[Publications] TAIRA,T.: "Difference between two major size class of carrot rDNA repeating units is due to reiteration of sequences of about 460 bp in the large spacer." Mol.Gen.Genet.213. 170-174 (1988)
[Publications] TAIRA,T.: "Differences in timing of replication and maturation of nascent DNA fragments between satellite and main band DNA during the S phase of the first cell cyclein cultured carrot root plants." Jpn.J.Genet.64. 79-89 (1989)
[Publications] YOKOTA,Y.: "Nucleotide sequences of the 5.8S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer regions in carrot and broad bean ribosomal DNA." J.Mol.Evol.29. 294-301 (1989)
[Publications] AKAMA,K.: "Nucleotide sequence of a methionine initiator tRNA gene of Arabidopsis thaliana." Plant Mol.Biol.13. 599-600 (1989)
[Publications] AKAMA,K.: "Nucleotide sequence of a putative pseudogene of histidine tRNA from Arabidopsis thaliana." Plant Mol.Biol.13. 721-722 (1989)
[Publications] TABATA,T.: "An accurate transcription of wheat histone genes in sunflower cells." Plant Cell Physiol.28. 73-82 (1987)
[Publications] MIKAMI,K.: "Nuclear protein(s)binding to the conserved DNA hexameric sequence postulated to regulate transcription of wheat histone genes." FEBS Lett.223. 273-278 (1987)
[Publications] KAWATA,T.: "DNA-binding protein(s)interacts with a conserved nonameric sequence in the upstream regions of wheat histone genes." FEBS Lett.239. 319-323 (1988)
[Publications] MIKAMI,K.: "Specfic interaction of nuclear protein HBP-l with the conserved hexameric sequence ACGTCA in the regulatory region of wheat histone genes." Plant Cell Physiol.30. 107-119 (1989)
[Publications] NAKAYAMA,T.: "Cis-acting sequences that modulate transcription of wheat histone H3 gene and 3′ processing of H3 premature mRNA." Plant Cell Physiol.30. 825-832 (1989)
[Publications] TABATA,T.: "A protein that binds to a cis-acting element of wheat histone genes has a leucine zipper motif." Science. 245. 965-967 (1989)
[Publications] MIKAMI,K.: "Multiplicity of the DNA-binding protein HBP-l specific to the conserved hexameric sequence ACGTCA in various plant gene promoters." FEBS Lett.256. 67-70 (1989)
[Publications] KAWATA,T.: "Function of the hexameric sequence in the califlower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter region." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.164. 387-393 (1989)
[Publications] YAMAMOTO,A.: "The promoter proximal region in the virD locus of Agrobacerium tumefaciens is necessary for the plant-inducible circularization of T-DNA." Mol.Gen.Genet.206. 174-177 (1987)
[Publications] USAMI,S.: "Absence in monocotyledonous plants of the diffusible plant factors inducing T-DNA circulization and vir gene expression in Agrobacterium." Mol.Gen.Genet.209. 221-226 (1987)
[Publications] MATSUMOTO,S.: "Escherichia coli lacZ gene as a biochemical and histochemical marker in plant cells." Gene. 66. 19-29 (1988)
[Publications] USAMI,S.: "Factor inducing Agrobaceterium tumefaciens vir gene expression is present in monocotyledonous plants." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA. 85. 3748-3752 (1988)
[Publications] NIWA,Y.: "Right-hand border regions of octopine T-DNA are recognized by RNA polymerase of Agrobacetrium as well as by VirD1 and VirD2 proteins." Nucl.Acids Res.16. 7647-7661 (1988)
[Publications] MACHIDA,Y.: "Mechanisms of crown gall formation:T-DNA transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells." Bot.Mag.Tokyo. 102. 331-350 (1989)
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "Processing of a plant vacuolar protein precursor <in>___- vitro." Eur.J.Biochem.166. 533-538 (1987)
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "Subcellular licalization of the sweet potato tuberous root storage protein." Agr.Biol.Chem.52. 1057-1059 (1988)
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "Genes coding for the major tuberous root protein of sweet potato:Identification of putative regulatory sequence in the 5' upstream region." Plant Mol.Biol.11. 417-426 (1988)
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "Structural relationship among the members of a multigene family coding for the sweet potato tuberous root storage protein." Plant Mol.Biol.13. 563-572 (1989)
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "High level expression of tuberous root storage protein genes of sweet potato in stems of plantlets grown <in>___- vitro on sucrose medium." Plant Mol.Biol.
