[Publications] 笹尾 哲夫: "VERA計画" 1990年度経緯度研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] 原 忠徳,笹尾 哲夫,久慈 清助,佐藤 克久,亀谷 収,鶴田 誠逸,浅利 一善,森本,雅樹,川口 則幸,安田 茂: "水沢に設置する短波長高精度VLBI用10mアンテナについて" 1990年度 地球・惑星内部研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] 久慈 清助,笹尾 哲夫,原 忠徳,田村 良明,佐藤 克久,浅利 一善,亀谷 収,岩舘 健三郎,阿部 茂,川口 則幸,宮地 竹史,森本 雅樹,安田 茂,松本 欣也: "簡易型相関器の開発" 1990年度 経緯度研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] 佐藤 克久,笹尾 哲夫,原 忠徳,田村 良明,久慈 清助,浅利 一善,亀谷 収,阿部 茂,岩舘 健三郎,川口 則幸,宮地 竹史,森本 雅樹,松本 欣也,安田 茂: "VLBI用簡易型相関器開発の現状" 1990年度 地球・惑星内部研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] 鶴田 誠逸,原 忠徳,笹尾 哲夫,久慈 清助,佐藤 克久,亀谷 収,浅利 一善,安田 茂,川口 則幸,森本 雅樹: "水沢に設置する10m短波長・高精度VLBI用アンテナの開発計画" 1990年度経緯度研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] S.Tamura,I.Kazes,and K.M.Shibata: "Radio and optical studies of compact planetary nebulae" Astron.Astrophys.232. 195-202 (1990)
[Publications] M.Fujishita: "Observations of Proper Motions and Annual Parallaxes of Pulsers" The Science Reports of Tohoku University,Eight Series.Vol.11,. Nos2/3,. 153-163 (1991)
[Publications] 藤下 光身: "パルサ-のアストロメトリ-" 1990年度経緯度研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] 藤下 光身: "プラネテジマルをメ-ザ-ソ-スのオカルテ-ションで見る" 重点領域「星間物質とその進化」研究会. (1991)
[Publications] 藤下 光身: "日本・オ-ストラリアVLBIによるパルサ-の観測" 研究会「超新星1987Aと関連天体(2)」集録. (1991)
[Publications] 藤下 光身: "日・豪・中VLBI観測" KNIFEシンポジウム. (1991)
[Publications] 洞口 俊博,小暮 智一,V.Doazan,A.Slettebak,黄,他10名: "The Be Star γ Cassiopeiae:XーRay,Far UV,and Optical Observations in Early 1989" Publ.Ast.Soc.Japan.
[Publications] 平林 久,井上 允: "Space VLBIとScience Target" 宇宙観測シンポジウム集録. (1990)
[Publications] 平林 久: "臼田64m鏡の現状と観測計画" KNIFEシンポジウム集録. (1991)
[Publications] M.Miyamoto,M.Yoshizawa and S.Suzuki: "The Garactic Warp Rotations of the Fundamental System" Proceedings of IAU Colloq.No.100 “Fundamentals of Astrometry". (1991)
[Publications] M.Miyamoto and S.Suzuki: "A Source of Systematic Error,△δα,in Absolute Catalogs Compiled from Meridian Circle Observations" Proceedings of IAU Colloq.NO.127 “Reference Systems". (1991)
[Publications] T.Daishido: "220GOPS FFT Based Digital Lens in Array Telescope(invited paper)" XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science(URSI) /Abstract/Commision J,Radio Astronomy,(Prague). J1-1 (1901)
[Publications] S.Tamura,and K.M.Shibata: "Expansion analyses on lowーexcitation planetary nebulae with stellar images" Publ.Astr.Soc.Pacific. 102. 1301-1309 (1990)
[Publications] M.Takeuti and M.Saitou: "The evolutionary periodーchanges of classical cepheids and the chemical evolution of LMC" Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution. 11. 232 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Tanaka,Y.Seya and M.Takeuti: "Nonlinear coupling models of variable stars" Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution. 11. 145-148 (1990)
[Publications] T.Ishida and M.Takeuti: "Modal selection in oscillator model equations with twoーmode nonresonant coupling" Astrophys.Space Sci.(1991)
[Publications] M.Takeuti and Y.Tanaka: "Note on the model oscillators of irregular steller variability" Astrophys.Space Sci.(1991)
[Publications] M.Saitou and M.Takeuti: "Evolutionary period changes of classical cepheids in the LMC" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 42. 341-346 (1990)
[Publications] F.Yamakawa,T.Ishida and M.Takeuti: "On linear nonadiabatic pulsations of yellow bright stars" Sci.Reports Tohoku Univ.Ser.VIII. 10. 123-128 (1990)
[Publications] 佐藤 弘一: "JNLTによる光学天体干渉計" JNLT観測装置ワ-クショップ集録. (1991)
[Publications] 小暮 智一: "A simple Mode of PhaseーChanging Variations between Be Stars and Shell Stars" Astrophysics and Space Science. 163. 7-22 (1990)
[Publications] 吉田 重臣,小暮 智一,仲野 誠,立松 健一,S.D.Wirawihardja: "The Herbig Be/Ae Star MWC 1080 and its Associated Molecular Cloud.I.Molecular Line Observations" Publ.Ast.Soc.Japan. 43. (1991)
[Publications] M.Singh,門 正博,小暮 智一,鈴木 雅一: "Spectroscopic Study of the Be Star Φ Per" Publ.Ast.Soc.Japan 発表予定.
