[Publications] K.Hasegawa: "Circadian locomotor activity in an isolated cell of Paramecium" Chronobiology. (1989)
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[Publications] A.Chiba,K.Aoki: "Effects of diencephalic roof covering on the locomoter activity rhythm in the newt." Jap.J.Biometeor.26. 15-27 (1989)
[Publications] R.D.Smith,S.Inoue et al.: "Central adiministration of muscimol phase-shifts the mammalian circadian clock." J.comp.Physiol. A164. 805-814 (1989)
[Publications] H.Inoue,et al.: "Diacylglycerol kinase defect in a Drosophila retinal degene ration mutant rdgA." J.Biol.Chem.264. 5996-6000 (1989)
[Publications] A.Masuda,T.Oishi: "Effects of photoperid,temperature and testosterone treatment on plasma T_3 and T_4 in the Djungaian hamster.Phodopus sungorus" Experimentia. 45. 102-103 (1989)
[Publications] K.Tsutsui,T.Oishi et al.: "Changes in the testicular binding of lutenizing hormone and plasma testosterone concentration in the Djungarian hamster subjected to different photoperiods and temperatures and effects of long-term testosterone treatmant on the binding." J.Exp.Zoology. 251. 91-100 (1989)
[Publications] J.K.Lauber,T.Oishi: "Ocular responses of genetically blind chicks to the light environment and to lid suture." Current Eye Research. 8. 757-764 (1989)
[Publications] I.G.Gleadall,Y.Tsukahara et al.: "The visual pigment chromophores in the retina of insect compound eyes,with special reference to the coleoprera." J.Ins.Physiol.35. 787-795 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Tsukahara,et al.: "Gregarization in Locusta migratoria is related uncoupling of the circadian clock during development" Neural Mechanisims of Behavior eds.Erber et al.(Georg Thieme Verlag). 254 (1989)
[Publications] 塚原保夫: "視覚末梢側抑制機構" 動物生理. 6. 58-65 (1989)
[Publications] 塚原保夫、香坂昌紀: "清史稿「災異志」により清代大蝗の地理的分布" 応情研年報. 14. 93-100 (1989)
[Publications] T.Hariyama,Y.Tsukahara et al.: "Detals of the production of monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate the presence(in winter)of more than one types of opsin in the retinula cells of the cryfish.Procandarus clarkii Girard." Ann.Appl.Inform.Sci.14. 101-113 (1989)
[Publications] M.Ohtomi,Y.Deguchi,et al.: "Two arylamine N-acetyltransferase from chicken pineal gland as indentified by cDNA cloning." Europ.J.Biochem.(1989)
[Publications] K.Ishii,T.Deguchi et al.: "Complementary DNAs for choline acetyltransferases from the spinal cord of rat and mouse." Mol.Brain.Res.(1989)
[Publications] Y,Nakaoka: "Effects of cyclic nucleotides and intracellular Ca^<2+> on voltage activated ciliary beating in Paramecium." J.Comp.Physiol.A.(1989)
[Publications] Y,Nakaoka: "Localozation of photosentivity in Paramecium bursaria." J.Comp.Physiol.A.165. 637-641 (1989)
[Publications] K.Nakajima,Y.Nakaoka: "Circiadian change of photosensitivity in Paramecium bursaria." J.Exo.Biol.144. 43-51 (1989)
[Publications] T.Oka,Y.Nakaoka: "Inactivation and activation of inward current during adaptation to potassium ions in Paramecium caudatum." Cell Stracture and Function. 14. 209-216 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nakaoka: "Current noise induced by photostimulation in Paramecium bursaria." Ferroelectrics. 86. 121-127 (1989)
[Publications] 高井克治 他: "脳内セロトニンの回転と調節" 代謝. 26. 3-14 (1989)
[Publications] K.Takai,et al.: "Enzymatic deplation of rat blood tryptophan in vivo and its consequnces-rapid deplation of brain serotonin and desturbation of sleep/wake pattern." Amino Acid-Chemistry,Biology and medicine(Luber.G.Posanthal,G.A.eds). 352-358 (1990)
[Publications] 蓮沼仰嗣: "細胞内信号伝達のあらまし" 遺伝. 44. 11-20 (1990)
[Publications] K.Hasunuma,A.Takimoto: "ATP-GTP-binding proteins and endogenous ADP-ribosyl transferase in Leimna pauciosatata" Photochem.Photobiol.(1989)
[Publications] I.Miwa,et al.: "Synchronization of mating reactivity rhythms in populations of Paramecium bursaria." J.Protozool. 36. 24-28 (1989)
[Publications] C.H.Johnson,I.Miwa,et al.: "Circadisn rhythm of photoaccumulation in Paramrcium bursaria." J.Biol.Rhythms.4. (1989)
[Publications] M.Kikuchi,K.Aoki,et al.: "Entrainment of the circadian rhythms in Japanese common next by melatomin injections." Zoological Science. 6. 1215-1215 (1989)
[Publications] 長谷川建治: "時間生物学ハンドブック" 朝倉書店, (1989)
[Publications] 塚原保夫: "生物物理のフロンティア" 培風館, (1989)
[Publications] 大石正: "時間生物学ハンドブック" 朝倉書店, (1989)
[Publications] K.Takai,et al.: "Amino Acids-Chemistry,Biology,and Medicive" ESCOM Scientific Publisres, (1989)