Analysis.
[Publications] K.Nagasaki,T.Suzuki: "Nonlinear eigenvalue problem△u+λe^u=0 on simply connected domains in R^2" Proc.Japan Acad.Ser.A. 65. 1-3 (1989)
[Publications] K.Nagasaki,T.Suzuki: "Asymptotic behavior of the solution for an elliptic boundary value problem with exponential nonlinearity" Proc.Japan Acad.Ser.A. 65. 74-76 (1989)
[Publications] 河原田秀夫: "自由境界問題" 東大出版会, 131 (1989)
[Publications] 一松信: "√<2>の数学" 海鳴社, 116 (1990)
[Publications] 一松信: "微分積分学入門第一課" 近代科学社, 184 (1989)
[Publications] Masao IRI and Kunio TANABE(編): "Mathematical Programming---Recent Developments and Applications." Kluwer Academic Publishers., Viii+382 (1989)
[Publications] 小野寺嘉孝、森正武他: "Fortran77による数値計算ソフトウエア" 丸善株式会社, 325 (1989)
[Publications] H.Fujita T.Suzuki: "Lectures on Finite Element Method for Evolution problems(to appear)" Elserier(P.G.Ciarlet & J.L.Lions.eds.),