[Publications] MOROTA,H.: "Stable naintenance of foreign DNA in transformed cell lines of rice." Jpn.J.Genet.62. 363-368 (1987)
[Publications] Oono,Y.: "The TL-DNA gene of Ri plasmids responsible for dwarfness of tobacco plants." Jpn.J.Genet.62. 501-505 (1987)
[Publications] HARA,A.: "Evidence for the location of foreign genes in three different chromosomes in plant obtained from direct DNA transfer." Bot.Mag.Tokyo. 101. 131-140 (1988)
[Publications] MOROTA,H.: "Inheritance and structure of foreign DNA in progenies of transgenic tobacco obtained by direct gene-transfer." Theor.Appl.Genet.76. 161-164 (1988)
[Publications] NAKAMURA,T.: "Organ-specfic mRNA in transgenic tobacco plants possessing T-DNA of of Ri plasmid." Plant Science. 56. 213-218 (1988)
[Publications] TORIYAMA,K.: "Transgenic rice plants after direct gene transfer into protoplasts." Bio/Technology. 6. 1072-1075 (1988)
[Publications] ONO,M.: "In vitro translated polypeptides of different organs of Pharbitis nil Chois.,strain violet under flower-inductive and non-inductive conditions." Plant Science. 58. 1-7 (1988)
[Publications] SUGAYA,S.: "Cell-specific expression of the rolC gene of the TL-DNA of Ri plasmid in transgenic tobacco plants." Plant Cell Physiol.30. 649-653 (1989)
[Publications] MATSUKI,R.: "Tissue specific expression of the rolC promoter of the Ri plasmid in transgenic rice plants." Mol.Gen.Genet.220. 12-16 (1989)
[Publications] UCHIMIYA,H.: "Minireview:Transgenic plants." Journ.of Biotechnology. 12. 1-20 (1989)
[Publications] PEYACHOKNAGUL,S.: "Sequence and expression of the mRNA encoding the chymotrypsin inhibitor in winged bean(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.)DC.)." Plant Mol.Biol.12. 51-58 (1989)
[Publications] 阿知波哲夫: "ショットガン法によるコムギ核DNAクローンの作成とその分類" 日本育種学雑誌. 39. 250-251 (1989)
[Publications] 劉耀光: "クローニングしたコムギ核DNA断片のコピー数の推定とサザン・ハイブリダイゼーション" 日本育種学雑誌. 39. 252-253 (1989)
[Publications] 森直樹: "パンコムギのcDNAライブラリーの作成と解析" 日本育種学雑誌. 39. 254-255 (1989)
[Publications] NISHIZAWA,Y.: "Nucleotide sequence and expression of the gene for the large subunit of rice ribulose l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase." Jpn.J.Genet.62. 389-395 (1987)
[Publications] KANNO,A.: "The nucleotide sequence and expression of the gene for the 32 Kd quinone-binding protein from rice." Plant Science. 59. 95-99 (1989)
[Publications] HIRATSUKA,J.: "The complete sequence of the rice chloroplast genome;Intermolecular recombination between distinct tRNA genes accounts for a major plasmid DNA inversion during the evolution of the cereals." Mol.Gen.Genet.217. 185-194 (1989)
[Publications] NISHIZAWA,Y.: "The nucleotide sequences and expression of genes for the beta and epsilon subunits of ATP synthase from rice(Oryza sativa L.)." Jpn.J.Genet.64. 223-229 (1989)
[Publications] TAKAIWA,F.: "Nucleotide sequence of a rice glutelin gene." FEBS Lett.221. 43-47 (1987)
[Publications] TAKAIWA,F.: "A rice glutelin gene family--A major type of glutelin mRNAs can be divided into two classes." Mol.Gene.Genet.208. 15-22 (1987)
[Publications] KANDA,M.: "Regeneration of variant plants from rice(Oryza satia L.)protoplasts derived from long term cultures." Jpn.J.Genet.66. 127-136 (1988)
[Publications] TAKAIWA,F.: "The complete nucleotide sequence of new type cDNA coding for rice storage protein glutelin." Nucl.Acids Res.17. 3289 (1989)
