[Publications] 早川幸男: "重力波天文学の現状と将来" 科学(岩波書店). 59. 281-287 (1989)
[Publications] 坪野公夫: "重力波の計測技術" 計測と制御(計測自動制御学会誌). 29. 11-17 (1990)
[Publications] 中村卓史,藤本眞克: "重力波天文学" 日本物理学会誌. 45. 2-9 (1990)
[Publications] A.Tomimatsu: "The Gravitational Faraday Rotation for Gylindrical Gravitational Solitons." Gen.Rel.Grav.21. 613-621 (1989)
[Publications] A.Tomimatsu: "Gravitational Field in a Collision of Two Schwarzschild Black Holes." Gen.Rel.Grav.21. 1233-1247 (1989)
[Publications] M.Takahashi,S.Nitta,Y.Tatematsu and A.Tomimatsu: "MHD Flows in Kerr Geometry:Energy Extraction from Black Holes." Astrophys.J.
[Publications] Ken-ichi Oohara and Takashi Nakamura: "“Gravitational Radiation from Coaiescing Binary Neutron Stars I"" Prog.Theor.Phys.82. 535-554 (1989)
[Publications] Takashi Nakamura and Ken-ichi Oohara: "“Gravitational Radiation from Coalescing Binary Neutron Stars II-Simulationg Including Back Reaction Potential-"" Prog.Theor.Phys.82. 1066-1083 (1989)
[Publications] Takashi Nakamura: "“A Progress in 3D Numerical Relativity"" Proceedings of the 12-th Interational Conference on General Reiativity and Graviation(1990). (1990)
[Publications] Ken-ichi Oohara and Takashi Nakamura: "“Gravitational Radiation from Coaiescing Binary Neutron Stars III-Simulations from Equilibrium Model-"" Prog.Theor.Phys.84. (1990)
[Publications] M.Sasaki and T.Nakamura: "“Gravitational Radiation from Extreme Kerr Black Hole"" General Relativity and Gravitation.
[Publications] 佐々木節: "“ブラックホ-ルの準固有振動と重力波放出"" 素粒子論研究. 80. (1990)
[Publications] S.HAYAKAWA and K.MASAI: "X-RAYS FROM SN1987A" Proc.5th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,Worid Scientific.Part B. 1451-1454 (1989)
[Publications] M.Takahara,M.Hino,T.Oda,K.Muto,A.Wolters and K.Sato: "Microscopic Calculation of The Rate of Electron Captures Which induce the Collapse" Nucl.Phys.A504. 167-192 (1989)
[Publications] K.Sato and H.Suzuki: "Implication of the Discovery of Sub-millisecond Pulsar in SN1987A" Prog.Theor.Phys.81. 997-1005 (1989)
[Publications] M.Kawasaki and K.Sato: "SN1987Aパルサ-の発見と核物質の状態方程式" 日本物理学会誌. 44. 590-592 (1989)
[Publications] Tatematsu,Y.,and Fujimoto,M.: "Dynamics of Rotating Gaseous Ellipsoid in External Force Fields" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan,in press.42. (1990)
[Publications] Humitaka SATO: "High Energy Gamma-Rays and Neutrinos from SN 1987A" Proc.of Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meetings(World Scientific). Part A. 205-216 (1989)
[Publications] Humitaka SATO: "High Energy Gamma-rays and Pulsar in SN1987A" Proc.20th Yamada Conf.on Big Bang,Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae(Universal Academy Press). 531-543 (1989)
[Publications] Miyama,S.M.: "Criteria of collapse and fragmentation of rotating clouds" Highlights of Astronomy of the proceeding of IAU General Assembly XX. XX. 127-128 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Eriguchi,T.Futamase and I.Hachisu: "“Disk Evolution caused by gravitational radiation reaction"" Astronomy and Astrophysics,in press. (1990)
[Publications] K.NAKAO,T.NAKAMURA,K.OHARA and K.MAEDA: "Numerical Study of Cosmic No Hair Conjecture I-Formalism and Linear Analysis-" Physical Review D(1990). D. (1990)
[Publications] F.Hong,M.Tachikawa,R.Oda,and T.Shimizu: "“Chaotic passive O-switching pulsation in a N_2O laser with a saturable absorber"" J.Opt.Soc.Am.B6. 1378-1382 (1989)
[Publications] K.Tsubono: "Detection of Continuous Waves" The Detection of Gravitational Radiation ed.D.G.Blair(Cambridge Univ.Press).(1989)
[Publications] A.Mizutani and K.Tsubono: "Coupling of Vibration Modes in a Resonant Antenna for Gravitational Radiation" Phys.Lett.139. 457-460 (1989)
[Publications] N.Mio and K.Tsubono: "Frequency Modulation Method for a He-Ne Laser Using the Mechanical Resonance of the Laser Cavity" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.
[Publications] A.Mizutani,N.Mio and K.Tsubono: "Noise Measurement of Internal Mirror He-Ne Lasers Stabilized by Thin-Film Heaters" JJAP.
[Publications] Nobuki Kawashima,Jun Hirao and Seiji Kawamura: "ISAS 10 m Laser Interferometer Gravitational Antenna" Proc.5th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,World Scientific.Part B. 1755-1758 (1989)
[Publications] S.Kawamura,J.Mizuno,J.Hirao,N.Kawashima and Roland Schilling: "10m Prototype for the Laser interferometer Gravitational Wave Antenna" ISAS Report. 637. 1-67 (1990)
[Publications] Kazuo Tanaka and Masaaki Kojima: "“New boundary integral equations for computer-aided design of dielectric waveguide circuits"" Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 6. 667-674 (1989)
[Publications] Kazuo Tanaka: "“New boundary integral equations for GAD of dielectric optical circuits"" Proceedings of International Symposium on Anttenas and Propagation'89. 145-148 (1989)