[Publications] Ema,H.,Suda,T.,Miura,Y.,Nakauchi,H.: "Colony formation of cloneーsorted human hematopoietic progenitors." Blood. 75. 1941-1946 (1990)
[Publications] Suda,T.,Ohara,A.,Suda,J.,Okada,S.,Tokuyama,N.,Miura,Y.: "Early B cell differentiation from hematopoietic stem cells in the presence of stromal cells and interleukinー7 (ILー7)." “Experimental Hematology Todayー1989"Gorin NC,Douay L (eds) springerーVerlag,New York,USA. 45-52 (1990)
[Publications] Yamaguchi,Y.,Suda,T.,Suda,J.,Eguchi,M.,Miura,Y.,Mita,S.,Hitoshi Y.,Tominaga,A.,Takatsu,K.: "Analysis of eosinophilーpredominant colonies formed by human hemopoietic precursor cells in the presence of purified interleukinー5." Acta Haematologica Japonica. 53. 688-698 (1990)
[Publications] Yamaguchi,Y.,Matsui,T.,Kasahara,T.,Etoh,S.,Takatsu,K.,Miura,Y.,Suda,T.: "In vivo changes of hemopoietic progenitors and the expression of the interleukin 5 gene in eosinophilic mice infected with toxocara canis." Exp.Hematol.18. 1152-1157 (1990)
[Publications] Ema,H.,Suda,T.,Nagayoshi,K.,Miura,Y.,Civin,C.I.,Nakauchi,H.: "Target cells for granulocyte colonyーstimulating factor,interleukinー3,and interleukinー5 in differentiation pathways of neutrophils and eosinophils." Blood. 76. 1956-1961 (1990)
[Publications] Okada,S.,Suda,T.,Tokuyama,N.,Nagayoshi,K.Miura,Y.,Nakauchi,H.: "Effects of interleukin 3,interleukin 6,and granulocyte colonyーstimulating factor on sorted murine splenic progenitor cells." Exp.Hematol.19. 42-46 (1991)
[Publications] Miura,Y.,Komatsu,N.,Suda,T.: "(Molecular biology and differentiation of megakaryocytes) Growth and differentiation of two human megakaryoblastic cell lines;CMK and UTー7" WileyーLiss,New York, 12 (1990)
[Publications] 三浦 恭定編: "造血因子研究の潮流" 中外医学社, 272 (1991)