[Publications] Ebihara,S.,Oshima,I.,Hasegawa,M.and Goto,M.: "The role of pineal and retinal melatonin in the control of circadian rhythms of the pigeon." ACTAXX Congressus internationalis ornithologici. IV. 2015-2021 (1991)
[Publications] 海老原 史樹文,大島 五紀,(千葉,高橋編): "鳥類" 時間生理学ハンドブック朝倉書店. 92-101 (1991)
[Publications] Oishi,T.,M.Kanda,A.Murotani,F.Nomura,S.Kobayashi & T.Konishi: "VitaminーAーdeficiencyーinduced abnormal hypertrophy of the cloacal gland in the Japanese quail,Coturnix coturnix japonica." Comp.Biochem.Physiol.98A. 367-372 (1991)
[Publications] Mase.Y.& T.Oishi: "Effects of castration and testosteroneーtreatment on the development and involution of the bursa of Fabricius and the thymus in the Japanese quail." Gen.Comp.Endocrinol.84. 426-433 (1991)
[Publications] Oishi,T: "The avian eye as a photoneuroendocrine organ which contains a selfー sustained circadian oscillator." In: Saxena,R.N.et al.,(eds.)Current Themes in Comparative Endocrinology.15-17 (1991)
[Publications] Yokota,Y.,& T.Oishi: "Seasonol change in the locomotor activity rhythm of the medaka,Oryzias latipes." Internat.J.Biometeorol.in press. (1992)
[Publications] Fujita,Y.,N.Sakurai,T.Shinozawa: "Presence of rhodopsinーlike proteins in the planarian head." Hydrobiologia. 227. 93-94 (1991)
[Publications] Yoshizawa,Y.,Y.Wakabayasi,T.Shinozawa,: "Inhibition of planarian regeneration by melatonin." Hydrobiologia. 227. 1-10 (1991)
[Publications] Salehi,S.A.,M.Takagi,T.Shinozawa,T.Matsuura: "Effect of SH reagents on rod photoresponse of isolated frog retina." Indian J.Ophthal.(1991)
[Publications] Hoshino,K.,K.Ohnishi,W.Yoshida,T.Shinozawa: "Analysis of ploidy in a planarian by flowcytometry." Hydrobiologia. (1991)
[Publications] 岩本 昌之,篠沢 隆雄: "生物教材としての細菌.VI.大腸菌を用いた遺伝子発現機構の教材化" 科学教育研究. 15. 40-45 (1991)
[Publications] Matsumoto,A.Motoshige,T.Tanimura,T.Tomioka,K.Murata,T.and Chiba,Y.: "Chronobiological and genetic analysis of circadian locomotor activity in new clock mutants of Drosophila melanogaster."
[Publications] 磯野 邦夫,尾田 義治,伊藤 彰則,本郷 哲,宮内 雅夫,原田 敦,武蔵 昭一,塚原 保夫: "生体概日周期活動の長期自動記録とその解析システム" 応用情報学研究年報. 15. 155-166 (1990)
[Publications] 香坂 昌紀,塚原 保夫: "中国史上の蝗害と記録された蝗の生態観察について" 応用情報学研究年報. 15. 121-153 (1990)
[Publications] Hariyama,T.& Y.Tsukahara: "Endogenous rhythm of the amounts of 11ーcis retinal in the compound eye of Ligia exotica(Crustacea,Isopoda)." J.exp.Biol.(1992)
[Publications] Takahashi,T.& Y.Tsukahara: "Usefulness of blue sunglasses in photosensitive epilepsy" Epilepsia. (1992)
[Publications] 酒寄 真人,針山 孝彦,塚原 保夫,寺北 明久: "ホタル複眼における視物質とその分布" 応用情報学研究年報. (1992)
[Publications] Tokioka,R.,K.Matsuoka,Y.Nakaoka & Y.Kito: "Extraction of retinal from Paramecium bursaria" Photochem.Photobiol.53. 149-151 (1991)
[Publications] Nakaoka,Y.,R.Tokioka,T.Shinozawa,J.Fujita & J.Usukura: "Photoreception of Paramecium cilia: localization of and binding with antiーfrogーrhodopsin IgG" J.Cell Sci.99. 67-72 (1991)
[Publications] 中岡 保夫: "原生動物の光受容と応答" IGEシリ-ズ10,植物・微生物の光反応. 10. 3-10 (1991)
[Publications] Nakamura,H.,Ohtoshi,M.,Sampei,O.,Akashi,Y.,and Murai,A.: "Synthesis and absolute configuration of (+)ーgonyauline shortening the period of bioluminescent circadian rhythm in the unicellular alga Gonyaulax polyedra." Tetrahedron Lett., Submitted.
