[Publications] 谷口伸行: "ヴォロノイ分割を用いた有限体積法による流れ場計算手法の講成" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 1324-1328 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "非圧縮性流れの大規模数値解析とその可視化" 日本機械学会誌. 92. 492-497 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "流体計算の発展とスーパコンピュータ" Nikkei Datapro Books VII. 53-64 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "大規模乱流解析における課題" 流体解析システム研究会第1回計算流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 1-5 (1989)
[Publications] N.Taniguchi: "Finite Volume Method on Unstructural Grid System" Int.Symp.Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 64-69 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Morinishi: "Large Eddy Simulation of The Complex Flow Fields" Int.Symp.comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 227-232 (1989)
[Publications] K.-J.Oh: "Numerical Calculations of the Viscous Flow over the Ship Stern by Fully Elliptic and Partially Parabolic Navier-Stokes Equations" Proc.5th Intn.Conf.on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics. Part1. 134-142 (1989)
[Publications] T.Nagafuji: "3-D Flow Analysis in the Runner and the Distributor of Francis Turbines" GAMM Workshop Lausanne 1989 Paper. (1989)
[Publications] T.Kabayashi: "Applications of LES to Complicated Flow Fields" Proc.Int.Seminar Supercomputing in Fluid Flow. (1989)
[Publications] 谷口伸行: "一般座標系有限体積法による自動車まわり流れの数値シミュレーション" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 3026-3032 (1989)
[Publications] 明賢國: "新たなkーepsilon乱流モデルとその応用" 第39回応用力学連合講演会予稿集. 241-244 (1989)
[Publications] 森西洋平: "二層モデルによるLESの人工的壁面境界条件" 第39回応用力学連合講演会予稿集. 257-360 (1989)
[Publications] 谷口伸行: "有限体積法による非構造型格子での流れ場解析" 第39回応用力学連合講演会予稿集. 263-266 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "乱流の数値解析におけるいくつかの課題" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 1-8 (1989)
[Publications] 玉川雅章: "SEMにおける誤差評価と流れ場解析" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 259-262 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "非等方kーεモデルによる後方ステップ流の数値解析" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 343-346 (1989)
[Publications] 小林敏雄: "実用的なLES構成の試み" 第5回生研NSTシンポジウム講演概要集. 25-28 (1990)
[Publications] A.Yoshizawa: "Three-Equation Modeling of Inhomogeneous Comppressible Turbulence Based on a Two-Scale Direct-Interaction Approximation" The Physics of Fluids A.
[Publications] A.Yoshizawa: "Self-Consistent Turbulent Dynamo Modeling of Reversed Field Pinches and Planetary Magnetic Fields" The Physics of Fluids B.
[Publications] A.Yoshizawa: "Effect of Mean Velocity Shear on the Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy" The Physics of Fluids A.
[Publications] A.Kuroda: "A Direct Numerical Simulation of the Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow" Int.Symp.Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 1174-1179 (1989)
[Publications] H.K.Myong: "Toward an Anisotropic k-ε Turbulence Model Taking into Account the Wall-Limiting Behavior of Turbulence" Int.Symp.Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 269-274 (1989)
[Publications] H.K.Myong: "Numerical Prediction on Turbulent Pipe Flow Heat Transfer for Various Prandtl Number Fluids with the Improved k-ε Turbulence Model" JSME Int.J.,SerII. 32. 613-622 (1989)
[Publications] 笠木伸英: "剪断自由な壁乱流のkーε二方程式モデルによる数値予測" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 327-330 (1989)
[Publications] 富田康意: "乱流熱伝達の直接数値シミュレーション" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 415-418 (1989)
[Publications] 黒田明慈: "平行平板間乱流の直接シミュレーション" 第5回東大生研NSTシンポジウム講演概要集. 1-4 (1990)
[Publications] H.K.Myong: "A New Approach to the Improvement of k-epsilon Turbulence Model for Wall-Bounded Shear Flows" JSME Int.J.,Ser.II. 33. (1990)
[Publications] 明賢國: "乱れの壁面漸近条件を考慮した非等方kーepsilon乱流モデルの提案" 日本機械学会論文集. (1990)
[Publications] 綾史郎: "河川における流れと横分散に関する数値実験的研究" 京都大学防災研究所年報. 32Bー2. 669-687 (1989)
[Publications] 綾史郎: "河川合流部における流れと水質分散の解析" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 563-566 (1989)
[Publications] 細田尚: "浮遊砂を有する滑面上の開水路流れの流速分布特性" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 595-598 (1989)
[Publications] 綾史郎: "河川合流部における流れと横分散" 水工学論文集. 34. 541-546 (1990)
[Publications] S.Aya: "Spreading of Effluent in Receiving River Waters" Proc.5th Int.Conf.on Urban Storm Drainage. (1990)
[Publications] S.Aya: "2-D Numerical Analysis of Flow and Transverse Mixing of Contaminants in the Yodo River System" Proc.7th Congress of APD-IAHR. (1990)
[Publications] K.Suzuki: "Characteristics of Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in Eccentric Annuli" 第26回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. 2. 325-327 (1989)