[Publications] YAMAYA,J.: "Expression of tobacco mosaic virus RNA in transgenic plants." Mol.Gen.Genet.211. 520-525 (1988)
[Publications] YAMAYA,J.: "Cross protection in transgenic tobacco plants expressing a mild strain of tobacco mosaic virus." Mol.Gen.Genet.215. 173-175 (1988)
[Publications] SAITO,T.: "Mutational analysis of the coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus in relation to hypersensitive response in tobacco plants with the N′gene." Virology. 173. 11-20 (1989)
[Publications] YANAGISAWA,S.: "Further analysis of cDNA clones for maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase involved in C4 photosynthesis:Nucleotide sequence of entire openreading frame and evidence for polyadenylation of mRNA in vivo." FEBS Lett.229. 107-110 (1988)
[Publications] YANAGISAWA,S.: "Maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase involved in C4-photosynthesis:Nucleotide sequence analysis of 5′flanking region of the gene." J.Biochem.106. 982-987 (1989)
[Publications] KAWAMURA,T.: "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase prevalent in maize roots:Isolation of a cDNA clone and its use for analysis of the gene and gene expression." J.Biochem.107. 165-168 (1990)
[Publications] TERADA,K.: "Maize leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase:Phosphorylation at Ser-15 with a mammalian cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase diminishes sensitivity to inhibition by malate." FEBS Lett.259. 241-244 (1990)
[Publications] FUJIYAMA,K.: "Structure of the horseradish peroxidase isozyme C genes." Eur.J.Biochem.173. 681-687 (1988)
[Publications] 新名惇彦: "植物のアイソザイムー西洋ワサビのペルオキシダーゼ遺伝子" 細胞工学. 7. 588-590 (1988)
[Publications] BRAY,E.A.: "Expression of the β-subunit of β-conglycinin in seeds of transgenic plants." Planta. 172. 364-370 (1987)
[Publications] NAITO,S.: "Differential expression of conglycinin α′ and β subunit genes in transgenic plants." Plant Mol.Biol.11. 109-123 (1988)
[Publications] ARAKI,T.: "Introduction of foreign genes into Pharbitis nil calli using a vector derived from Agrobacterium pTi." Plant Cell Reports. 8. 259-262 (1989)
[Publications] CHEN.Z.-L.: "Regulated expression of genes encoding soybean β-conglycinins in transgenic plants." Dev.Genet.10. 112-122 (1989)
[Publications] 内藤哲: "トランスジェニック植物を用いた分化の研究" 組織培養. 15. 239-243 (1989)
[Publications] SHIMADA.H.: "Pseudogenes and short repeated sequences in the rice chloroplast genome." Curr.Genet.16. 293-301 (1989)
[Publications] FUKUDA.M.: "Nucleotide sequence of the psbk gene of the cyanobacterium, Anacystis nidulans." Nucl.Acids Res.17. 7521 (1989)
[Publications] YAO,W.B.: "An additional promoter within the protein-coding region of the psbD-psbC gene cluster in tobacco chloroplast DNA." Nucl.Acids Res.17. 9583-9591 (1989)
[Publications] YAMAZAKI,K.: "Selective and accurate initiation of transcription at the T-DNA promoter in a soluble chromatin extract from wheat germ." Mol.Gen.Genet.209. 445-452 (1987)
[Publications] YAKURA,K.: "Cytological localization of highly repeated DNA sequences, the FokI sequence family and BamHI sequence families." Jpn.J.Genet.62. 325-332 (1987)
[Publications] KATO,A.: "The structure of the nontranscrobed spacer and external transcribed spacer region of the Vicia faba and Pisum sativum rRNA genes."
