[Publications] R.Ohno: "Water Sensivity of a〔Fe_4S_4(SR)_4〕^<1-> Cluster and Its Stabilization" Chemistry Letter. 399-402 (1989)
[Publications] A.Nakamura: "Oxidative Reactivity of(NEt_4)〔MoVO(SR)_4〕Complexes:Catalytic Oxidation of Benzoin by Proton and Electron Transfer" Catalysis Lett.55. 276-284 (1989)
[Publications] A.Kajiwara: "Mn^<II>-Thiopheno and -Selenophenolate Complexes as Catalyst in Air Oxidation of Benzoin,Benzaldehyde and Hydrazobenzene" J.Mol.Catal.3. 25-30 (1989)
[Publications] N.Ueyama: "Catalytic Activity of Novel Agglomerates Composed of Fe_4S_4^<2+> and(Mo^vO)^<3+> Species Cross-Linked with a Bulky Bifunctional Lingand,2,4,6-Trimethy1-1,3-benzendithiolate" Macroml.Chem.in press.
[Publications] K.Yamaguchi: "Antiferromagnetic Spin Couplings between Iron Ions in Iron-Sulfur Clusters.A Localized Picture by the Spin Vector Model." Chem.Phys.Lett.164. 210-216 (1989)
[Publications] N.Ueyama: "Catalytic Air and Amine-N-Oxide Oxidation of p-Substituted Benzoin by Mo(VI)Complexes.Identification of the Deactivation Process by Dioxygen." J.Chem.Soc.Dalton Trans.in press.
[Publications] N.Oyama: "The Determination of the Heterogeneous Electron-Transfer Rate Contants for the Redox Couples Using Fast Sweep Cyclic Voltammetry at Carbon Fiber Electrodes" J.Electroanal.Chem.265. 297-304 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ohsaka: "Charge-transfer Rates in Thin Polyelectrolyte Films Incorporating a Redox Molecule with Two Separate Electroactive Centers Having Different Redox Potentials.An Alizarin Red S-Cationic Perfluoropolymer Film System." Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.62. 1023-1032 (1989)
[Publications] N.Oyama: "Polymer-complex Mediated Enzyme Electrodes for Amperometric Determination of Glucose" J.Macromol.Sciーchem.
[Publications] N.Oyama: "Electrochemical and Electromic Properties of All Solid-State W03-Prussian Blue Based Electrochromic Devices" Denki Kagaku. 12. 1172-1177 (1989)
[Publications] T.Osaka: "Electrochemical Polymerization of Electroactive Polyaniline in Nonaqueous Solution and Its Application in Rechargeable Lithium Batteries" J.Electrochem.Soc.136. 306-309 (1989)
[Publications] K.Nomura: "Electromical and Electrochromic Properties of Polymer Complex Films Composed of Polytetramethyleneviologen and Poly(p-Styrenesulfonic Acid)Containing a Conductive Powder" J.Mactomol.Sciーchem.26. 593-608 (1989)
[Publications] A.Itaya: "Fluorescence spectral change of LB films containing ω-(1-pyrongl)alkanoic acids induced by exciures laser" Langmuir. 5. 1407-1409 (1989)
[Publications] H.Sakai: "Time-dependent fluourescence spectral strift and unusual slom decay of exciplex in polz(N-vinylcarbazale)films" J.Phys.Chem.93. 5351-5353 (1989)
[Publications] R.Andriessen: "Intramolecular excimer formation dynamics of mess-bis〔1-(2-pyrenzl)ethyl〕ether studied by single-photon Timing with simultaneous analysis" Macromolecules. 22. 2166-2168 (1989)
[Publications] N.Ikeda: "Dynamic attennated total reflection UJ-visible spectroscopy for surface photophysis and photochemistry" Chem.Phys.Lett.156. 204-208 (1989)
[Publications] H.Masuhara: "Laser ablation dynamics of poly(N-vinylcarbazale)film as revealed by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy" Chem.Phys.Lett.156. 446-449 (1989)
[Publications] A.Itaya: "Laser-induced geometrical change of fluorescent traps in cost thin films of ω-(1-pyrernge)alkanoic acids" Thin Solid Films. (1990)
[Publications] K.Miki: "Bioelectrocatalysis at NAD-Dependent Dehydrogenase and Diaphrorase-Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes Containing Mediators" Anal.Sci.,. 3. 269-274 (1989)
[Publications] T.Ikeda: "Amperometric enzyme electrode for maltose based on an oligosaccharide dehydrogenase-modified carbon paste electrode containing-benzoquinone" J.Electroanal.Chem.,. 261. 351-362 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kakiuchi: "The Electrocapillary of the Phosphatidylcholine Monolayer at the Polarized Oil-Water Interface.II.Double Layer Structure of Dilauroylphoatidylcholine Monolayer at the Nitrobenzene-Water Interface" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.,. 62. 403-409 (1989)
[Publications] 大堺利行: "マイクロコンピュ-タ-制御システムを用いたイオン移動ボルタンメトリ-" 分析化学. 38. 479-485 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Redox Behavior of Simple Vitamin B_<12> Model Complexes and Electrochemical Catalysis of Carbon-Skeleton Rearrangements" Bulletin of the Chemic Soc.of Japan. 62. 2045-2049 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Murakami: "Electrochemical Carbon-Seleton Rearrangements Catalysed by Hydrophobic Vitamin B_<12> Immobilised in a Polymer-coated Electrode" Journal of the Chem.Soc.,Chem.Comm.1094-1096 (1989)
[Publications] 千田貢: "科学研究費補助金「重点領域研究」平成3年度発足重点領域申請書「高分子錯体系における電荷移動反応制御の分子科学」" 27 (1990)
[Publications] 千田貢: "平成元年度文部省科学研究費補助金総合研究(B)「高分子錯体における電荷移動反応のダイナミックスと分子素子の基礎」研究成果報告書" 120 (1990)
[Publications] 小山昇: "現代電気化学法ー基礎マニュアル" 講談社サイエンティフィク, 197 (1989)
[Publications] Noboru OYAMA: "Chemical Sensor Technology Vol.2 分担1章分" Elsevier, 18 (1989)
[Publications] H.Masuhara: "Laser in Polymer science and technology:application Vol.2(11章のうち2章)" CRC Press, 44 (1990)
[Publications] H.Masuhara: "Polymers in Microlithography(26章のうち1章)" American Chemical Society, 11 (1989)
[Publications] K.Seki: "Optical Techniques to Characterize Polymer Systems" Elsevier,
[Publications] A.Nakamura: "Advances in Inorganic Chemistry" A.G.Sykes,ed Academic Press, 28 (1989)