[Publications] K.Suzuki: "Turbulent Heat Transfer in Low Prantl Number Fluid" Proc.1989 KATST Annual Meeting. 396-401 (1989)
[Publications] K.Suzuki: "A Numerical Study of Forced-Convective Filmwise Condesation in a Vertical Tube" JSME Int.J.33ー1. 134-140 (1990)
[Publications] J.Szmyd: "偏心環状流路内の液体金属乱流熱伝達" 日本機械学会論文集. (1990)
[Publications] K.Suzuki: "Liquid Metal Turbulent Heat Transfer in Eccentric Annuli" Proc.9th Int.Heat Transfer Conf.(1990)
[Publications] S.Hirai: "Numerical Prediction of Flow Characteristics and Retardation of Mixing in Turbulent Swirling Flow" Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer. 32. 121-130 (1989)
[Publications] S.Hirai: "Calculation of Turbulent Swirling Flow in a Long Pipe with Reynolds Stress Closure" Int.Symp.Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 239-244 (1989)
[Publications] C.Y.Fang: "Numerical Computation on the Transient Evaporating and Non-evaporating Sprays" Int.Symp.Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 1043-1048 (1989)
[Publications] 平井秀一郎: "密度不均質を伴う円管内旋回乱流混合特性の数値予測" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 2500-2507 (1989)
[Publications] T.Takagi: "Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flame Using Reynolds Stress-Flux Equation Model" AN/J/CI Joint Int.Conf.214-216 (1989)
[Publications] T.Takagi: "Numerical Simulation of Vortex Formation and Mixing in Shear Layers" 9th Int.Heat Transfer Conf.(1990)
[Publications] 高城敏美: "水素拡散火炎の数値シミュレーション" 日本機械学会論文集B. (1990)
[Publications] 范秦寅: "非定常噴霧流の数値シミュレーション" 日本機械学会論文集B. (1990)
[Publications] 高城敏美: "非定常噴霧流における支配パラメータの導出とその検討" 日本機械学会論文集B. (1990)
[Publications] 高城敏美: "非定常噴霧の着火と燃焼の数値解析" 日本機械学会論文集B.
[Publications] 長野靖尚: "kーε乱流モデルの改良(壁・自由乱流の漸近挙動と逆圧力こう配の影響)" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 1008-1015 (1989)
[Publications] 近藤継男: "後向きステップ下流のはく離ー再付着流(大規模流れ構造のシミュレーション)" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 1016-1021 (1989)
[Publications] 殷耀晨: "自然対流乱流境界層の数値解析" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 1623-1630 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nagano: "Turbulence Model for Triple Velocity and Scalar Correlations" Proc.7th Symp.on Turbulent Shear Flows,Stanford Univ.1. 14.4.1-14.4.6 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nagano: "Numerical Prediction of turbulent Buoyant Flows" Proc.7th Symp.on Turbulent Shear Flows,Stanford Univ.1. 12.1.1-12.1.6 (1989)
[Publications] T.Kondoh: "Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Separating and Reattaching Flow Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step" Int.Symp.on Computational Fluid Dynamics,Nagoya. 299-304 (1989)
[Publications] E.Naito: "Combined Forced and Free Upward-Flow Convection in the Entrance Region Between Inclined Parallel Plates" Trans.ASME,J.Heat Transfer. 111. 675-682 (1989)
[Publications] 長野靖尚: "速度と温度の三重相関の乱流モデル" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 3057-3064 (1989)
[Publications] 長野靖尚: "壁乱流の漸近挙動を考慮した温度場2方程式乱流モデル" 第3回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 331-334 (1989)
[Publications] 長野靖尚: "非等方性を考慮したレイノルズ応力成分の散逸のモデリング" 第5回生研NSTシンポジウム講演梗概集. 33-36 (1989)
[Publications] Y.Nagano: "An Improved k-ε Model for Boundary Layer Flows" Trans.ASME,J.Fluids Eng.112. (1990)
[Publications] Y.Nagano: "A Structural Turbulence Model for Triple Products of Velocity and Scalar" Journal of Fluid Mechanics. (1990)
[Publications] 香月正司: "放射伝熱を考慮した同軸流拡散火炎の数値解析" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 523-528 (1989)
[Publications] 高橋丈雄: "乱流予混合火炎の分散反応領域の観察" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 859-864 (1989)
[Publications] 香月正司: "乱流予混合火炎における乱れと混合(第2報局所火炎構造と混合に及ぼす火炎の影響)" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 1729-1736 (1989)
[Publications] M.Katsuki: "The Effect of Turbulence on the Fine Structure and Propagation of Lean Turbulent Flames Sustained by a Hot Jet" Extended Abst.:Joint Int.Conf.of the Australia/New Zealand and Japanese Sections of the Combustion Institute. 157-159 (1989)
[Publications] M.Katsuki: "Modeling of the Mean Reaction Rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames" Int.Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dyn.,NAGOYA. 453-458 (1989)
[Publications] M.Katsuki: "Modeling of the Reaction Rate in Turbulent Premixed Flames" JSME Int.J.,Ser.II. 32. 659-665 (1989)
[Publications] 香月正司: "放射熱再循環を伴う燃焼器の数値シミュレーション" 日本機械学会論文集B. 55. 3766-3771 (1989)
[Publications] 吉田哲之: "せん断層乱流予混合火炎の混合・反応モデル" 日本機械学会講演概要集. (1990)