[Publications] TAKAIWA,F.: "Molecular characterization of the glutelin multigene."
[Publications] 高岩文雄: "イネ核ゲノム" 蛋白質核酸酵素. 34. 1850-1858 (1989)
[Publications] 高岩文雄: "種子貯蔵蛋白質遺伝子の導入" 組織培養. 16. 8-12 (1990)
[Publications] MIKAMI,K.: "Wheat nuclear protein HBP-l binds to the hexameric sequence in the promoter of various plant genes." Nucl.Acids Res.
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "細胞周期依存型ヒストン遺伝子の転写調節" 日本農芸化学会誌. 62. 1684-1687 (1988)
[Publications] MATSUOKA,K.: "Vacuolar targeting and two step processing of the sweet potato tuberous root storage protetin precursor in heterologous plant cells."
[Publications] HATTORI,T.: "Induction of expression of the tuberous root storage protein genes of sweet potato in other organs by sucrose."
[Publications] YOSHIDA,N.: "Structure of cDNA for the sweet potato β-amylase."
[Publications] YOSHIDA,N.: "Concomitant accumulation of starch and β-amylase in sucrose-treated explants of the sweet potato."
[Publications] NAKAMURA,K.: "Evolution of the tuber;tuber-specific expression of the sweet potato tuburous root storage protein gene promoter:CAT chimeric gene in transgenic plants."
[Publications] OHTA,S.: "Stem-predominant expression of the sweet potato tuberous root storage protein gene promoter:GUS chimeric gene in transgenic tobacco plants."
[Publications] 中村研三: "サツマイモ塊根における蛋白質の蓄積機構とその制御" 化学と生物. 26. 391-398 (1988)
[Publications] 中村研三: "植物核遺伝子の機能解析と利用" 発酵と工業. 45. 874-882 (1987)
[Publications] 中村研三: "イモの形成と貯蔵タンパク質遺伝子の発現制御" 日本農芸化学会誌. 63. 9-17 (1989)
[Publications] 中村研三: "形質転換植物を用いた遺伝子発現機構の解析ー地下貯蔵器官主要タンパク質遺伝子の発現制御機構解析への応用ー" 植物細胞工学. 1. 31-34 (1989)
[Publications] MATSUMOTO,S.: "Mode of integration of T-DNA into plant chromosomes:Involvement of the DNA homology between T-DNA and plant DNA."
[Publications] FUJIYAMA,K.: "Genomic DNA structure of two new horseradish peroxidase genes."
[Publications] MENG,B.Y.: "Genes for the ribosomal proteins S12 and S7 and elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu of the cyanobacterium, Anacystis nidulans:Structural homology between 16S rRNA S7 mRNA." Mol.Gen.Genet.
