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[Publications] K.Kubo: "The Spin Correlations of the S=3/2 XXZ Chain" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.57. 1601-1609 (1988)
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[Publications] K.Hara: "Molecular-Dynamics Simulations for Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy:Ovelayer Growth Pattern in Two-Component Lennard-Jones Systems" Phys.Rev.B39. 9476-9485 (1989)
[Publications] H.Nishimori: "Ground-State Long-Range Order in the Two-Dimensional XXZ Model" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.58. 1027-1030 (1989)
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[Publications] H.Kaji: "Interpolation Formula for the Auger Neutralization Probability" Surf.Sci.(1990)
[Publications] M.Fujita: "Electronic Structure of the DAS Model for Si(111)7×7 by Energy Band Calculations-Simplified Models" Surf.Sci.208. 155-163 (1989)
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