Research Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the domestic animals in Japan from a bibliographical point of view. A Japanese name of the book "Kosei Shinpen" in the late Edo period which was translated from the Dutch Edition "Algemeen Huishoudelijk-, Zedekundigen Konst-Woordenboek by chalmot in 1778, Leyden." In the field of animal sciences, the contents of the Kosei Shinpen contained horse, donkey, goat, water buffalo, hunting dog, cat, camel, sheep, reindeer, duck, goose, turkey, pheasant, peacock, canary, milk, butter, cheese, leather, and meat cooking. The scientific knowledge of the book is discussed with those of Japanese original books in the Edo-period (1603-1867). It was evident that the turkey and the guinea fowl were brought to Japan from Europe by Dutchman in the mid-17th and mid-19th centuries, respectively. It was noted that the Japanese names of the turkey, the guinea fowl and the cabot's tragopan ( Tragopan caboti ) were confused in the Edo period in Japan.