[Publications] 佐藤 弘一,久慈 清助: "光学天体干渉計による天体位置観測" 1990年度経緯度研究会集録. (1991)
[Publications] M.Yoshizawa,S.Suzuki and M.Miyamoto: "Progress in First Tokyo PMC Program,1985ー1991" Proceedings of IAU Colloq.NO.127 “Reference Systems". 127. (1991)
[Publications] M.Yoshizawa and S.Suzuki: "The Tokyo PMC Catalog 87:Catalog of Positions of 5748 Stars Observed in 1987 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle" Publ.National Astron.Obs.Japan. 2. (1991)
[Publications] M.Yoshizawa,N.Nakai,M.Tsuboi and M.Miyamoto: "Optical and Radio Positions of Galactic H_2O Maser Sources" Astron.Astrophys.
[Publications] 吉澤 正則,鈴木 駿策,桑原 龍一郎,石崎 秀晴: "CCDマイクロメ-タによる微光星の精密位置観測(ドリフトスキャン方式実験モデルによる天体位置観測)" 1990年度経緯度研究会(地球基準座標系・力学基準座標系・恒星基準座標系・銀河系外基準座標系の結合に関する研究(III)). (1991)
[Publications] T.Kato et al: "The GPS Campaign in the Sagami Bay Area,South Kanto,Japan,for the Prediction of M=7 Earthquake" 測地学会誌. (1991)
[Publications] 佐藤 弘一,久慈 清助: "光学天体干渉系実験" 天体干渉法研究会集録. (1990)
[Publications] S.Tamura and M.Takeuti: "Spectroscopic observations of five Fーsupergiants" Information bulletin on variable stars,. 3561. (1991)
[Publications] T.P.Krichbum,R.S.Booth,A.J.Kus,B.O.Ronnang,A.Witzel,D.A.Graham,I.I.K.PaulinyーToth,A.Quirrenbach,C.A.Hummel,J.A.Zensus,K.J.Johnston,J.H.Spencer,A.E.E.Rogers,C.R.Lawrence,A.C.S.Readhead,H.Hirabayashi,M.Inoue,V.Dhawan,N.Bartel,I.I.Shapiro,B.F.Burke,J.M.Marcaide: "“43GHzーVLBI Observations of 3C273 after a Flux Density Outburst in 1988"" Astron.& Astrophys.237. 3-11 (1990)
[Publications] H.Hirabayashi: "VSOP,A Space VLBI Programme" Proceedings of IAU Symposium The Earth Orbit and Beyond,edited by Y.Kondo. 123. (1990)
[Publications] H.Hirabayashi: "Proposed VSOP Support Plan Scenario" Frontiers of VLBI edited by H.Hirabayashi,M.Inoue & H.Kobayashi,Universal Academy press. (1991)
[Publications] 平林 久: "VSOPの科学" 天文学とス-パ-コンピュ-ティングワ-クショップ集録. (1990)
[Publications] S.D.Wirawihardja 小暮 智一,吉田 重臣,仲野 誠,小倉 勝男: "Survey Observations of EmissionーLine Stars in the Orion Region,III,The Kiso Areas Aー0975 and Aー0976" Publ.Ast.Soc.Japan. 43. (1991)
[Publications] T.Seya,Y.Tanaka and M.Takeuti: "Nonlinear twoーmode coupling models of radial stellar oscillations" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 42. 405-418 (1990)
[Publications] M.Takeuti: "Multimode behaviour of stellar pulsation" Delta Scuti Stars Newsletter. 2. 8-12 (1990)
[Publications] M.Takeuti: "Regular and irregular pulsations" NATO ASI Series C The Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Stellar Pulsation. 302. 121-141 (1990)
[Publications] M.Takeuti: "Nonlinear effect in stellar pulsation" Publ.Aston.Soc.Pacific Conference Series Confrontation between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution. 11. 279-282 (1990)
[Publications] 小暮 智一,門 正博,鈴木 雅一,M.Singh: "The Envelopes of Be Stars in Binary Systems" Conference Series of Ast.Soc.Pacific.(K.Leung,I.S.Nha,eds.)Proc.of Pacific Rim Coll.on Binary Star Research. (1991)
[Publications] 仲野 誠,小暮 智一,吉田 重臣,立松 健一: "Structure of the Bipolar Flow and Molecular Cloud Associated with the Herbig Ae/Be Star LkH α 198" Pub.Ast.Soc.Japan. 42. 567-582 (1990)