[Publications] Morisawa,M.,Inoda T.& Oda S.: "Reguration of sperm motility by osmotic pressure" Mechanism of Fertilization:Plants to Humans (B.Dale ed.) SpringerーVerlag. H45. 143-154 (1990)
[Publications] Morisawa M.& Morisawa S.: "Acquisition and initiation of sperm motility" Controls of Sperm Motility:Biological and Clinical Aspects (C.Gagnom ed) CRC Press. 137-151 (1990)
[Publications] Morisawa M.,Oda S.& Inoda T.: "Initiation of sperm motility by osmolality and calcium in teleost and amphibia" Proceedings of the VIth International Congress on Spermatology:Comparative Spermatology (Siena Italy).
[Publications] Morisawa S.,Ishida K.& Morisawa M.: "The role of extracellular pH on the acquisition of sperm motility in chum salmon" Proceedings of the VIth International Congress on Spermatology:Comparative Spermatology (Siena Italy).
[Publications] K.Ogawa,E.Yokota,S.Wada,M.Okuno & Y.Nakajima: "The outer arm dynein αーheavy chains of sea urchin sperm flagella and emblionic cilia are different." Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton. 16. 58-67 (1990)
[Publications] T.Shimizu,M.Okuno,S.P.MarcheseーRagona & K.A.Johnson: "Phosphorothioate analogs of ATP as the substrates of dynein and ciliary or flagellar movement." Europian Journal of Biochemistry. 191. 543-550 (1990)
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[Publications] Mohri,Hideo,Fujiwara,Akiko,Daumae,Masashi & Mohri,Hideo: "Respiration and motility in starfish spermatozoa at various times in the breeding season." Development,Growth & Differentiation. 32. 375-381 (1990)
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[Publications] Inaba,Kazuo,Okuno,Makoto & Mohri,Hideo: "Anthraniloyl ATP,a fluorescent analog of ATP,as a substrate for dynein ATPase and flagellar motility." Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 274. 209-215 (1989)
[Publications] Inaba,Kazuo & Mohri,Hideo: "Two states of the conformation of 21S outer arm dynein coupled with ATP hydrolysis." Journal of Biochemistry. 106. 349-354 (1989)
[Publications] Inaba,Kazuo & Mohri,Hideo: "Dynamic conformational changes of 21 S dynein ATPase coupled with ATP hydrolysis revealed by proteolytic digestion." The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264. 8384-8388 (1989)
[Publications] Yamada,A.,N.Ishii,T.Shimmen and K.Takahashi: "MgーATP activity and motility of native thick filaments isolated from the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis." J.Muscle Res.Cell Motility. 10. 124-134 (1989)
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[Publications] Katada,J.,C.Shingyoji and K.Takahashi: "Effects of detergents used to demembranate the seaーurchin spermatozoa on the reactivated flagellar movement,with special reference to the rotatability of the plane of flagellar beat." Cell Struct.Funct.14. 751-758 (1989)
[Publications] Yoshimura,K.and K.Takahashi: "Partial extraction of inner dynein arms from an outer armーless mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhadtii." Cell Struct.Funct.14. 741-749 (1989)
[Publications] Eshel,D.,C.Shingyoji,K.Yoshimura,B.H.Gibbons,I.R.Gibbons and K.Takahashi: "Transient behavior of sea urchin sperm flagella following an abrupt change in beat frequency." J.exp.Biol.15. 441-451 (1990)
[Publications] Yamada,A.,N.Ishii and K.Takahashi: "Direction and speed of actin filaments moving along thick filaments isolated from molluscan smooth muscle." J.Biochem.108. 341-343 (1990)
[Publications] Shingyoji,C.,I.R.Gibbons,A.Murakami and K.Takahashi: "Effects of imposed head vibration on the stability and waveform of flagellar beating in sea urchin spermatozoa." J.exp.Biol.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Shingyoji,C.,J.Katada,K.Takahashi and I.R.Gibbons: "Rotating the plane of imposed vibration can rotate the plane of flagellar beating in sea urchin sperm without twisting the axoneme." J.Cell Sci.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Takahashi,K.,C.Shingyoji,J.Katada,D.Eshel and I.R.Gibbons: "Polarity in spontaneous unwinding after prior rotation of the flagellar beat plane in sea urchin spermatozoa." J.Cell Sci.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Ishii,N.,F.Mitsumori and K.Takahashi: "Changes in sarcoplasmic metabolite concentrations and pH associated with the catch contraction and relaxation of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis measured by phosphorusー31 nuclear magnetic resonance." J.Muscle Res.Cell Motil.,12,in press.
[Publications] Machemer,H.,S.MachemerーRo^^‥hnisch,R Bra^^‥ucker and K.Takahashi: "Gravikinesis in Paramecium:Theory and isolation of a physiological response to the natural gravity vector." J.Comp.Physiol.,in press.