[Publications] SHIMADA,H.: "A physical map and clone bank of the rice(Oryza sativa)chloroplast genome." Plant Mol.Biol.Rep.7. 284-291 (1989)
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "高等植物細胞分化の遺伝子的背景「細胞分化の安定性と転換性」" 現代化学. 増刊14. 125-137 (1988)
[Publications] 鈴木義昭: "細胞の特異性を規定する転写制御因子ー転写制御研究の今後に期待して、「遺伝子発現と転写因子」" 実験医学. 増刊7. 329-334 (1989)
[Publications] 多羽田哲也: "植物ヒストン遺伝子の転写調節、「遺伝子発現と転写因子」" 実験医学. 増刊7. 405-408 (1989)
[Publications] 三上浩司: "植物細胞の周期依存性発現遺伝子の制御ーヒストン遺伝子を中心にー「細胞周期の制御」" 蛋白質核酸酵素. 増刊34. 1113-1124 (1989)
[Publications] 三上浩司: "トランスジェニック植物における細胞周期依存性発現遺伝子の転写制御" 組織培養. 15. 234-238 (1989)
[Publications] 谷藤茂行: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(植物の重複性遺伝子)" 共立出版, 277-287 (1987)
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(細胞分裂周期に依存する遺伝子転写発現制御系)" 共立出版, 207-216 (1987)
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "トランスジェニック・バイオロジー(トランスジェニック・プラントを用いた遺伝子発現制御)" 講談社サイエンティフィク, 5-20 (1989)
[Publications] 三上浩司: "核酸シグナル実験マニュアル(移動度シフト法によるDNA結合タンパク質の検出)" 講談社サイエンティフィク, 72-78 (1989)
[Publications] 川田健文: "最新植物バイオテクノロジー要覧(植物ヒストン遺伝子の転写発現制御)" R&Rプランニング社, 68-84 (1989)
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "分子生物学の進歩第5巻「遺伝子の発現と制御II」(ヒストン遺伝子の転写と制御)" 丸善, 233-251 (1990)
[Publications] 多羽田哲也: "分子生物学の進歩第13巻「高等植物の情報発現と制御」(Transgenic plantsにおける転写調節エレメント)" 丸善,
[Publications] 多羽田哲也: "バイオサイエンス研究における新しい素材とマーカー・プローブ(遺伝子クローニングのための宿主とベクター)" 共立出版,
[Publications] 岩渕雅樹: "バイオサイエンスのための新しい分子遺伝学(遺伝子導入・植物)" 南江堂,
[Publications] 服部束穂: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(サツマイモ塊根主要タンパク質スポラミン遺伝子の構造とその発現)" 共立出版, 261-276 (1987)
[Publications] NAKAMURA,K.: "Structure and expression of genes coding for the sweet potato tuberous root storage protein sporamin." Plenum Co., 660 (1987)
[Publications] 中村研三: "分子生物学の進歩第13巻「高等植物の情報発現と制御」(貯蔵器官の形成と主要タンパク質遺伝子の発現制御)" 丸善, 143-161 (1990)
[Publications] 渡辺雄一郎: "バイオサイエンス研究における新しい素材とマーカー・プローブ(植物ウイルス)" 共立出版,
[Publications] 松本省吾: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(Tiプラスミドベクターによる遺伝子導入と外来遺伝子発現の研究)" 共立出版, 191-200 (1987)
[Publications] 内宮博文: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(DNA導入法による発現)" 共立出版, 119-122 (1987)
[Publications] UCHIMIYA,H.: "DNA-mediated transformation through plant cell culture- Integration and control of metabolic processes:Pure and applied aspects." Cambridge University Press., 501-515 (1987)
[Publications] 内藤哲: "トランスジェニック・バイオロジー(トランスジェニック・アラビドプシスを用いた分子生物学)" 講談社サイエンティフィク, 20-41 (1988)
[Publications] SUGIURA,M.: "Highlights of Modern Biochemistry(Organization and expression of the tobacco and rice chloroplast genomes.)" VSP Intern.Sci.Publishers, 695-704 (1989)
[Publications] SUGIURA,M.: "The Biochemistry of Plants.(The chloroplast genome.)" Academic Press., 133-150 (1989)
[Publications] SUGIURA,M.: "Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.(Compilation and comparison of transfer RNA genes from tabacco chloroplasts.)" CRC Press., 83-101 (1989)
[Publications] 飯田滋: "分子生物学の進歩第13巻(高等植物の情報発現と制御)(可動遺伝子と遺伝的流動性)" 丸善,
[Publications] 高岩文雄: "植物の細胞生物学的研究法(イネグルテリン)" 共立出版, 247-260 (1987)
[Publications] 中村研三: "植物育種の細胞・分子レベルにおける展開(貯蔵タンパク質遺伝子)" 秀潤社, 212-237 (1989)
[Publications] 内宮博文: "植物育種の細胞・分子レベルにおける展開(トランスジェニック植物)" 秀潤社, 261-276 (1989)
[Publications] 内宮博文: "植物遺伝子操作マニュアル トランスジェニック植物の作り方" 講談社サイエンティフィク, 1-138 (1990)