[Publications] Hiroo Ohnishi: "Detection of anti‐hepatitis C virus antibody in fulminant hepatic failure." Gastroenterol Jpn. 26. 212-215 (1991)
[Publications] Masahito Nagaki: "Significance of tumor necrosis factor(TNF)and interleukinー1(ILー1)in the pathogenesis of fulminant hepatitis:possible involvement of serine protease in TNF mediated liver injury" Gastroenterol Jpn. 26. 448-455 (1991)
[Publications] Yanagi M: "Hepatitis C virus in fluminant hepatic failure." New Engl J Med. 324. 1895-1895 (1991)
[Publications] 松原 由希子: "急性肝不全時に血中に増加する細胞膜Na^+,K^+‐pump阻害物質に関する研究ー特に多臓器不全発生機序との関連についてー" 肝臓. 32. 34-42 (1991)
[Publications] Yoshimune Shiratori: "Elevated interleukinー6 levels in sera of patients.with fulminant hepatitis." Gastroenterol Jpn.26. 232-232 (1991)
[Publications] Takahara T: "Twoーdimensional flow cytometric analysis of intrahepatic lymphocyte subsets from patients with chronic hepatitis." Dig Dis Sci. 36. 87-91 (1991)
[Publications] Haruna Y: "Expression of X protein and hepatitis B virus replication in hepatitis." Hepatology. 13. 417-421 (1991)
[Publications] Towata T: "Siganal transduction pathways in the induction of HLA class I antigen expression on Huh 6 cells by interferon‐gamma." Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 177. 610-618 (1991)
[Publications] Hagiwara H: "Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in chronic nonーA,nonーB liver disease." Gastroenterology.
[Publications] Hagiwara H: "Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA sequences in serum during tratment for chronic hepatitis C with interferon alpha." Hepatology.
[Publications] Takahara T: "Enhanced expression of HLA class I by inhibited replication of hepatitis B virus." Journal of Hepatology.
[Publications] Takahara T: "Detection of complementary sequence of hepatitis C virus RNA by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction." Hepatology.
[Publications] Matsunaga T: "A non‐linear calculation method for in vivo estimation of sinusoidal oxygen saturation in the liver of rats." Adv Exp Biol Med.
[Publications] Hasegawa K: "Association of hepatitis B viral precore mutations with fulminat hepatitis in Japan." Virology. 185. 460-463 (1991)
[Publications] "Elevated serum IL‐6 level in acute hepatitis patients." J Clinical Immunology.
[Publications] Shinagawa T: "Apoptosis in cultured rat hepatocytes:the effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma." J Pathol.
[Publications] Kakumu S: "Serum interleukin 6 levels in patients with chronic hepatitis B." Am J Gastroenterol.
[Publications] Kakumu S: "Intrahepatic interleukin 6 localization in patients with acute and chronic liver disease." J Clin Pathol.
