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[Publications] T.Ohta: "Center of Inertia for the nーBody System in the PostーPostーNewtonian Approximation in General Relativity" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 81. 662-678 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ohta: "The TwoーBody Motion and the Periastron Advance in the PostーPostーNewtonian Approximation" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 81. 679-689 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Iwasaki: "Chiral Properties of Dynamical Wilson Quarks" Nuclear Physics B.
[Publications] Y.Iwasaki: "Chiral Properties of Dynamical Wilson Quarks at Finite Temperature" Physical Review Letters.
[Publications] T.Fujiwara: "Anomalous Nomabelian Gauge Theories based on the BatalinーFradkin Formalism" Physical Letter B. 251. 427-433 (1990)
[Publications] T.Fujiwara: "Investigation of Anomalous Schwinger Terms Based on the BatalinーFradkinーVilkovisky Formalism" Nuclear Physics.
[Publications] H.Fujisaki: "Renormalizability of Open Bosonic Thermal Strings" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 82. 1017-1022 (1989)
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[Publications] S.Naka: "Electroweak Gauge Theory out of SU(2/1) Gauge Theory" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 85. (1991)
[Publications] K.Ito: "FeiginーFuchs Representation of A^<(1)>_n Affine Lie Algebra and the Associated Parafermionic Algebra" Modern Physics Letters A. 5. 215-224 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Kazawa: "Novel Topological Conformal Algebras" Int.J.Mod.Phys.
[Publications] M.Abe: "StringーLoop Correction to CalabiーYau Compactification" Modern Physics Letters A. 4. 243-250 (1989)
[Publications] M.Akamaki: "Development of the Renormalization Theory in Quantum Electrodynamics (II)" Historia Scientiarum. 37. 91-113 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Abe: "Science Education and Quantum Theory" Bull.C.E.R.P.,Mie Univ.10. 45-55 (1990)
[Publications] K.Kobayashi: "Higher Integrals of Motion in a Perturbed k=4 SU(2)ーextended Superconformal Algebras" Modern Physics Letters A. 5. 823-830 (1990)
[Publications] S.Matsuda: "Super Schwarzian Derivatives in N=4 SU(2)ーextended Superconformal Algebras" Modern Physics Letters A. 5. 841-851 (1990)
[Publications] KーI.Aoki: "Calculating the Decay Constant F" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 84. 683-701 (1990)
[Publications] KーI.Aoki: "Asymptotically Free Versus Asymptotically Nonfree Gauge Theories" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 82. 1151-1163 (1989)
[Publications] N.Sakai: "Super WessーZuminoーWitten models from Super ChernーSimons Theories" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 83. 968-990 (1990)
[Publications] N.Hirayama: "Fermion Mass Implied by MaskawaーNakajima Equation" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 82. 241-245 (1989)
[Publications] M.Hirayama: "Fermionized bosons and Szego^^¨s^^′ theorem" Physical Review D. 42. 2736-2744 (1990)
[Publications] KーI.Aoki: "How Doew Technicolor Survive the FCNC Syndrome?" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 82. 388-395 (1989)
[Publications] K.Kikukawa: "Ultraviolet Fixed Point Structure of Renormalizable FourーFermion Theory in Less than Four Dimensions." Physical Letter B. 234. 497-502 (1990)
[Publications] M.Akamaki: "Development of the Renormalization Theory in Quantum Electrodynamics (I)" Historia Scientiarum. 36. 97-116 (1989)
[Publications] Z.Maki: "Probabilistic Interpretation and the Quantum Theory of Measurement II" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 82. 638-664 (1989)
[Publications] Z.Maki: "An Algebraic Approach to the Quantum Theory of Measurements" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 84. 574-583 (1990)
[Publications] I.Ojima: "Entropy production and nonequilibrium stationarity in quantum dynamical systemーーphysical meaning of Van Hove limit" Journal of Statistical Physics. 56. 203-226 (1989)
[Publications] I.Ojima: "Generalized observable instrumentの概念と無限自由序系" 物性研究. 52. 577-585 (1989)
[Publications] R.Sugano: "Gauge Transformations for dynamical systems with firstーand secondーclass constraints" Physical Review D. 41. 1247-1254 (1990)
[Publications] R.Sugano: "Classification of gauge groups in terms of algebraic structure of first class constraints" Journal of Mathematical Physics. 31. 2337-2344 (1990)
[Publications] P.Di Vecchia: "Double Scaling Limit in O(N) Vector Models" Nuclear Physics B.
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[Publications] A.Tanaka: "Absence of Phase Transition in the Goldstone Model" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 83. 390-394 (1990)
[Publications] H.Shinke: "New Renormalization Group Equation" Physical Review D. 43. (1991)
[Publications] T.Hasuike: "CPーviolations and effects of 4th generations in B meson nonleptonic decays" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 83. 265-273 (1990)
[Publications] T.Hasuike: "Fourthーgeneration effect on CP violation in B_d hadronic decays" Physical Reveiw D. 41. 1691-1694 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yamaya: "Experimental examination of the lowest alpha cluster states in ^<44>Ti" Physical Review C. 42. 2421-2424 (1990)
[Publications] T.Yamaya: "Existence of alphaーcluster structure in ^<44>Ti via the ( ^6Li,d) reaction" Physical Review C. 42. 1935-1944 (1990)
[Publications] M.Imachi: "U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory;Four Fermi Coupling and MigdolーKadanoff Renormalization Group" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 81. 1225-1237 (1989)
[Publications] M.Imachi: "Renormalization Group Flow in Lattice QED and Four Fermi Coupling" Physical Reveiw D. 42. 610-619 (1990)
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[Publications] J.Kodaira: "On the Higher Order Corrections in the Integrals of Motion away from Criticality" Modern Physics Letters A. 4. 2217-2224 (1989)
[Publications] J.Kodaira: "Conservation Laws away from Criticality beyond the Lowest Order" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 83. 326-342 (1990)
[Publications] Akira Fujitsu: "Classification of Symmetry Breaking Patterns in Heterotic Strings on Z3 Orbifold" Int.J.Mod.Phys.A5. 1529-1549 (1990)
[Publications] 北添 徹郎: "コンピュ-タによる創造のシミュレ-ション" 神戸大学大学院自然科学研究科紀要. 9B. 1-10 (1991)
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[Publications] 長谷川 洋: "in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hadronic Mechanics and Nonpotential Interactions (論文題名;Algebraic and statistical stracture of evergy level dynamics for quantum chaos)" Nova Science Publishers,Inc., (1991)
[Publications] 中西 襄: "Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity" World Scientific Publishing Company, 434 (1990)