[Publications] Roenneberg,T.,Nakamura,H.: "Cranmer III,L.D.,Ryan,K.,Kishi,Y.and Hastings,J.W.Gonyauline,a novel endogenous substanc shortening the period of the circadian clock of a unicellular alga" Experientia. 47. 103-106 (1991)
[Publications] Hasunuma,K.: "Nucleoside triphosphate(NTP)ーbinding proteins and endogenous ADPーribosyl transferase in Neurospora crassa." Plant Cell Physiol.32. 653-664 (1991)
[Publications] Hasunuma,K.: "Molecular mechanism of light signal perception in plants and fungi." Trends in Photochem.Photobiol.1. 311-319 (1991)
[Publications] Hasunuma,K.,K.Oda,K.Nishikawa,and T.Hamada: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and light signal perception in a fungus and a plant." Yokohama Medical Bulletin. (1992)
[Publications] Hasunuma,K.,K.Nishikawa and Y.Ohsaki: "A ras related ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding protein in the mycelia of Neurospora crassa; ATPーbinding may switch off the reaction." Jpn.J.Genet.(1991)
[Publications] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "植物の光信号伝達と概日性リズム" 横浜市立大学論叢. 42. 55-82 (1991)
[Publications] Hasegawa,K.,A.Tanakadate M.Shimamoto,& I.Nakada: "Comparison of circadian behavioural rhythms in rhythmic and arhythmic alleles in mating type reversals in Paramecium multimicronucleatum." J.Exp.Biol.(1992)
[Publications] Hasegawa,K.,A.Tanakadate,M.Shimamoto,& Y.Takahara: "Tha Paramecium ciradian clock: roles of cAMP and cGMP on photic signal transduction for the circadian clock system." Experientia. (1992)
[Publications] 長谷川 健治,(千葉 喜彦,高橋 清久編): "生物物理学的機構ーゾウリムシ" 時間生物学ハンドブック. 172-180 (1991)
[Publications] 田中舘 明博,長谷川 建治,富岡 憲治,正木 忠勝,千葉 喜彦,蒲澤 良男,相良 嘉一,(千葉 喜彦,高橋 清久編): "研究法" 時間生物学ハンドブック. 504-519 (1991)
[Publications] Murakami,N.,Takamure,M.,Takahashi,K.,Utunomiya,K,.,Kuroda,H.& Etoh,T.: "Longーterm cultured neurons from rat suprachiasmatic nucleus retain the capacity for circadian oscillation of vasopressin release." Brain Res.545. 347-350 (1991)
[Publications] Takamure,M.,Murakami,N.,Takahashi,K.,Kuroda,H.& Etoh,T.: "Rapid reentrainment of the circadian clock itself,but not measurable activity rhythms to a new lightーdark cycle in the rat." Physiol.Behav.50. 443-449 (1991)
[Publications] Egawa,M.,Inoue,S.,Sato,S.,Takamura,Y.,Murakami,N.& Takahashi,K: "Restration of circadian corticosterone rhythm in ventromedial hypothalamic lesioned rat." Neuroendocrinology. 53. 543-548 (1991)
[Publications] Takai,K.,Nakamaru,A.,et,al: "Brain sertonin depletion and its consequences." Frontiers and New Horizons in Amino Acid Research. (1992)
[Publications] Nakamaru,A.,Takai,K.et.al.: "Dynamics of cortical amino acid turnover as assessed by in vivo microdialysis of rat frontal cortex: 6Rーtetrahydrobiopterin(THBP)ーtriggered consecutive increases of extracellular amino acids." Frontiers and New Horizons in Amino Acid Research. (1992)
[Publications] Takai,K.: "Frontiers and new horizons in amino acid research" Elsevier,Amsterdam, (1992)