[Publications] Sakaguchi K: "Promotion of spheroid asembly of adult rat hepatocytes by some factor(s) present in the initial 6 h conditioned medium of the primary culture." Pathobiology. 59. 351-356 (1991)
[Publications] 小出 典男: "肝細胞機能と組織構築、ー発生・分化から形態形成分子機構上と医学への展開ー" 実験医学. 19. 178-182 (1991)
[Publications] Kawakami M: "Suappression of lipoprotein lipase in 3T3ーL1 cells by anmediator produced by SEKI melanoma,a cachexia‐inducing human melanoma cell line" J Biochem. 109. 78-82 (1991)
[Publications] Aotuska S: "Production of intracellular and extracellular interleukin‐1α and interleukin‐1β by peripheral blood monocytes from patients with connective tissue diseases." Ann Rheumatic Des. 50. 27-31 (1991)
[Publications] Takasaki W: "Enzyme immunoassay of human plasma 11‐dehydrothromboxane B2" Thrombosis Research. 63. 331-341 (1991)
[Publications] Riendeau D: "Psedoperoxidase activity of 5‐lipoxygenase stimulated by potent benzofuranol and N‐hydroxyurea inhibitors of the lipoxgenase reaction." Biochem J. 274. 287-292 (1991)
[Publications] Yamamoto S: ""Enzymatic"lipid peroxidation" Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 10. 149-159 (1991)
[Publications] Tsubokura S: "Localization of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase in neurons and glia in monkey brain" Brain Research. 543. 15-24 (1991)
[Publications] Hada T: "Catalytic properties of human platelet 12‐lipoxygenase as compared with the enzymes of other origins." Biochim Biophys Acta. 1083. 89-93 (1991)
[Publications] Komatsu N: "Immunohistochemical study on arachidonate 5‐lipoxygenase in porcine leukocytes and other tissues." J Histochem Cytochem. 39. 655-662 (1991)
[Publications] Kroneck P M H: "Porcine leukocyte 5‐and 12‐lipoxygenases are iron enzymes." FEBS Lett. 287. 105-107 (1991)
[Publications] Horie T: "Syntheses of 5,7,8‐and 5,6,7‐trioxygenated 3‐alkyl‐3^1,4^1‐dihydroxyflavones and their inhibitory activities against arachidonate 5‐lipoxygenase." J Med Chem. 34. 2169-2176 (1991)
[Publications] Reddy G R: "A prenylflavone,artonin E,as arachidonate 5‐lipoxygenase inhibitor." Biochem Pharmacol. 41. 115-118 (1991)
[Publications] Oshima T: "cAMP‐dependent induction of fatty acid cyclooxygenase mRNA in mouse osteoblastic cells(MC3T3‐E1)" J Biol Chem. 266. 13621-13626 (1991)
[Publications] Matsuda S: "Analisis of non‐heme iron in arachidonate 12‐lipoxygenase of porcine leukocytes." Biochim Biophys Acta. 1084. 202-204 (1991)
[Publications] Natsui K: "Arachidonate 5‐lipoxygenase of porcine pancreas." Biochim Biophys Acta. (1991)
[Publications] Li Y: "Spontaneous hepatic copper accumulation in Long‐Evans cinnamon rats with hereditary hepatitis." J Clin Invest. 87.
[Publications] Seno H: "Genetic linkage between copper accumulation and hepatitis" Mol Carcinog. (1991)
[Publications] Ono T: "Hereditary low level of plasma ceruloplasmin in LEC rats associated with spontaneous development of hepatitis and liver cancer." Jpn J Cancer Res. 82. 486-489 (1991)
[Publications] Sugawara N: "Copper metabolism in LEC rats aged 30 and 80days old" Res Comm Chem Pathol Pharmacol. 72. 353-362 (1991)
[Publications] Kawada N: "Interferon γ modulates production of interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor by murine Kupffer cells." Liver. 11. 42-47 (1991)
[Publications] Mizoguchi Y: "Effects of arachidonic acid metabolites and interleukin‐1 on platelet activating factor production by hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells from mice." J Gastroenterology Hepatology. 6. 283-288 (1991)
[Publications] Kuboi H: "Effects of amphipathic substance of Propionibacterium acnes on experimental induction of acute hepatic failure." Osaka City Med J.