[Publications] Ishii,N.,F.Mitsumori,K.Takahashi,A.W.M.Simpson and C.C.Ashley: "Intracellular metabolite and free calcium concentrations during the‘catch'contracation and relaxation in a molluscan smooth muscle." Muscle Energetics(eds R.Paul,G.Elzinga and K.Yamada),Alan R.Liss,NY.463-464 (1989)
[Publications] Hayashi H.,Takiguchi K.& HigashiーFujime S.: "Measurement of ATPase activity of immobilized myosin heads" J.Biochem.105. 875-877 (1989)
[Publications] Takiguchi K.,Hayashi H Kurimoto E.& HigashiーFujime S.: "In vitro motility of skeletal muscle myosin and its proteolytic fragments" J.Biochem.107. 671-679 (1990)
[Publications] 馬場 昭次(Ooya et al.): "Swimming behavior of <Paramecium>___ー in the gravity fields:Analysis using gravity as an experimental variable." Proc.6th Space Util.Symp.6. 91-95 (1989)
[Publications] 馬場 昭次(Ooya et al.): "Analysis of swimming behavior of <Paramecium>___ー under hypergravity conditions." Biol.Sci.Space. 3. 320-321 (1989)
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[Publications] 馬場 昭次: "Discrete nature of flagellar bending detected by digital image analysis." Biomathematics. 1-10 (1991)
[Publications] 馬場 昭次: "Highーresolution analysis of flagellar bends." Comparative Spermatology. (1991)
[Publications] Takemasa,T.,Takagi,T.,Kobayashi,T.,Konishi,K.,& Watanabe,Y.: "The third calmodulin family protein in <Tetrahymena>___ー:Cloning of the gene for <Tetrahymena>___ー calciumーbinding protein of 23kDa (TCBPー23)" Journal of Biological Chemistry. 265. 2514-2517 (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe,Y.,Ohba,H.,Hirono,M.,& Yasuda,T.: "Analysis of furrow formation and furrowing during cell division in <Tetrahymena>___ー using cellーdivisionーarrest mutants" Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences. 582. 166-178 (1990)
[Publications] Edamatsu,M.,Hirono,M.,Watanabe,Y.: "Purification and characterization of <Tetrahymena>___ー profilin" Biophysica Biochimica Research Communication. 170. 957-962 (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe,Y.,Hirono,M.,Takemasa,T.,& Numata,O.: "Protozoan genes:As viewed from <Tetrahymena>___ー genes" Japanese Journal of Protozoology. 23. 1-11 (1990)
[Publications] Hirono,M.,Tanaka,R.,& Watanabe,Y.: "<Tetrahymena>___ー actin:Copolymerization with skeletal muscle actin and interactions with muscle actinーbinding proteins" Journal of Biochemistry. 107. 32-36 (1990)
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[Publications] Nakamura,K.,Furukohri,T.Shikama,K.: "A Computer Display of the Free Energy Changes of ATP Hydrolysis." Biochem.Education. (1991)
[Publications] Y.Nakaoka & H.Machemer: "Effects of cyclic nucleotides and intracellular Ca on voltageーactivated ciliary beating in <Paramecium>___ー" Journal of Comparative Physiology. 166. 401-406 (1990)
[Publications] T.Inoue & Y.Nakaoka: "Coldーsensitive responses in the <Paramecium>___ー membrane" Cell Structure and Function. 15. 107-112 (1990)
[Publications] R.Tokioka,K.Matsuoka,Y.Nakaoka & Y.Kito: "Extraction of retinal from <Paramecium>___ー <bursaria>___ー" Photochemistry and Photobiology. 53. 149-151 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Nakaoka,R.Tokioka,T.Shinozawa,J.Fujita & J.Usukura: "Photoreception of <Paramecium>___ー cilia:Localization of photosensitivity and binding with antiーfrog rhodopsin IgG" Journal of Cell Science. (1991)
[Publications] Shinji Kamimura and Ritsu Kamiya: "Highーfrequency nanometerーscale vibration in“quiescent"flagellar axonemes." Nature. 340. 476-478 (1989)
[Publications] M.Noguchi,Y.Nakamura and K.Okamoto: "Control of the ciliary orientation on the ciliated sheets of <Paramecium>___ーーーDifferential distribution of sensitivity to cyclic nucleotides." Submitted to Cell Motil.Cytoskeleton.
[Publications] Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Kron,S.J.& Spudich,J.A.: "The myosin step size:Measurement of the unit displacement per ATP hydrolysed in an in vitro assay." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.87. 7130-7134 (1990)
[Publications] Schwyter,D.H.,Kron,S.J.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Spudich,J.A.& Reisler,E.: "Subtilisin cleavage of actin inhibits in vitro sliding movement of actin filaments over myosin." J.Cell Biol.111. 465-470 (1990)
[Publications] 豊島 陽子,毛利 秀雄: "微小管関連モ-タ-タンパク質" 比較生理生化学. 7. 71-79 (1990)
[Publications] Toyoshima,Y.Y.: "Flexibility in actinーmyosin motility system revealed by in vitro motility assay." Adv.Biophys.(1990)
[Publications] Toyoshima,Y.Y.: "Bidirectional movement of actin filaments along tracks of heavy meromyosin and native thick filaments." J.Cell Sci.(1991)
[Publications] Shimizu,T.,Furusawa,K.,Ohashi S.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Okuno,M.,Malik,F.& Vale R.D.: "Nucleotide specificity of the enzymatic and motile activities of dynein,kinesin and heavy meromyosin." J.Cell Biol.(1991)
[Publications] Watanabe,Y.,HiranoーOhnishi,J.,& Takemasa,T.: "Calciumーbinding proteins and ciliary movement regulation in <Tetrahymena>___ー,Chaptor 19 in Calcium as an Intracellular Messenger in Eucaryotic Microbes,edited by D.h.O'Day" Ammerican Society for Microbiology Washington,D.C., 346-361 (1990)
[Publications] Takemasa,T.,Takagi,T.,& Watanabe,Y.: "Calciumーbinding protein from <Tetrahymena>___ー,In Novel CalciumーBinding Proteins.Fundamentals and Clinical Implications,edited by C.Heizmann" Springer Press, (1991)
[Publications] Kron,S.J.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Uyeda,T.Q.P.& Spudich,J.A.: "Assays for actin sliding movement over myosin coated surfaces.In“Methods in Enzymology"" Academic Press, (1990)