[Publications] 篠原 一之: "サ-カデアンリズムと視交叉上核ー電気活動から機能分子へー" 神経研究の進歩. 34. 865-872 (1990)
[Publications] Takeuti,J.: "Circadian profile of somatostatin and vasoactive intesitinal poly peptide/peptide histidine isoleucine messenger RNA level in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus" submitted to Neuron.
[Publications] Shinohara,Y.: "Circadian rhythms of somatostatinーimmunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat" submitted to Neuro Report.
[Publications] Lanber,J.K.and Oishi,T.: "Kainic acid and formoquanamine effects on environmentally inducerl eye lesions in chicks" J.Ocular Pharmacol.6. 151-156 (1990)
[Publications] Oishi,T.: "Immunohistochemical localization of iodopsin in the retina of the chicken and Japanese quail." Cell and Tissue Res.261. 397-401 (1990)
[Publications] Oishi,T.: "DitamineーAーditiciencyーinduced abnormal hypertrophy of the cloacol qlancel in the Japanese quail,<Cotunis cotunis coturnis japomics>___ー." Comy.Biochen.Physiol.
[Publications] Mase,Y.: "Effects of castration and testosteroneーtreatment on the development and involution of the bursa of folmicins and the thymus." Gen.Comy.Endocrinol.
[Publications] Chiba,Y.,: "Insemination dependent modification of circadian activity of the mosquito,<Culex>___ー <pipiens>___ー <pallens>___ー." Zoolagical Science. 7. 895-906 (1990)
[Publications] Tomizawa,K.: "Distribution of circadian photoreceptprs in the compound eye of the cricket <Gryllus bimaculatus>___ー." Journal of Biological Rhythms. 5. 303-313 (1990)
[Publications] Shinkawa,Y.,: "Comparizon of circadian activity between five forms of mosquito of <Culex pipiens>___ー complex."
[Publications] Tomioka,K.: "Circadian control of hatching in the cricket <Gryllus bimaculatus.>___ー"
[Publications] Tomioka,K.: "Mutual interraction between optic lobe pacemakers and constant light affect developing circadian system in the cricket,<Gryllus bimaculatus>___ー."
[Publications] 篠沢 隆雄: "生物教材としての細菌 IV.身の回りの化学物質の変異原性を調べる方法" 科学教育研究. 14(3). 132-138 (1990)
[Publications] 須永 智: "トリ胚を用いた心拍に対する化学物質の作用の観察" 教材生物研究. 114. 8-11 (1990)
[Publications] 篠沢 隆雄: "生物教材としての細菌 V.身の回りの変異原抑制因子を検出する方法" 科学教育研究.
[Publications] 岩本 昌之: "生物教材としての細菌 VI.大腸菌を用いた遺伝子発現機構の教材化" 科学教育研究.
[Publications] 篠沢 隆雄: "液ー液界面における接着性細胞の培養" 化学工業論文集.
[Publications] Y.Nakaoka: "Effects of cyclic nucleotide and intracellular Ca on voltageーactivated ciliary berating in <Paramecium>___ー" J.Comp.Physiol.166. 401-406 (1990)
[Publications] Hariyama,T.: "Endogenous rhythms of the amounts of 11ーcis retinal in the compound eye of Ligia exotia (CRUSTACEA,ISOPODA)" J.exp.Biol.
[Publications] Hariyama,T.: "The diurnal changes of sensitivity and of the receptive field (twoーdimensional ascceptance angle) in the retinula cell of <Ligia exotica>___ー (CRUSTACEA,ISOPODA)" J.exp.Biol.
[Publications] Hariyama,T.: "Wavelength dependency in polarization sensitivity in the retinula cell of CRAYFISH (<Procambarus clarkil>___ー)" J.exp.Biol.
[Publications] Inoue,T.: "Coldーsensitive responses in the <Paramecium>___ー membrane" Cell Structure and Function. 15. 107-112 (1990)
[Publications] Tokioka,R.,: "Extraction of retinal from <Paramecium bursaria>___ー" Photochemistry and Photobiology. 53. 149-151 (1990)
[Publications] Nakaoka,Y.: "Photoreception of Paramecium cilia:Localization of photosensitivity and binding with antiーfrog rhodopsin lgG" J.Cell Sci.
[Publications] Hasegawa,K.: "Circadian locomotor activity in an isolated cell of <Paramecium>___ー" Chronobiology. 707-715 (1990)
[Publications] 長谷川 建治: "生物時計に関与する原始視覚系の機能分子" 生物物理.
[Publications] K.Hasunuma: "Molecular mechanism of light signal perception in plants and fungi." Trends in Photochem.Photobiol.
[Publications] K.Hasunuma: "Nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)ーbinding proteins and endogenous ADPーribosyl transferase in <Neurospora>___ー <crassa>___ー." Plant and Cell Physiology.
[Publications] K.Hasunuma: "Nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)ーbinding proteins in the plumule of etiolated mung bean seedlings." Plant and Cell Physiology.
[Publications] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "植物細胞で信号はどう伝わるか:特集へのアプロ-チ" 遺伝. 44(1). 10 (1990)
[Publications] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "細胞内信号伝達のあらまし" 遺伝. 44(1). 11-15 (1990)
[Publications] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "植物の光信号受容とATPーGTP結合蛋白質" 横浜市立大学論叢.
[Publications] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "植物の光信号伝達と概日性リズム" 横浜市立大学論叢.
[Publications] K.Hasunuma & W.R.Briggs: "Light signal transduction in etiolated pea seedlings" Ist Annual Meeting of Japanese Comparative Physiological Biochemistry.Takayama,Gifu.Det.1990.
[Publications] 中村 英士: "Synthesis of (±)Gonyauline,an Endogenous Substance shortening the period of Circadian Rhythm in the Unicelluler Alga <Gonyaulax polyedra>___ー" Journal of Chemical Society,Perkin Transactions 1. 3219-3220 (1990)
[Publications] T.Roenneberg,中村 英士: "Gonyauline:a Novel Endogenous Substance Shortening the Period of the Circadian Clock of a Unicellular Alge" Experientia.
[Publications] 村上 昇: "Longーterm cultured neurons from rat suprachiasmatic nucleus retain the capacity for circadian oscillation of vasopressin release" Brain Research.
[Publications] 高橋 清久: "哺乳動物の同調機構" 神経研究の進歩. 34. 892-900 (1990)
[Publications] 高橋 清久: "概日リズム機構" 神経科学レビュ-. 4. 222-242 (1990)
[Publications] 村上 昇: "鳥類松果体細胞の時計及び光情報に関わる蛋白合成" Jpn.J.Anim.Reprod.
[Publications] Miwa,I.: "Getical analysis of circadianm photoaccumulation rhythms in <Paramecium bursaria>___ー" Zool.Sci.
[Publications] 青木 清: "動物行動の謎" NHKブックス, 202 (1990)
[Publications] 千葉 喜彦: "時間生物学ハンドブック" 朝倉書店,
[Publications] 篠沢 隆雄、藤田 潤: "トランスデュ-シン 新生化学実験講座 第8巻 細胞内情報と細胞応答" 東京化学同人, 6
[Publications] 篠沢 隆雄: "タンパク質のリン酸化 物理学辞典" 倍風館,
[Publications] 長谷川 建治: "染色体 物理学辞典" 倍風館,
[Publications] 長谷川 建治: "タンパク質の合成 物理学辞典" 倍風館,