[Publications] Mizoguchi Y: "The effect of lipo prostaglandin E1 on the production of interleukin l and pratelet‐activating factor by hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells in mice." Osaka City Med J. 37. 69-78 (1991)
[Publications] Tsutsui H: "Importance of direct hepatocyto lysis by liver macrophages in an experimental fulminant hepatitis." Hepato‐Gastroenterol. 32. (1991)
[Publications] Seki S: "Detection of proliferating hepatocytes in patients with acute hepatic failure by mitotic figures and a monoclonal antibody against DNA polymerase." Liver. 11. 118-126 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 泰敏: "最新内科学大系48巻 ウイルス肝炎ー肝感染症" 中山書店, 26 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 泰敏: "モダン・クリニカル・ポイント 内科" 金原出版, 2 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 泰敏: "今日の消化器治療指針" 医学書院, 2 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 泰敏: "今日の消化器治療指針" 医学書院, 2 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 泰敏: "日本肝移植適応研究会記録「肝移植適応基準」" 国際医書出版, 9 (1991)
[Publications] 劉 沛: "肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩 第3巻" 国際医書出版, 5 (1991)
[Publications] 森脇 久隆: "肝炎ー増補C型肝炎" 南江堂, 4 (1991)
[Publications] Ukida M: "Progress in hepatic encephalopathy and metabolic nitrogen exchange" CRC Press, 6 (1991)
[Publications] 浮田 実: "第28回補体シンポジウム講演集" 3 (1991)
[Publications] Takahashi H: "In The LEC Lat" Springe‐Verlag, 8 (1991)
[Publications] Sakamoto H: "In The LEC Rat" Springer‐Verlag, 8 (1991)
[Publications] Kawada N: ""Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology"Regulation of cytokines and arachidonic acid cascade by Kupffer cells and hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells." Excerpta Medica, 4 (1991)
[Publications] Tsutsui H: "Frontiers of Mucosal Immunology" Excerpta Medica, 4 (1991)
[Publications] Kawada N: ""Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid"Possible induction of fatty acid cyclooxygenase in lipopolysaccharide‐stimulate rat Kupffer cells." The Kupffer Cell Found tion., 3 (1991)
[Publications] Ichikawa Y: ""Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid"Effect of platelet activating factor and prostaglandin E2 on intracellular calcium concentration of hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells and Kupffer cells." The Kupffer Cell Found tion, 3 (1991)
[Publications] Kawakita N: ""Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid"Kinetics of the proliferatipon of sinusoidal cells in patients with confluent hepatic necrosis." The Kupffer Cell Found tion, 3 (1991)
[Publications] 溝口 靖紘: ""肝とアルコ-ル・肝再生・肝細胞障害"肝細胞障害におけるアラキドン酸カスケ-ドの関与について" 中外医学社, 13 (1991)
[Publications] 溝口 靖紘: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"マウス肝類洞内度細胞の血小板活性化因子(PAF)産生に及ぼすアキドン酸代謝産物およびインタ-ロイキン1の影響" 国際医書出版, 4 (1991)
[Publications] 市川 裕三: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"肝類洞内皮細胞におけるインタ-ロイキン1の産生に及ぼす血小板活性化因子およびアラキドン酸代謝産物の影響" 国際医書出版, 4 (1991)
[Publications] 河田 則文: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"Kupffer細胞によるprostaglan in E2の産生とcytokineによる調節" 国際医書出版, 8 (1991)
[Publications] 河田 則文: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の歩進"Kupffer細胞とperitoneal exuate macrophageにおける機能的差異について" 国際医書出版, 4 (1991)
[Publications] 関 守一: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"細小肝細胞癌における血洞構成細胞の増殖動態の免疫組織化学的検討" 国際医書出版, 5 (1991)
[Publications] 溝口 靖紘: ""最新医学からのアプロ-チ、サイトカイン、病態解明と診断・治療への応用"肝疾患とサイトカイン" メジカルビュ-社, 10 (1991)
[Publications] 河田 則文: ""エンドトキシン血症研究の新しい展開" Lipopolysaccharide刺激によるKupffer細胞のprostaglandin合成と細胞内遊離Ca^<++>濃度の関係について" 羊土社, 8 (1991)
[Publications] 河田 則文: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"Lipopolysaccharide刺激によるKupffer細胞のprostaglandin 成機構の解析" 国際医書出版, (1991)
[Publications] 市川 裕三: ""肝類洞壁細胞研究の進歩"ラット肝類洞内皮細胞カルシ-ム"濃度に及ぼす血小板活性化因子およびアラキドン酸代謝産物の影響" 国際医書出版, (1991)