[Publications] Shoji Harada:"Genetic Polymorphism of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase and its Physiological Significance to Alcohol Metabolism" <Prog.>___ー<Clin.Biol.Res.>___ー. 344:. 289-294 (1990)
[Publications] Shoji Harada:"Genetic Polymorphism of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in Orientals as Genetic Marker of a High Risk Group of Alcoholism" <Alcoholism and Family>___ー. 67-71 (1990)
[Publications] Shoji Harada:"Genetic Polymorphism of Alcohol Metabolysing Enzymes and Genetic Implication to Human Ecology" <J.Anthrop.Soc.>___ー<Nippon,>___ー. 99(2). (1991)
[Publications] Shoji Harada:etal.: "Investigation of DNA Polymorphism by Amplification Strategy" <Advances in Legal Med.>___ー. (1991)
[Publications] Shoji Harada:":Molecular Basis on Ethnic Difference of Alcohol Metabolism and Application to Anthropology" <Nature and>___ー <Culture.>___ー<Ed.by Univ.Museum Univ.Tokyo>___ー. (1991)
[Publications] 原田 勝二:"アルコ-ル代謝酵素のDNAによる解析" <アルコ-ル代謝と肝>___ー. 9:. 23-26 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二:"急性エタノ-ル中毒ー基礎編ー" <中毒研究>___ー. 3. 355-361 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二:"アルコ-ル耐性の個人差" <病態生理>___ー. 9(12). 948-955 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二:"エタノ-ルおよびアルデヒド代謝の人種的遺伝的要因" <医学のあゆみ>___ー. 154(13). 817-822 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二、三澤 章吾:"Glutathione SーTransferase 1 gene deletionおよびApolipoprotein Bー100 gene 3'hypervariable regionのPCR法による解析とその応用" <筑波大学代謝特別プロジェクト報告書>___ー. 2. 132-137 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二:"アルコ-ル代謝酵素の遺伝型分類によるエタノ-ルおよびアセトアルデヒドの代謝能" <アルコ-ル代謝と肝>___ー. 10. (1991)
[Publications] 三木 敏行、林田 良子、原田 勝二他:"死亡した夫婦の実子の検査による父子及び母子鑑定例ー半同胞の鑑定例ー" <Act.Crim.Japon.>___ー. 56. 263-274 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.and Sagisaka,K.: "Haptoglobin typing of human bloodstains using a specific DNA probe." Fore.Sci.Inter.45. 39-46 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Nata,M.,Odaira,T.,and Sagisaka,K.: "Hypervariable polymorphic VNTR loci for parentage testing and individual identificaiton" Jpn.J.Hum.Genet.35. 179-199 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Kimura,T.and Sagisaka,K.: "Individual identification of human bloodstains with hypervariable region DNA probes." Tohoku J.Exp.Med.161. 9-18 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Nata,M.,Odaira,T.and Sagisaka,K.: "Hypervariable regions of DNA for parentage testing and individual identification." Zeitchrift.Rechtmedicine,. 102. 303-330 (1990)
[Publications] Sagisaka,K.,Aoki,Y.,Nata,M.,and Yokoi,T.: "On the proteins carring ABH epitopes in saliva and semen." Act.Crim.Japon,. 56. 189-193 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Odaira,T.and Sagisaka,K: "Investigation of paternity establishing without the putative father using singleーlocus hypervariable region DNA probes." Jpn.J.Hum.Genet.35. 235-244 (1990)
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Odaira,T.,Nata,M.,Aoki,Y.and Sagisaka,K.: "Investigasion of paternity establishing without the putative father and his wife using singleーlocus hypervariable region DNA probes." Zeitshrift Rechtmed.,.
[Publications] Yokoi,T.,Nata,M.,Aoki,Y.and Sagisaka,K.: "An unexcluded paternity case with hypervariable region DNA loci." Transfusion. 30. 819-823 (1990)
[Publications] S.Nakamura,K.Omoto,A.Sawaguchi:"Allele frequencies of human complement factor I (IF)in a sample from Iwate,northern Japan,with the description of geographical cline." Hum Hered.
[Publications] S.Nakamura,K.Omoto,A.Sawaguchi:"Distribution of allele frequencies of ClR in a sample from Iwate prefecture,northern Japan." Gene Geography.
[Publications] Y.Fukuma,S.Kashimura,K.Umetsu,I.Yuasa,B.Nakano and I.Nakasono: "Two new orosomucoid(ORM2) variants in Japanese." Hum Hered. 40. 302-304 (1990)
[Publications] M.Ding,K.Umetsu,N.Nakayashiki,W.Y.Choi,J.Jia,T.Suzuki: "Distribution of human Znーalphaー2ーglycoprotein types in Chinese and Korean populations." Hum Hered. 40. 311-312 (1990)
[Publications] I.Yuasa,K.Umetsu,K.Suenaga,M.Iha,H.Hirata and J.Ikebuchi:Orosomucoid(ORM) typing by isoelectric focusing:"An analysis of ORM haplotypes." Hum Hered,. 40. 267-271 (1990)
[Publications] F.M.Salzano,K.Umetsu,I.Yuasa,F.L.Black and T.Suzuki: "Isoelectric focusing studies in Brazilian Indiansーuncovering variation of ORM,AHSG and IF." Jpn J Human Genet. 35. 283-290 (1990)
[Publications] 原田 勝二 編: "ヒトDNA Polymorphism 検出技術と応用" (株)東洋書店, 350 (1991)